LX (List eXtensions)

Release date: 
Thursday, 29 July, 1993
$ 5 AUS



Authors/Port authors:

An object orientated Dir/search utility for OS/2.

This software is distributed as compressed package. You have to download and manually install it; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too.

Manual installation

Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. See below for download link(s).

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

LX (List eXtensions) v. 0.91 (12/5/1995, Jeff Hill)
LX (List eXtensions) v. 0.91 (15/2/1995, Jeff Hill)
LX (List eXtensions) v. 0.91 (14/2/1995, PCM Computer Systems Pty Ltd) Readme/What's new
LX USER MANUAL (C) 1995 PCM COMPUTER SYSTEMS Pty Ltd Version 0.91 Beta Document CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. System Requirements 3. Registration Notes 4. Technical Support 5. Installation 6. Using LX 7. Advanced LX 8. Program History 9. License Agreement 10. Technical Information 11. Registration Form 12. Future Enhancements 1. INTRODUCTION ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── LX is a text mode OS/2 application which can run in full screen or in a window. This program was developed to help users who need an extended directory listing and file find capabilty with multiple pattern matching. This allows you the freedom to go beyound searching for files by name only by giving you the means to associate file types by multiple filespecs. This is done by allowing you to specify more than 1 file matching pattern for a particular file type. For example, program files can be grouped as those having .COM, .BAT, .EXE, .CMD .EXP and .DLL extensions. You can thus do a file find on your hard disk for program files. This will find all the above with a single command. There are 4 built-in file types: programs, archives, text and graphic images with the addition of user defined file types (which will be available in next release). You can make practically any file search rules. Built-in file types can be mixed with command line file arguments and user defined file types. Key Features of LX : o Directory listing with multiple filespecs o Displays system and hidden files o Highlights directories and programs for easy location o Displays sub-directories o Supports HPFS and long file names o Full 32bit executable o Sort by name, time, size, extension and unsorted o Wildcard support There are 2 files supplied with this release: LX.EXE - the program LX.DOC - the documentation 2. REQUIREMENTS ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o OS/2 v2.0 or later o ANSI enabled. This is the system default. If Ansi is disabled it may be enables by typing ANSI ON at the command prompt. 3. REGISTRATION NOTES ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── If you find this program useful, you are encouraged to register. This gives me the necessary funds to continue upgrading and enhancing this program. If you decide to register, you will be able to customize LX so that your name will be displayed in the LX banner instead of 'Evaluation Copy'. You only need to register once. Registration is a 2 step process: 1. Send in the Registration form with the payment. It is IMPORTANT that your name/company be spelt correctly, as the key code will only work with the exact spelling of your name on your registration form. 2. You will be sent back the registration form with a unique Key Code which will enable you to customize LX with your name. Note that the Key Code is calculated on the basis of your name, and is thus unique to your name. This Key Code will also be valid for all following versions of LX (provided you don't change your name), so registration need only be done once. For reasons of security, the key code will only be mailed to you, but if you insist, I can send a private message by FIDONet or Internet. Customising LX with your name: ( registered users only ) To then customize LX and provide proof of registration, you will need to make a backup of the program. Change to the directory where LX.EXE resides and make a backup of the program. Do something like: COPY LX.EXE ULX.EXE This is necessary because OS/2 will not allow us to patch a program that is running. Next run the backup ULX with the register argument: ULX -register You will be asked to enter your name (exactly as it appears on the registration form, case IS IMPORTANT ), your key code and the program to register. In this case, the program to register is the original program, LX.EXE. You will receive a message whether registration was successful or not. You may then run LX.EXE, and you name will appear in the banner as a registered user. 4. TECHNICAL SUPPORT ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Technical Support will only be granted to Registered users. Write to: PCM Computer Systems Pty Ltd 19 Richland Drive, Bannockburn QLD 4207 AUSTRALIA Or leave an message at: Internet jeffhill@ozemail.com.au or FIDONET 3:640/947.3 Bug reports, comments or suggestions or additions you may like to see are welcome. Useful suggestions will be included in the next release. 