OS/2 Kernel

Data rilascio: 
Domenica, 13 Agosto, 2017



Aggiornamento per il kernel di OS/2. Si considerano solo gli aggiornamenti più recenti.

ATTENZIONE: A decorrere dalle release dei Sistemi Operativi OS/2 Warp 4 MCP2 e OS/2 Warp Server for e-Business ACP2, edizioni speciali comprensive di tutti gli aggiornamenti disponibili precedentemente rilasciati, nonchè eComStation (1.1); il kernel di OS/2 è unificato e non si distingue più in versioni Client/Server (UNI/SMP, ossia per sistemi a processore singolo o plurimo/multi-core); il kernel freeware IBM quindi, sebbene distribuito per le versioni MCP e ACP (prime edizioni), è applicabile anche alle sole versioni Client di OS/2 Warp 4, con  fixpak 13, 14 e 15 installati, condizioni indispensabili per soddisfare i prerequisiti richiesti dal kernel.

  • L' aggiornamento per il kernel di OS/2 Warp 4 fixpak 13, 14 e 15, applicabile anche al Sistema Operativo eComStation GA 1.0 (no SMP), è rilasciato freeware.
  • I Kernel distribuiti con le versioni di eComStation 1.1 e 2.x sono le versioni 14.104x e 14.106 (SMP), sono disponibili sul sito del fornitore e sono commerciali.
  • L' aggiornamento per il kernel di OS/2, versione 14.203 (SMP) è commerciale ed è disponibile sul sito del fornitore solo per gli utenti che eseguono il Sistema Operativo ArcaOS, versioni 5.0 e superiori.
Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Disponibile sia in formato ZIP che WarpIN:

  • scaricare il pacchetto ZIP in una cartella temporanea e scompattarlo nella cartella di destinazione;
  • il pacchetto WarpIN è autoinstallante (Kernel 14.202).

Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

OS/2 Kernel v. 14.203 (5/7/2021, Arca Noae LLC) Readme/What's new
Arca Noae is pleased to announce the immediate availability of an updated SMP kernel version 14.203 for ArcaOS. For convenience, the package also contains the previously released W4 kernel version 14.201 for ArcaOS. This release contains the following changes: Fixed a defect that can cause a double trap on a busy system. This release is an update for ArcaOS users only. This package contains both the new SMP kernel version 14.203 and the previously released W4 kernel version 14.201. The installer checks your system to see which kernel you have installed and applies the appropriate update automatically. This way you can use this one package to update any ArcaOS system automatically without needing to know which kernel you have. Warning: Do not install this kernel if you are using ACPI.PSD version 3.23.14 or lower. ACPI.PSD versions 3.23.14 and lower will not recognize this kernel and your system may not boot. If you have ACPI.PSD version 3.23.14 or lower installed, update using the latest ACPI Driver Package (currently v3.23.16) first. Then you can install this kernel. The installer checks this and shows a warning if an incompatible PSD is running. If you have ArcaOS, this driver package is available for download from the Arca Noae website as part of the Support & Maintenance subscription for your ArcaOS product. Please log into your account and see your ArcaOS order details page to access your software. If you are still running OS/2 and/or eComStation systems and haven’t yet moved up to ArcaOS, this might be a great reason to do so now. This update is not available for nor licensed for use with OS/2 or eComStation.
