
Release date: 
Wednesday, 14 August, 2024



Authors/Port authors:

RexxTool.cmd is an indenter/formatter/analyzer/etc for Rexx.

Manual installation

Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. See below for download link(s).

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

RexxTool v. 1.4.1 (6/3/2025, Anton Monroe) Readme/What's new
Changelog: version 1.4.1 * in the Variables command, removed "-show=unused". Use the Unused command instead. * improved the Unused command. There should be fewer false positives when checking for unused variables. * in GetCalls, handle scripts that start with a label, like "Main" * in Check_Warn, added check for assignment of special variable * removed experimental -expandslow switch. rewrote ExpandVariable(), but it could still be better * improved Task_Calls-- it now shows which library a BIF belongs to, and allows limiting the display with the -show switch * in BifAliases, handle a RxFuncAdd statement with continued line * added the ProcMap function that records the start and end of each routine, recognizing top headers and ignoring sublabels, consistent with the P_xxx functions. This will make the Change task more accurate and theoretically could make other tasks faster because they don't need to search the entire token array for a label. * in GetCalls, fixed a bug that causes some external names to be included in list of Level 0 routines. * in Task_Variables, fixed a bug that reported an expanded exposed variable as unused version 1.4.0 * Changed (Unlabeled) pseudo-label to [Unlabeled] * In the Change command, the -var switch now uses "=" instead of ":" as a separator between the old and new values. * In the Change command, added -proc switch to change the name of a procedure. (needed by new standalone.btm for rewriting names of external procedures) * Fixed: a group of bugs in Task_Change that changed "expose Opt." to "expose Opt.0" and failed to change variable name in comments. * Fixed: return code from CheckOnly * Fixed: Task_CheckError failed to report missing End-Of-Comment * Fixed: "-where=+handlers" was completely broken * Fixed: R_AtAnyAssignment did not recognize PULL * Fixed: false warning about missing End Of Comment for Regina comment * Improved Task_Foldline to handle line that ends with an operator * improved Variable command-- recognize variable used in stem, expand exposed variable * New StringMatch function so DevHelp and -where can now use ? and * as wild characters * Some tweaks to the tokeniser for speed. * Tweaked ExtractHelpHeader to make the Help command faster * Improved SearchPath(); Depends command now finds an external procedure with a full path+filename. * Introduced the idea of sub-labels. See "RexxTool.cmd help sublabel" This involved changes in many places and may create new bugs. RexxMerge.cmd also now recognizes sub-labels. * Also removed logic that tried to identify local error-handlers, because it was not quite foolproof and was impossible to perfect. To get the old behavior from Format when adding or maintaining headers/footers, the local handler will need to have a name that is recognized as a sub-label. * Added Task_CheckExpose that tries to detect missing EXPOSE statements. It needs refining. * Improved Extract command to handle the [Unlabeled] pseudo-label. RexxTool.cmd extract -where=[Unlabeled],+handlers will now extract everything except unused routines. * Added option -AddHeader=ABOVE to insert empty header above the label instead of below it. Also improved recognition of an existing header by comparing it with the Header array. * In RexxMerge.cmd, the Replace command now ignores case and indenting, so minor formatting changes will not cause a routine to be replaced. Can be overridden with -strict switch. version 1.3.1 first public release  local copy
Record updated last time on: 08/03/2025 - 20:35

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