5. INSTALLATION ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── There is no special installation for LX, just copy the program LX.EXE and the documentation LX.DOC into a easily accessed directory or in your search path. Note that when run, LX first performs a self check on itself. If it has been modified, it will not execute. I have found this very useful as it preserves the integrity of the program, and gives a excellent indication that the program has been modified by a virus or such. 6. USING LX ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── The usage for LX is: LX [options] [directory] [filespec1] [filespec2] ... In its simplest form, just typing LX with no arguments will display all files in the current directory in verbose mode and sorted in ascending alphabetical order. The directory name will be displayed in '[ ]' and any programs will be highlighted. Any directories found in the directory being listed will be displayed first in a unique color. LX options are: -b brief listing -r recurse sub-directories -? displays help screen -p no pause after each screen -sn no sorting of files -st sort files by time -ss sort files by size -sx sort files by extension -x find programs -g find graphic images -a find archives -t find text files -u? find user defined files ( next release ) Note that options can be placed together or separated. Eg: LX -b -g -p -sn \ or LX -pgbsn \ are both allowable and will produce the same results. The LX Display ────────────── If you just type LX in the root directory you would get a listing like: ı═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════© │ LX List eXtensions v0.91 An object orientated Dir/Search Utility │ │ Copyright 1993 PCM Software OS/2 32 bit Protected Mode │ │ Registered to : Evaluation Copy LX -? for help │ È═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════¥ [ h:\ ] <---- current directory name bin 0 0 12 Jun 93 8:43.06 .... IMAGES 0 0 4 Jul 93 21:44.03 .... MMOS2 0 0 3 Jul 93 10:22.19 .... Nowhere 0 252 12 Jun 93 2:05.00 .... OS!2 23.0 Desktop 0 1335 12 Jun 93 16:31.05 .... OS2 0 0 12 Jun 93 1:40.13 .... os2add 0 0 23 Jun 93 21:20.07 .... PSFONTS 0 0 12 Jun 93 1:44.20 .... SPOOL 0 0 12 Jun 93 2:04.23 .... TEMP 0 0 28 Jun 93 17:49.06 .... autoexec.bat 813 0 13 Jul 93 20:39.05 ...a autoexec.cmd 580 0 22 Jul 93 22:48.21 ...a config.bak 3544 0 21 Jul 93 18:10.16 ...a config.sys 4651 0 25 Jul 93 15:35.14 ...a DMODE.CFG 1776 0 22 Jul 93 21:12.12 ...a OS2BOOT 50318 0 3 Jul 93 8:48.24 rhsa OS2DUMP 2760 0 25 Apr 93 15:19.01 rhsa OS2KRNL 734366 0 6 May 93 16:13.03 rhsa OS2LDR 28160 0 25 Apr 93 15:19.00 rhsa OS2LDR.MSG 8516 0 22 Apr 93 11:31.05 rhsa OS2VER 89 0 12 Mar 93 18:48.15 rhsa README 40415 0 11 May 93 20:10.18 ...a README.INS 17427 0 11 May 93 3:57.12 ...a WP ROOT. SF 224 0 25 Jul 93 17:35.17 .hsa | │ │ │ │ File Name ─ │ │ │ │ File Size ───────────────────────── │ │ │ File Extended Attributes Size ─────────────── │ │ Date file was last modified ─────────────────────────────── │ File Attributes (Read only, Hidden, System and Archive) ──────────────── ı═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════© │ 14 files(s) 893639 1587 │ È═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════¥ The summary shows how many files were found, their total size in bytes, and the total size in extended attributes. Even though you can't tell here, the directories are listed first are displayed in a different color. The LX Options ────────────── [-b] brief listing (DEFAULT - verbose) This displays the files in a brief format. [-r] recurse sub-directories (DEFAULT - don't recurse) This will search all directories under the starting directory as specified in the directory argument. If no directory is given, the recurse will start from the current working directory. Eg: LX -r \os2 will search the \os2 directory and all directories in \os2 LX -r will search the current directory and all directories within the current directry. [-?] display help screen (DEFAULT - don't display help) This will display a summary of LX's usage and options. To display this screen, type LX -? [-p] no pause after each screen (DEFAULT - pause on) This is used when you want the pause after each screen disabled. LX will keep going until it has finished displaying all files. When pause is on; when each screen is full the message: More ( Y n ) will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Pressing 'y' will display the next screen and will then pause again. Pressing 'n' will stop the program. [-s?] sort options (DEFAULT - sort by filename in alphabetical order) Use this option to change the order in which the files are displayed. The valid sort options are: -sn dont sort files Displays the files in the order stored on disk. This option displays in the some order as the DIR command. This options also displays the file listings at a much faster rate than any of the other sort options. -st sort files by time Displays the files in the order in which they were created or last modified. Older files will be displayed first, newest files will be displayed last. -ss sort files by size Displays the files in the order of their size in bytes. Smaller files will be displayed first, bigger files will be displayed last. -sx sort files by extension Displays the files in the alphabetical order of their extension. Files which have the same extension will be sorted by their file name order. NOTE: Only 1 sort option is allowed. If more than 1 option is used, then the sort option specified last will take effect. Note that directories will always be displayed first. [-x] find programs This is one of the