OS/2 Kernel v. 14.085 (UNI, 26/10/2001, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)) Readme/What's new
This contains fixes since xr_e002/xr_m015/mcp/acp. Important note: If you use the OS/2 SES facility, you need a new sesdd32.sys dated April 2001 or later to use this kernel. Also, a matching dump formatter (df_ret.exe), provided separately, is required, if you want to analyze a dump from this kernel. Finally, note that os2ldr is only required for the >64mb memory detection mentioned below. New function: 1) Support for >64m memory using int15 func e820. Note, this support is enabled ONLY for Intel Pentium Pro or later, or non-Intel Pentium-class machines. This is done in an effort to prevent problems on older PCs. 2) The presence of \os2\boot\os2norev.$$$ suppresses the display of internal revision during boot. 3) Adding "EARLYMEMINIT=TRUE" to config.sys will allow device drivers, etc., access to the memory above 16mb early in boot. Previously, this was only available after DD and IFS init was completed. This has various implications when enabled: a) AHA154X.ADD may do bad things to your system. Don't even ask. b) There may be some settings of HPFS386 cache that are incompatible. 4) Trap messages will now give the module name instead of the device name. For example, "Exception in module: CLOCK01" instead of "Exception in Device Driver: CLOCK$". ***change from 0220/0223: Traps in 32 bit code now show the modname, too 5) Systems with a 486SX chip running FP15 will function correctly. Note, they will NOT work with ACP or (necessarily) on MCP. 6) SESDD32 will now work correctly (I hope) for both uni and smp 7) All process dumps should now be considerably faster. paddr(all) dumps should take about 40% less time and others around 80-90% less time. 8) EXE names will now also be displayed in alt-f2/alt-f3 processing (note that CMD file names, e.g. MPTSTART, will NOT be displayed, only cmd.exe) 9) alt-f4 is like alt-f2 plus it pauses after displaying each names (does not pause after BASEDEV= or PSD=) and, by pressing F1, allows you to skip loading/running the file displayed. Alt-f5 is like alt-f4+alt-f1. 10) The dump formatter (in dfxxx.zip) should be faster and also work on dumps >= 2gb, which was not formerly possible. 9/13/01 11) If you also install the enclosed clock01.sys to \os2\boot, you can add "CLOCKSCALE=x" to config.sys. The choices for x are 1 (the default, which is the old behavior), 2, and 4. The number represents a scale factor for the frequency of clock ticks. The theory is that CLOCKSCALE=4 will speed up some apps (maybe Netscape and/or Java). Bug Fixes: Fixes from earlier "dated" kernels: Fixed a trap 000d in w_OpenCreate (140:4dfd or so in uni/w4 krnls, don't have regs for SMP). This was a post mcp/acp regression Fixed strange loader i/o problems specific to the 0111 kernel. Fixed a bootup sys31xx problem specific to the 0123 kernel. Fixed a problem that was (I think) specific to Janauary uni & W4 kernels which resulted in odd ring 3 (maybe ring 0?) traps and hangs Fixed some trap and other peculiar problems specific to the 0206 kernel. Those were the result of a build problem. Fixed some trap and other problems specific to the 0220/0223 kernels Fixed a regression from JR15038 that caused a trap in CWBBS.IFS and PCSFLR0.IFS (AS/400 shared folders access). Fixed a regression in the 0330 kernel that messed up getting procdumps Fixed a regression in the 0416 kernel that caused some hangs and also affected APM Fixed a regression in the 0502 kernel that prevented booting altogether or caused other very bad problems. Fixed a regression in the 0502/0503 kernels that caused some odd trap d/e's in the scheduling code Don't use the 0601 kernels. Don't use the 0615 kernels, either. There seems to have been some kind of build problem, there. Removed the int 3's I'd accidentally left in some EA code in 0727 build The 0730-0801 kernels all had problems due to various attempts to fix PJ28078. Sorry about that! 10/16: the 1015 os2ldr was broken on some CPUs Fixes to problems that exist in released code: JR15494: Delayed response of Ctrl-C or Ctrl-S (pause) in os/2 windows JR15405: (probably) DosQueryAsyncTimer fails on timecritical thread after mscount rolls over after 49.7 days of uptime JR15030: TRAPDUMP QUERY doesn't show PD (needs a new trapdump.exe, too) JR13335: Some VDMs won't run, complaining of too-long command lines JR15194: XCOPY fails with SYS1186 or SYS1192 on (at least) MO drives JR15038: Trap 8 in h_DeviceHelpDM running an app from a tcpbeui drive JR15229: Files left open after ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES returned to app PJ27700: SMP systems may get a trap 000e in _tkStopScan, particularly during a procdump operation. PJ27676: Causes hangs on some systems running UNI or W4 kernels PJ27554: Hang or (on allstrict) trap 3 on SMP (only) during beeps PJ27678: SMP