Una patch che consente di eseguire il gioco Syndicate Wars sotto OS/2 Warp o eCS.
Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Eseguire SYNDWFIX.EXE
. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.
Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:
Syndicate Wars OS/2 fix (13/11/2001, Martin Kiewitz) | Readme/What's new |
Martin Kiewitz's SYNDWFIX
Released on 09.11.2001
Written and (c) by Martin Kiewitz
Dedicated to Maryse and Gerd Kiewitz
This software is 'e-mail ware'. This means, if you use it, please send
me an e-mail or a greeting card. I just want to see, how much people
are using it.
Syndicate Wars has exactly the same bug as the Doom sound engine.
Why are so many developers too dumb to read DPMI specifications.
If you want more info about that bug, please get IDPATCHR.ZIP.
The game is actually running way too fast under 320x200. I suppose,
you switch to 640x480. And if this is too fast again, I can't help.
If there are many e-mails, that beg for speed-fixing, I will look for
it...but only perhaps.
Simply run SYNDWFIX in your Syndicate Wars directory.
It will do the rest by itself.
There are several ways to contact me.
All-time favourite is my e-mail adresse 'kiewitz@fuckMicrosoft.com'.
Well, you can use 'martin@kiewitz.de' or 'kiewitz@netlabs.org' as well.
OS/2 World has some content of mine.
Look at: http://www.os2world.com/games
Or you may visit my own private homepage.
Surf to: http://www.kiewitz.de
I'm dedicating IDPATCHR to 2 different people.
First: My daddy Gerd Kiewitz. He died some time ago and I will never
ever stop loving him
Second: Maryse...a really great (half-french) girl, that I'm currently
really missing much.
No greetz. Just a simple patch :)
- Martin Kiewitz |
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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