built-in file types. This option will search for all .COM, .BAT, .EXE, .CMD, .EXP and .DLL files. Program files are those which will take control of the computer when executed on the command line.Eg: LX -xbr \ will list all program files on the entire current drive, will be brief and pause after each screen. [-g] find graphic images This is one of the built-in file types. This option will search for all .MAC, .GEM, .IMG, .PCX, .GIF, .BMP, .LBM, .TGA, .MSP, .WPG, .PIC, .TIF and .JPG files. Graphic images are bit image files produced from popular point programs, word processors, desktop publishing and digitisers. [-a] find archives This is one of the built-in file types. This option will search for all .ZIP, .ARJ, .LZH, .ZOO and .SDN files. Archives are compressed files created by programs such as PKZIP and ARJ etc. [-t] find text files This is one of the built-in file types. This option will search for all .TXT, .WRI, .DOC, .1ST, .NE and READ files. Text files are ascii files, which can be viewed using a text editor. [-u?] find user defined files ( next release ) This is where you can define your own file types. To do this, you need to put your file specifications in a text file. Each specification must be separated either by a new line or a space. The file must be named ?.LX where ? is any character allowed under file naming conventions. For example, say you wish to search for a file type of C programming source code. You would create a file called C.LX. The contents of C.LX are: *.c *.cpp *.h makefile linkfile or *.c *.cpp *.h makefile linkfile Now to search your entire drive for source code you would type: LX -ucr \ The 'c' in -uc is the letter which corresponds to the file 'c'.LX. Thus, user defined files must always be 1 letter with an extension of LX. Note that only one -u? is allowed. Any subsequent -u options are ignored. If this option is enabled, the message 'user defined' will be displayed next to the directory name to show it is searching for user defined files. [directory] is the directory to start the listing from. Directory names can end either with or without a '\'. If you wish to start the listing from the root directory you must specify the drive letter and a colon, followed by an optional backslash. You may just specify the backslash you wish to list from the root directory of the current drive. For example, if your current drive is C, then LX \ or LX C: or LX C:\ or will list from the root directory. If no directory is specified, then the current directory is assumed. [files] is the normal file arguments as used with commands like DIR etc. with some changes. The wildcards '*' and '?' are supported just like the DIR command. Therefore if you wish to find all .SYS files in the current directory using LX, you would type: LX *.sys If you wished to find all files starting with a Z, ending with a Z, or where the 2nd character may be a Z, you would type: LX Z* *Z ?Z* For long files names under HPFS, the ? wildcard acts as a substitution character for the space character. This has been implemented to save typing. For example, to get a listing of your desktop directory, "C:\OS!2 2.0 Desktop" you would type LX c:\os!2?2.0?desktop You can have as many file arguments as you care to type in. If no files are specified, then all files are searched for, unless one of the built-in or user file types is specified. Eg LX *.exe *.bat will list all .EXE and .BAT files in the current directory. 7. ADVANCED LX ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── More on files ───────────── You may also add to file types. Say for example, you wish to search for program files and SYS files. This can be accomplished by: LX -x *.sys will search for all .EXE, .COM, .BAT, .CMD, .EXP, .DLL and .SYS in the current directory. ( next release ) You can also add to user-defined file types. You might have a file type of sound files with the file specifications in S.LX. A new type of sound file is available with the *.VOC specifiation. To search your entire drive for all these types can be done by: LX -usr \ *.VOC You can add user-defined file types to built-in types and command line file arguments. For example you can do: LX -xgusbrp \ *.MAN or LX -x -g -us -b -r -p \ *.MAN This will search the entire drive for programs, graphic images, sound files (S.LX) and *.MAN files with a brief list and not pause after each screen. LXCMD - The environment variable ( next release ) ───────────────────────────────────────────────── There is the provision to permanently set up your own options using the environment variable LXCMD. This is done by using the SET statement. For example, if you wanted no pause and recurse on always, the command to do this is: SET LXCMD=-rp From now on typing LX gives the same result as if you had typed in: LX -rp You may either place the SET statement in your startup file or just type it in at the command line. You may use any option in the LXCMD environment variable. Note that only options are valid; if the LXCMD contains a directory or file name, it will be ignored. 