kernels could not be RIPL-booted. As part of this, there is a new config.sys parameter I13PAGES= available. Adding I13PAGES=1 to config.sys (note, no SET) reduces the memory usage of the mini VDM processes used by ibm1s506.add and the GRADD drivers. This becomes important in RIPL-boot situations. It may be helpful for UNI RIPL boot, as well. PJ27677: SMP systems hang with multiple threads of same process entering a critical section (affects ADSM client) PJ27757: Trap 000e running Theseus/4 (note, theseus4.exe may still end up with a sys3175, but at least the system doesn't crash). PJ27736: Trap in _PLD_WriteReturnCode PJ27777: Set BEGINLIBPATH= (in config.sys ONLY) may be ignored. Also, it would lead to a bogus copy of BEGINLIBPATH= in the environment. ;PJ27821: Trap 000e in SchedNextRet2 on some APM-enabled machines ; *removed as of 0508 -- original fix caused regressions. new fix ; on hold, for now PJ27906: Trap 000e in pvwRegKrnlInstance running SPM/2 (may also cause unknown odd behavior in other performance monitors). PJ27919: Complete system hang running some apps (same as JR12136) PJ27544: Panic in SwitchNPX PJ27972: trap 000e in _SecExecPost (the actual fix is in ses0604 or later) PJ27952: DosFindFirst returns incorrect returncode for various bufsizes when querying extended attributes PJ28005: ProcDump command returns error code 6 (and the procdump is invalid) PJ28013: read of >2k from named pipe on a timecritical thread can cause loss of pipe data or session hang PJ28027: trap in KMQueryClientRegister reallocating a trace buffer PJ28068: trap 000e in clock$ where sslim is ffffffff (during JFS activity) PJ28076: "trapdump [PD|NOPD]" disables the procdump.exe command. Also, it causes a trap 000e if you initiate a dump with ctrl-alt-f10-f10 (or numlock-numlock). PJ28077: Some VPM apps will refuse to initialize PJ28078: Various traps with floppy disk hard errors when UDF is loaded JR13789: DRIVES does not reflect change in directory entries PJ28102: Performance tracing slow on Pentium 4 CPUs (this is the only APAR listed here fixed in os2ldr) 10/16: PJ28199 SES QUERYFILEINFO buffer pointer always -1 PJ28207 SES callgate hooks don't work 10/26 PJ28215 Added HMA flag to DevHelp_GlobalToProcess. The new flag 20h (in EAX for the call to the DevHelp) allows a device driver to map global memory to a process' high private arena. PJ264136 Trap 000e in the kernel when theseus gets system working set. Also fixed a theseus problem on systems with HPFS386. This kernel will probably be what gets shipped in ACP2 (not guaranteed). Following are rough instructions for applying the os2krnl fix: In the directory from which you boot (C:\ or d:\ or whatever), type these commands. Note that os2krnl should have come with this file. 1. attrib -r -s -h os2krnl 2. attrib -r -s -h os2ldr 3. copy os2krnl os2krnl.sav 4. copy os2ldr os2ldr.sav 5. copy \os2\system\trace\*.tdf \save (or wherever) 5. unzip -o xxx.zip If you want, you can turn the os2krnl and os2ldr attributes back on, but it's not necessary to do so. Trace files (*.tdf) have been included. An os2krnl.sym file has been provided with this fix. Just save it somewhere (root directory or anywhere). It is only needed in case OS/2 service requests a standalone dump of your system in the future.
OS/2 Kernel v. 14.085d (UNI, 26/10/2001) Readme/What's new
This contains fixes since xr_e002/xr_m015/mcp/acp. Important note: If you use the OS/2 SES facility, you need a new sesdd32.sys dated April 2001 or later to use this kernel. Also, a matching dump formatter (df_ret.exe), provided separately, is required, if you want to analyze a dump from this kernel. Finally, note that os2ldr is only required for the >64mb memory detection mentioned below. New function: 1) Support for >64m memory using int15 func e820. Note, this support is enabled ONLY for Intel Pentium Pro or later, or non-Intel Pentium-class machines. This is done in an effort to prevent problems on older PCs. 2) The presence of \os2\boot\os2norev.$$$ suppresses the display of internal revision during boot. 3) Adding "EARLYMEMINIT=TRUE" to config.sys will allow device drivers, etc., access to the memory above 16mb early in boot. Previously, this was only available after DD and IFS init was completed. This has various implications when enabled: a) AHA154X.ADD may do bad things to your system. Don't even ask. b) There may be some settings of HPFS386 cache that are incompatible. 