
Data rilascio: 
Lunedì, 17 Aprile, 2000



Authors/Port authors:

Il Mago di OS/2!
OS/2-Commander è il clone finale del noto programma Norton Commander for OS/2. Offre la gestione integrata degli archivi, supporto HPFS, un menu definibile dall' utente, una funzione di visualizzazione ad albero del filesystem, la più potente funzione di ricerca che abbiate mai visto, un visualizzatore di file DBF, funzioni di navigazione ed un editor! Supporta totalmente il processore di comandi 4DOS/4OS2, tutte le funzionalità del sistema operativo, la compatibilità completa per la rete, una funzione per la creazione di immagini disco integrali, modalità di visualizzazione a 132 colonne e molto altro! Assolutamente da provare!

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP eseguibile autoestrante: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Eseguire INSTALL.CMD. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

OS/2-Commander v. 1.28 (17/4/2000, Wolfgang Sarp) Readme/What's new
┌──────────────────────────┐ │ The OS/2-Commander v1.28 │ └──────────────────────────┘ News and changes in OS/2-Commander version 1.28 =============================================== - FixPak 13 fix News and changes in OS/2-Commander version 1.27 =============================================== - another Y2K bug bixed (comparing directories). News and changes in OS/2-Commander version 1.26 =============================================== - more security and "hack"-checks removed. News and changes in OS/2-Commander version 1.25 =============================================== - Y2K fixes - support and development of The OS/2-Commander is standing still and I have no idea if and when I will continue the development. Because of that I removed most of the nag-screens. News and changes in OS/2-Commander version 1.24 =============================================== - My Fido-Address has changed and my BBS is closed! - FILES.BBS support for ProBoard (checking for a '+') News and changes in OS/2-Commander version 1.23 =============================================== - Hitting a number in ALT-F6 is working again. - Recognition of a special ARC archive did not work. - ALT-F7 with F5 caused a problem. - ALT-F1 inside an archive caused problems. News and changes in OS/2-Commander version 1.22 =============================================== - What I forgot: I added a QuickView option to the pulldown-menue (F9). - FILES.BBS info did not work correctly in a window session. - SHIFT-F4 did not work correctly. - TAB to edit the FILES.BBS did not work. News and changes in OS/2-Commander version 1.21 =============================================== - added switch that allows you to delete single and tagged files and directories without any confirmation (Options / Configuration / Some switches). ** USE IT WITH CARE **, if you enable it you will never be prompted if you're sure to delete any files, even if they're read-only! - CTRL-U caused some problems. - fixed overflow when tagging more than 2.1 gigs. - ARC didn't extract when all files inside an archive where tagged. - added the ability to load & edit multiple files. If you tag several files and then call the external editor, all the tagged filenames are send to the configured external editor. News and changes in OS/2-Commander version 1.20 =============================================== - with SHIFT-ALT-F5 you can append a file or selected files to an existing target file. - now you can use SHIFT-ALT-F6 to rename a file. The difference is that OS/2-Commander will always suggest the original filename without a path as the new filename, even is the other window is not the status window. - in Options / Configuration / Colors now you can save your own color scheme with F9 and restore it with F8 (Hi Jack!). - you can now edit the archive and extension definitions directly from the OS/2-Commander (Options / Configuration) and don't have to restart the program anymore to make the changes active. - with SHIFT-CTRL-K you can print the current directory. - fixed ARJ multi-volume problems. - Copy/Move progress indicator now shows overall progress when copying or moving files / directories. - The archiver-definition has changed! Please have a look at the new OS2COM.INI file. - Colors are now adjustable for the internal viewer again. - CTRL-Cursor_right/left now works in the internal viewer. - Rescan did not work in Tree. - I forgot when I did that: In the OS2COM.EXT you can also define the internal viewer to be called when hitting ENTER on a file with a special extension. Use e.g. "doc: <IVIEWER> !.!" - fixed a couple of other small bugs (yes Carsten R., I read your messages <g>) News and changes in OS/2-Commander version 1.13 Beta 6 ====================================================== - CTRL-H fixed - The "Network Tools" are now able to connect and disconnect network drives. Use the DEL key to disconnect a drive. - fixed the way of passing filenames to external viewer/editor. Old programs will now work again. - new internal viewer News and changes in OS/2-Commander version 1.13 Beta 5 ====================================================== - fixed Warp 3 FixPak 26 problem I hope I finally fixed the problem with some FixPaks and new OS/2 releases... - fixed error 14 when copying / moving large directory trees - fixed the problem to show a directory but didn't really change into it - new function "Commands / Network Tools" is not ready yet! - probably some other fixes that I forgot... News and changes in OS/2-Commander version 1.13 Beta 4 ====================================================== - only some fixes News and changes in OS/2-Commander version 1.13 Beta 3 ====================================================== - OS/2-Commander Beta 2 had some problems with directory names beginning with a dot. - Beta 2 sometimes did not copy all files of a directory. Sorry for the 2 above bugs. - fixed the QuickSearch window. - When changing sort method the cursor will now remain on the same file. News and changes in OS/2-Commander version 1.13 Beta 2 ====================================================== - nothing new, only some fixes. Don't have much time at the moment, sorry. News and changes in OS/2-Commander version 1.13 wide beta ========================================================= - CTRL-F10 with tagged files did not work correct. - start in 132 column mode with a different number of rows than the directly supported modes caused an error. - the AddArcer function (e.g. UC2) missed one file in the filelist. - change drive window fixed (with more than 18 drives). - fixed error 5 in directory tree (ALT-F10). - the directory tree (ALT-F10) is now left/right scrollable with cursor left/right. - added switch to disable the mouse. - The scan for the directory database needed a lot of memory. This is fixed and speeded up for about 10%. - Sometimes an error 9 occured after copying a directory. This is fixed. - Merlin-Problem fixed. - Color-extensions is now working with extensions with more than 3 characters. - Cursor left/right in brief mode now also goes to top/bottom of the filelist. - added switch to write the QuickView (CTRL-Q) directory size into the filelist (Options / Configuration / Window options) - and a couple of other smaller fixes...
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 14/06/2018 - 05:31

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