8. PROGRAM HISTORY ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 15/2/1995 o released as shareware 0.91 27/7/1993 o Added full wildcard support using '*' and '?' o Optimized linked list routines o Replaced bubble-sort algorithm for quicksort algorithm Greatly enhances speed for listing large directories o Directory names now displayed in its own unique color 0.90 15/7/1993 first beta release REMEMBER THAT IF YOU SUPPORT US, WE WILL SUPPORT YOU! 9. LICENSE AGREEMENT ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── If you have decided that this program or documentation is to your advantage to use, you are expected to register. We always welcome any comments or suggestions, even if you are not a registered user. Using this program outside of the above guidelines constitutes a breach of this agreement and subjects the licensee to prosecution by PCM Computer Systems Pty Ltd under the violation of copyright laws. UPGRADES Are free for registered users. DISTRIBUTION Distribution of this product is encouraged, however, no charge exceeding AUS $10 is to be submitted by an individual or group of individuals to cover distribution costs. TERMS TO THIS AGREEMENT 1). This agreement only applies to the version of the program your are registering. 2). This software is to be treated like a book, only one license per CPU. 3). You may not modify the program in any way, shape, or form by any means real or not for whatever reason. 4). You may not redistribute this software to other users without prior written consent by PCM Computer Systems Pty Ltd. 5). Technical Support will be provided as outlined in this documentation. 6). The licensee agrees to conscientiously respect the copyright to PCM Computer Systems Pty Ltd of this software and not to illegally, unethically, or neglectfully exploit the service of this software by PCM Computer Systems Pty Ltd. 7). This software is provided "as-is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, included but not limited to the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a specific purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the software is left to you. 8). You agree to all terms stated in the Disclaimer contained in this documentation. 9). In no event will PCM Computer Systems Pty Ltd or agent of PCM Computer Systems Pty Ltd be liable to you for any damages, including lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this software. 10). The terms for future licensing may be changed at the discretion of PCM Computer Systems Pty Ltd. 11). Completion of the Registration Form signifies that you agree to all licensing and registration terms contained therein. DISCLAIMER PCM Computer Systems Pty Ltd disclaims all warranties relating to this software, whether expressed or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. PCM Computer Systems Pty Ltd will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect, or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if PCM Computer Systems Pty Ltd or an agent of PCM Computer Systems Pty Ltd has been advised of such damages. In no event shall PCM Computer Systems Pty Ltd be liable for computer system(s), peripheral equipment, or other attached device(s) damage or loss due to the use of this program, if in event this should occur. The person, being real or not, bears all responsibility and risk as to quality and performance of this program. 10. TECHNICAL INFORMATION ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── LX was written entirely in C++ using the Watcom C++32 Compiler. 11. REGISTRATION FORM ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Make cheques payable to: PCM Computer Systems Pty Ltd Send cheque to: PCM Computer Systems Pty Ltd 19 Richland Drive Bannockburn QLD 4207 Australia License Price Guide Personal/Corporate Use (Single User)................AUS $ 5.00 each Corporate Use (Multi-User)................phone or write for discount *** NOTE *** Please use cheques drawn on an Australian bank. The reason: The charge to deposit a foreign cheque is more than the registration fee. If a cheque isn't convenient, paper currency to the value of AUS$5 will suffice. Qty Description Price Total --- -------------------------- ------- ------- ___ List eXtensions $ 5 AUS $______ Shipping & Handling $ FREE Name:____________________________________________________ Company:____________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Phone:(____)____________ Business:(____)____________ Key Code:____________________________________________________ Would you like the registration to be in: Your Name ? Y N or Your Company ? Y N From where did you obtain your copy of List eXtensions ? _____________________________________________________________ Any suggestions ? _____________________________________________________________ 12. FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS FOR LX 1.0 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o The addition of an environment variable LXCMD, where all options can be set, so you don't have to type them in all the time. o The addition of a user customizable file, which will enable you to create new file objects in addition to the built in ones. o Improved brief listing o These enhancements to follow will really reflect a direct response to user encouragement. If people find the program useful, and enjoy it, all popular suggestions will be incorporated into the next release, if not, oh well, I will continue to use it anyway. I like it.
 annex.retroarchive.org/cdrom/cotc-7/OS2/LX091.ZIP  local copy
Record updated last time on: 08/03/2025 - 18:53

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