4) Trap messages will now give the module name instead of the device name. For example, "Exception in module: CLOCK01" instead of "Exception in Device Driver: CLOCK$". ***change from 0220/0223: Traps in 32 bit code now show the modname, too 5) Systems with a 486SX chip running FP15 will function correctly. Note, they will NOT work with ACP or (necessarily) on MCP. 6) SESDD32 will now work correctly (I hope) for both uni and smp 7) All process dumps should now be considerably faster. paddr(all) dumps should take about 40% less time and others around 80-90% less time. 8) EXE names will now also be displayed in alt-f2/alt-f3 processing (note that CMD file names, e.g. MPTSTART, will NOT be displayed, only cmd.exe) 9) alt-f4 is like alt-f2 plus it pauses after displaying each names (does not pause after BASEDEV= or PSD=) and, by pressing F1, allows you to skip loading/running the file displayed. Alt-f5 is like alt-f4+alt-f1. 10) The dump formatter (in dfxxx.zip) should be faster and also work on dumps >= 2gb, which was not formerly possible. 9/13/01 11) If you also install the enclosed clock01.sys to \os2\boot, you can add "CLOCKSCALE=x" to config.sys. The choices for x are 1 (the default, which is the old behavior), 2, and 4. The number represents a scale factor for the frequency of clock ticks. The theory is that CLOCKSCALE=4 will speed up some apps (maybe Netscape and/or Java). Bug Fixes: Fixes from earlier "dated" kernels: Fixed a trap 000d in w_OpenCreate (140:4dfd or so in uni/w4 krnls, don't have regs for SMP). This was a post mcp/acp regression Fixed strange loader i/o problems specific to the 0111 kernel. Fixed a bootup sys31xx problem specific to the 0123 kernel. Fixed a problem that was (I think) specific to Janauary uni & W4 kernels which resulted in odd ring 3 (maybe ring 0?) traps and hangs Fixed some trap and other peculiar problems specific to the 0206 kernel. Those were the result of a build problem. Fixed some trap and other problems specific to the 0220/0223 kernels Fixed a regression from JR15038 that caused a trap in CWBBS.IFS and PCSFLR0.IFS (AS/400 shared folders access). Fixed a regression in the 0330 kernel that messed up getting procdumps Fixed a regression in the 0416 kernel that caused some hangs and also affected APM Fixed a regression in the 0502 kernel that prevented booting altogether or caused other very bad problems. Fixed a regression in the 0502/0503 kernels that caused some odd trap d/e's in the scheduling code Don't use the 0601 kernels. Don't use the 0615 kernels, either. There seems to have been some kind of build problem, there. Removed the int 3's I'd accidentally left in some EA code in 0727 build The 0730-0801 kernels all had problems due to various attempts to fix PJ28078. Sorry about that! 10/16: the 1015 os2ldr was broken on some CPUs Fixes to problems that exist in released code: JR15494: Delayed response of Ctrl-C or Ctrl-S (pause) in os/2 windows JR15405: (probably) DosQueryAsyncTimer fails on timecritical thread after mscount rolls over after 49.7 days of uptime JR15030: TRAPDUMP QUERY doesn't show PD (needs a new trapdump.exe, too) JR13335: Some VDMs won't run, complaining of too-long command lines JR15194: XCOPY fails with SYS1186 or SYS1192 on (at least) MO drives JR15038: Trap 8 in h_DeviceHelpDM running an app from a tcpbeui drive JR15229: Files left open after ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES returned to app PJ27700: SMP systems may get a trap 000e in _tkStopScan, particularly during a procdump operation. PJ27676: Causes hangs on some systems running UNI or W4 kernels PJ27554: Hang or (on allstrict) trap 3 on SMP (only) during beeps PJ27678: SMP kernels could not be RIPL-booted. As part of this, there is a new config.sys parameter I13PAGES= available. Adding I13PAGES=1 to config.sys (note, no SET) reduces the memory usage of the mini VDM processes used by ibm1s506.add and the GRADD drivers. This becomes important in RIPL-boot situations. It may be helpful for UNI RIPL boot, as well. PJ27677: SMP systems hang with multiple threads of same process entering a critical section (affects ADSM client) PJ27757: Trap 000e running Theseus/4 (note, theseus4.exe may still end up with a sys3175, but at least the system doesn't crash). PJ27736: Trap in _PLD_WriteReturnCode PJ27777: Set BEGINLIBPATH= (in config.sys ONLY) may be ignored. Also, it would lead to a bogus copy of BEGINLIBPATH= in the environment. ;PJ27821: Trap 000e in SchedNextRet2 on some APM-enabled machines ; *removed as of 0508 -- original fix caused regressions. new fix ; on hold, for now PJ27906: Trap 000e in pvwRegKrnlInstance running SPM/2 (may also cause unknown odd behavior in other performance monitors). PJ27919: Complete system hang running some apps (same as JR12136) PJ27544: Panic in SwitchNPX PJ27972: trap 000e in _SecExecPost (the actual fix is in ses0604 or later) PJ27952: DosFindFirst returns incorrect returncode for various bufsizes when querying extended attributes PJ28005: ProcDump command returns error code 6 (and the procdump is invalid) PJ28013: read of >2k from named pipe on a timecritical thread can cause loss of pipe data or session hang PJ28027: trap in KMQueryClientRegister reallocating a trace buffer PJ28068: trap 000e in clock$ where sslim is ffffffff (during JFS activity) PJ28076: "trapdump [PD|NOPD]" disables the procdump.exe command. Also, it causes a trap 000e if you initiate a dump with ctrl-alt-f10-f10 (or numlock-numlock). PJ28077: Some VPM apps will refuse to initialize PJ28078: Various traps with floppy disk hard errors when UDF is loaded JR13789: DRIVES does not reflect change in directory entries PJ28102: Performance tracing slow on Pentium 4 CPUs (this is the only APAR listed here fixed in os2ldr) 10/16: PJ28199 SES QUERYFILEINFO buffer pointer always -1 PJ28207 SES callgate hooks don't work 10/26 PJ28215 Added HMA flag to DevHelp_GlobalToProcess. The new flag 20h (in EAX for the call to the DevHelp) allows a device driver to map global memory to a process' high private arena. PJ264136 Trap 000e in the kernel when theseus gets system working set. Also fixed a theseus problem on systems with HPFS386. This kernel will probably be what gets shipped in ACP2 (not guaranteed). Following are rough instructions for applying the os2krnl fix: In the directory from which you boot (C:\ or d:\ or whatever), type these commands. Note that os2krnl should have come with this file. 1. attrib -r -s -h os2krnl 2. attrib -r -s -h os2ldr 3. copy os2krnl os2krnl.sav 4. copy os2ldr os2ldr.sav 5. copy \os2\system\trace\*.tdf \save (or wherever) 5. unzip -o xxx.zip If you want, you can turn the os2krnl and os2ldr attributes back on, but it's not necessary to do so. Trace files (*.tdf) have been included. An os2krnl.sym file has been provided with this fix. Just save it somewhere (root directory or anywhere). It is only needed in case OS/2 service requests a standalone dump of your system in the future.
OS/2 Kernel v. 14.085d (26/1/2001, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)) Readme/What's new
This contains fixes since xr_e002/xr_m015/mcp/acp. Important note: If you use the OS/2 SES facility, you need a new sesdd32.sys dated April 2001 or later to use this kernel. Also, a matching dump formatter (df_ret.exe), provided separately, is required, if you want to analyze a dump from this kernel. Finally, note that os2ldr is only required for the >64mb memory detection mentioned below. New function: 1) Support for >64m memory using int15 func e820. Note, this support is enabled ONLY for Intel Pentium Pro or later, or non-Intel Pentium-class machines. This is done in an effort to prevent problems on older PCs. 2) The presence of \os2\boot\os2norev.$$$ suppresses the display of internal revision during boot. 3) Adding "EARLYMEMINIT=TRUE" to config.sys will allow device drivers, etc., access to the memory above 16mb early in boot. Previously, this was only available after DD and IFS init was completed. This has various implications when enabled: a) AHA154X.ADD may do bad things to your system. Don't even ask. b) There may be some settings of HPFS386 cache that are incompatible. 4) Trap messages will now give the module name instead of the device name. For example, "Exception in module: CLOCK01" instead of "Exception in Device Driver: CLOCK$". ***change from 0220/0223: Traps in 32 bit code now show the modname, too 5) Systems with a 486SX chip running FP15 will function correctly. Note, they will NOT work with ACP or (necessarily) on MCP. 6) SESDD32 will now work correctly (I hope) for both uni and smp 7) All process dumps should now be considerably faster. paddr(all) dumps should take about 40% less time and others around 80-90% less time. 8) EXE names will now also be displayed in alt-f2/alt-f3 processing (note that CMD file names, e.g. MPTSTART, will NOT be displayed, only cmd.exe) 9) alt-f4 is like alt-f2 plus it pauses after displaying each names (does not pause after BASEDEV= or PSD=) and, by pressing F1, allows you to skip loading/running the file displayed. Alt-f5 is like alt-f4+alt-f1. 10) The dump formatter (in dfxxx.zip) should be faster and also work on dumps >= 2gb, which was not formerly possible. 9/13/01 11) If you also install the enclosed clock01.sys to \os2\boot, you can add "CLOCKSCALE=x" to config.sys. The choices for x are 1 (the default, which is the old behavior), 2, and 4. The number represents a scale factor for the frequency of clock ticks. The theory is that CLOCKSCALE=4 will speed up some apps (maybe Netscape and/or Java). Bug Fixes: Fixes from earlier "dated" kernels: Fixed a trap 000d in w_OpenCreate (140:4dfd or so in uni/w4 krnls, don't have regs for SMP). This was a post mcp/acp regression Fixed strange loader i/o problems specific to the 0111 kernel. Fixed a bootup sys31xx problem specific to the 0123 kernel. Fixed a problem that was (I think) specific to Janauary uni & W4 kernels which resulted in odd ring 3 (maybe ring 0?) traps and hangs Fixed some trap and other peculiar problems specific to the 0206 kernel. Those were the result of a build problem. Fixed some trap and other problems specific to the 0220/0223 kernels Fixed a regression from JR15038 that caused a trap in CWBBS.IFS and PCSFLR0.IFS (AS/400 shared folders access). Fixed a regression in the 0330 kernel that messed up getting procdumps Fixed a regression in the 0416 kernel that caused some hangs and also affected APM Fixed a regression in the 0502 kernel that prevented booting altogether or caused other very bad problems. Fixed a regression in the 0502/0503 kernels that caused some odd trap d/e's in the scheduling code Don't use the 0601 kernels. Don't use the 0615 kernels, either. There seems to have been some kind of build problem, there. Removed the int 3's I'd accidentally left in some EA code in 0727 build The 0730-0801 kernels all had problems due to various attempts to fix PJ28078. Sorry about that! 10/16: the 1015 os2ldr was broken on some CPUs Fixes to problems that exist in released code: JR15494: Delayed response of Ctrl-C or Ctrl-S (pause) in os/2 windows JR15405: (probably) DosQueryAsyncTimer fails on timecritical thread after mscount rolls over after 49.7 days of uptime JR15030: TRAPDUMP QUERY doesn't show PD (needs a new trapdump.exe, too) JR13335: Some VDMs won't run, complaining of too-long command lines JR15194: XCOPY fails with SYS1186 or SYS1192 on (at least) MO drives JR15038: Trap 8 in h_DeviceHelpDM running an app from a tcpbeui drive JR15229: Files left open after ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES returned to app PJ27700: SMP systems may get a trap 000e in _tkStopScan, particularly during a procdump operation. PJ27676: Causes hangs on some systems running UNI or W4 kernels PJ27554: Hang or (on allstrict) trap 3 on SMP (only) during beeps PJ27678: SMP kernels could not be RIPL-booted. As part of this, there is a new config.sys parameter I13PAGES= available. Adding I13PAGES=1 to config.sys (note, no SET) reduces the memory usage of the mini VDM processes used by ibm1s506.add and the GRADD drivers. This becomes important in RIPL-boot situations. It may be helpful for UNI RIPL boot, as well. PJ27677: SMP systems hang with multiple threads of same process entering a critical section (affects ADSM client) PJ27757: Trap 000e running Theseus/4 (note, theseus4.exe may still end up with a sys3175, but at least the system doesn't crash). PJ27736: Trap in _PLD_WriteReturnCode PJ27777: Set BEGINLIBPATH= (in config.sys ONLY) may be ignored. Also, it would lead to a bogus copy of BEGINLIBPATH= in the environment. ;PJ27821: Trap 000e in SchedNextRet2 on some APM-enabled machines ; *removed as of 0508 -- original fix caused regressions. new fix ; on hold, for now PJ27906: Trap 000e in pvwRegKrnlInstance running SPM/2 (may also cause unknown odd behavior in other performance monitors). PJ27919: Complete system hang running some apps (same as JR12136) PJ27544: Panic in SwitchNPX PJ27972: trap 000e in _SecExecPost (the actual fix is in ses0604 or later) PJ27952: DosFindFirst returns incorrect returncode for various bufsizes when querying extended attributes PJ28005: ProcDump command returns error code 6 (and the procdump is invalid) PJ28013: read of >2k from named pipe on a timecritical thread can cause loss of pipe data or session hang PJ28027: trap in KMQueryClientRegister reallocating a trace buffer PJ28068: trap 000e in clock$ where sslim is ffffffff (during JFS activity) PJ28076: "trapdump [PD|NOPD]" disables the procdump.exe command. Also, it causes a trap 000e if you initiate a dump with ctrl-alt-f10-f10 (or numlock-numlock). PJ28077: Some VPM apps will refuse to initialize PJ28078: Various traps with floppy disk hard errors when UDF is loaded JR13789: DRIVES does not reflect change in directory entries PJ28102: Performance tracing slow on Pentium 4 CPUs (this is the only APAR listed here fixed in os2ldr) 10/16: PJ28199 SES QUERYFILEINFO buffer pointer always -1 PJ28207 SES callgate hooks don't work 10/26 PJ28215 Added HMA flag to DevHelp_GlobalToProcess. The new flag 20h (in EAX for the call to the DevHelp) allows a device driver to map global memory to a process' high private arena. PJ264136 Trap 000e in the kernel when theseus gets system working set. Also fixed a theseus problem on systems with HPFS386. This kernel will probably be what gets shipped in ACP2 (not guaranteed). Following are rough instructions for applying the os2krnl fix: In the directory from which you boot (C:\ or d:\ or whatever), type these commands. Note that os2krnl should have come with this file. 1. attrib -r -s -h os2krnl 2. attrib -r -s -h os2ldr 3. copy os2krnl os2krnl.sav 4. copy os2ldr os2ldr.sav 5. copy \os2\system\trace\*.tdf \save (or wherever) 5. unzip -o xxx.zip If you want, you can turn the os2krnl and os2ldr attributes back on, but it's not necessary to do so. Trace files (*.tdf) have been included. An os2krnl.sym file has been provided with this fix. Just save it somewhere (root directory or anywhere). It is only needed in case OS/2 service requests a standalone dump of your system in the future.
OS/2 Kernel v. 14.085 (26/1/2001, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)) Readme/What's new
This contains fixes since xr_e002/xr_m015/mcp/acp. Important note: If you use the OS/2 SES facility, you need a new sesdd32.sys dated April 2001 or later to use this kernel. Also, a matching dump formatter (df_ret.exe), provided separately, is required, if you want to analyze a dump from this kernel. Finally, note that os2ldr is only required for the >64mb memory detection mentioned below. New function: 1) Support for >64m memory using int15 func e820. Note, this support is enabled ONLY for Intel Pentium Pro or later, or non-Intel Pentium-class machines. This is done in an effort to prevent problems on older PCs. 2) The presence of \os2\boot\os2norev.$$$ suppresses the display of internal revision during boot. 3) Adding "EARLYMEMINIT=TRUE" to config.sys will allow device drivers, etc., access to the memory above 16mb early in boot. Previously, this was only available after DD and IFS init was completed. This has various implications when enabled: a) AHA154X.ADD may do bad things to your system. Don't even ask. b) There may be some settings of HPFS386 cache that are incompatible. 4) Trap messages will now give the module name instead of the device name. For example, "Exception in module: CLOCK01" instead of "Exception in Device Driver: CLOCK$". ***change from 0220/0223: Traps in 32 bit code now show the modname, too 5) Systems with a 486SX chip running FP15 will function correctly. Note, they will NOT work with ACP or (necessarily) on MCP. 6) SESDD32 will now work correctly (I hope) for both uni and smp 7) All process dumps should now be considerably faster. paddr(all) dumps should take about 40% less time and others around 80-90% less time. 8) EXE names will now also be displayed in alt-f2/alt-f3 processing (note that CMD file names, e.g. MPTSTART, will NOT be displayed, only cmd.exe) 9) alt-f4 is like alt-f2 plus it pauses after displaying each names (does not pause after BASEDEV= or PSD=) and, by pressing F1, allows you to skip loading/running the file displayed. Alt-f5 is like alt-f4+alt-f1. 10) The dump formatter (in dfxxx.zip) should be faster and also work on dumps >= 2gb, which was not formerly possible. 9/13/01 11) If you also install the enclosed clock01.sys to \os2\boot, you can add "CLOCKSCALE=x" to config.sys. The choices for x are 1 (the default, which is the old behavior), 2, and 4. The number represents a scale factor for the frequency of clock ticks. The theory is that CLOCKSCALE=4 will speed up some apps (maybe Netscape and/or Java). Bug Fixes: Fixes from earlier "dated" kernels: Fixed a trap 000d in w_OpenCreate (140:4dfd or so in uni/w4 krnls, don't have regs for SMP). This was a post mcp/acp regression Fixed strange loader i/o problems specific to the 0111 kernel. Fixed a bootup sys31xx problem specific to the 0123 kernel. Fixed a problem that was (I think) specific to Janauary uni & W4 kernels which resulted in odd ring 3 (maybe ring 0?) traps and hangs Fixed some trap and other peculiar problems specific to the 0206 kernel. Those were the result of a build problem. Fixed some trap and other problems specific to the 0220/0223 kernels Fixed a regression from JR15038 that caused a trap in CWBBS.IFS and PCSFLR0.IFS (AS/400 shared folders access). Fixed a regression in the 0330 kernel that messed up getting procdumps Fixed a regression in the 0416 kernel that caused some hangs and also affected APM Fixed a regression in the 0502 kernel that prevented booting altogether or caused other very bad problems. Fixed a regression in the 0502/0503 kernels that caused some odd trap d/e's in the scheduling code Don't use the 0601 kernels. Don't use the 0615 kernels, either. There seems to have been some kind of build problem, there. Removed the int 3's I'd accidentally left in some EA code in 0727 build The 0730-0801 kernels all had problems due to various attempts to fix PJ28078. Sorry about that! 10/16: the 1015 os2ldr was broken on some CPUs Fixes to problems that exist in released code: JR15494: Delayed response of Ctrl-C or Ctrl-S (pause) in os/2 windows JR15405: (probably) DosQueryAsyncTimer fails on timecritical thread after mscount rolls over after 49.7 days of uptime JR15030: TRAPDUMP QUERY doesn't show PD (needs a new trapdump.exe, too) JR13335: Some VDMs won't run, complaining of too-long command lines JR15194: XCOPY fails with SYS1186 or SYS1192 on (at least) MO drives JR15038: Trap 8 in h_DeviceHelpDM running an app from a tcpbeui drive JR15229: Files left open after ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES returned to app PJ27700: SMP systems may get a trap 000e in _tkStopScan, particularly during a procdump operation. PJ27676: Causes hangs on some systems running UNI or W4 kernels PJ27554: Hang or (on allstrict) trap 3 on SMP (only) during beeps PJ27678: SMP kernels could not be RIPL-booted. As part of this, there is a new config.sys parameter I13PAGES= available. Adding I13PAGES=1 to config.sys (note, no SET) reduces the memory usage of the mini VDM processes used by ibm1s506.add and the GRADD drivers. This becomes important in RIPL-boot situations. It may be helpful for UNI RIPL boot, as well. PJ27677: SMP systems hang with multiple threads of same process entering a critical section (affects ADSM client) PJ27757: Trap 000e running Theseus/4 (note, theseus4.exe may still end up with a sys3175, but at least the system doesn't crash). PJ27736: Trap in _PLD_WriteReturnCode PJ27777: Set BEGINLIBPATH= (in config.sys ONLY) may be ignored. Also, it would lead to a bogus copy of BEGINLIBPATH= in the environment. ;PJ27821: Trap 000e in SchedNextRet2 on some APM-enabled machines ; *removed as of 0508 -- original fix caused regressions. new fix ; on hold, for now PJ27906: Trap 000e in pvwRegKrnlInstance running SPM/2 (may also cause unknown odd behavior in other performance monitors). PJ27919: Complete system hang running some apps (same as JR12136) PJ27544: Panic in SwitchNPX PJ27972: trap 000e in _SecExecPost (the actual fix is in ses0604 or later) PJ27952: DosFindFirst returns incorrect returncode for various bufsizes when querying extended attributes PJ28005: ProcDump command returns error code 6 (and the procdump is invalid) PJ28013: read of >2k from named pipe on a timecritical thread can cause loss of pipe data or session hang PJ28027: trap in KMQueryClientRegister reallocating a trace buffer PJ28068: trap 000e in clock$ where sslim is ffffffff (during JFS activity) PJ28076: "trapdump [PD|NOPD]" disables the procdump.exe command. Also, it causes a trap 000e if you initiate a dump with ctrl-alt-f10-f10 (or numlock-numlock). PJ28077: Some VPM apps will refuse to initialize PJ28078: Various traps with floppy disk hard errors when UDF is loaded JR13789: DRIVES does not reflect change in directory entries PJ28102: Performance tracing slow on Pentium 4 CPUs (this is the only APAR listed here fixed in os2ldr) 10/16: PJ28199 SES QUERYFILEINFO buffer pointer always -1 PJ28207 SES callgate hooks don't work 10/26 PJ28215 Added HMA flag to DevHelp_GlobalToProcess. The new flag 20h (in EAX for the call to the DevHelp) allows a device driver to map global memory to a process' high private arena. PJ264136 Trap 000e in the kernel when theseus gets system working set. Also fixed a theseus problem on systems with HPFS386. This kernel will probably be what gets shipped in ACP2 (not guaranteed). Following are rough instructions for applying the os2krnl fix: In the directory from which you boot (C:\ or d:\ or whatever), type these commands. Note that os2krnl should have come with this file. 1. attrib -r -s -h os2krnl 2. attrib -r -s -h os2ldr 3. copy os2krnl os2krnl.sav 4. copy os2ldr os2ldr.sav 5. copy \os2\system\trace\*.tdf \save (or wherever) 5. unzip -o xxx.zip If you want, you can turn the os2krnl and os2ldr attributes back on, but it's not necessary to do so. Trace files (*.tdf) have been included. An os2krnl.sym file has been provided with this fix. Just save it somewhere (root directory or anywhere). It is only needed in case OS/2 service requests a standalone dump of your system in the future.
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 15/05/2022 - 21:49

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