Interfaccia Presentation Manager per il programma Cleanini.exe
di Carsten Arnold.
Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Creare un oggetto programma che punti a PMREXX.EXE
e che abbia per parametri /Q "X:\PATH_TO\CLEANINI1.CMD"
. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.
Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:
CleaniniPM v. 1.0 (28/5/2002) | Readme/What's new |
CleaniniPM Installation and User Manual
Table of Contents:
Introduction and System Requirements
Contents of the archive
Installation (Setup) Notes
Using CleaniniPM (CleaniniPM up and running)
Customizing CleaniniPM
The Usual Disclaimers and Other Legalities (Sorry About That!)
Introduction and System Requirements:
This document uses the words, "Cleanini.exe", "Cleanini" and "CleaniniPM". To avoid confusion please note the following clarifications:
Cleanini.exe: An OS/2 executable program, written by Carsten Arnold
Cleanini: Basically the same as "Cleanini.exe". This document uses "Cleanini" to describe any feature or action produced by the Cleanini.exe executable
CleaniniPM: The (freeware) REXX/PMREXX program provided here and described in this document
CleaniniPM provides a windowed, Presentation Manager (PM) interface to Carsten Arnold's Cleanini.exe program
Cleanini.exe is a utility program, that helps maintain the functional integrity of the OS/2 OS2.INI file. It does so by deleting references to unused handles from that file
The OS2.INI file requires periodic maintenance, or cleaning, especially when the user makes a lot changes to his or her system (installing and uninstalling programs, deleting files and folders, etc)
Cleanini.exe provides the user with a set of options for cleaning the OS2.INI file, displaying the results in progress and writing the results to a logfile
Unfortunately, Cleanini.exe can only be executed from the command line. Therefore, the user has to remember the syntax for the desired set of options. One can easily get tired of this, especially if he or she uses several and/or different options on different occasions
CleaniniPM overcomes the command line limitations of Cleanini.exe. It presents the user with a text window listing of the Cleanini.exe options and a slightly different syntax for selecting any option. It then provides the user with a prompt to input the desired set of Cleanini.exe options
CleaniniPM uses PMREXX and two (2) REXX scripts to implement the PM interface
To use CleaniniPM you must have Cleanini.exe, REXX and PMREXX installed on your system. You should also have the OS/2 System Editor installed, but it is NOT ABSOLUTELY necessary. If you do not have the OS/2 System Editor, you may be able to use another editor (see "Customizing CleaniniPM", below). If you do not have a suitable editor, you will not be able to view the Cleanini logfile (see "Using CleaniniPM (CleaniniPM up and running)"). That should be no problem, however. Except for viewing the logfile, you can use CleaniniPM
NOTE: The UniMaint and Checkini.exe utilities should also be used, regularly, to maintain the integrity of your OS2.INI file. A Presentation Manager interface, named CheckiniPM, exists for Checkini.exe. Please see: for UniMaint for Checkini.exe (Henk Kelder's WPTOOLS)
Contents of the archive
CLEANINI1.CMD (the first and primary REXX script)
CLEANINI2.CMD (the second REXX script; it is called by the first script)
ReadMe.htm (the file that you are presently reading)
Installation (Setup) Notes:
There is no installation program, per se. However, the installation, or setup, is simple. It involves three (3) steps, delineated below
First, unzip the archive. It was created using WarpZip, which uses compression code from the Info-ZIP group. Info-ZIP compression and decompression executable files and dll's are freely available from the following Internet sources:
Next, place the CLEANINI1.CMD and CLEANINI2.CMD script files in the SAME directory as Cleanini.exe. IMPORTANT: CLEANINI1.CMD, CLEANINI2.CMD and Cleanini.exe MUST all reside in the same directory, otherwise CleaniniPM will not work
Finally, create a program object for CleaniniPM and place it on the desktop, or some other favorite place. Complete the "Program" tab of the properties notebook of the program object (see the picture example, below). The "Path and file name" entry is the full path to PMREXX (pmrexx.exe) on your system . The "Parameters" entry is the full path to the CLEANINI1.CMD script file (it must be in quotes). Note, the "/Q" option on the parameter line tells PMREXX to automatically close out everything at the end of the REXX script (instead of giving you that annoying PMREXX message box: "This REXX procedure has ended" and then requiring you to manually dismiss the message and the PMREXX window). Note, however, that if there is a problem with your REXX script, the "/Q" option allows PMREXX to blow right past it. You don't get any error messages; you just know that the script did not work! Also, complete the "Icon" tab of the program object (in the example, below, the "icon" tab has the words "Run Cleanini with selected options"
CleaniniPM program object example
Using CleaniniPM (CleaniniPM up and running)
Shown below is an example of the opening text window for CleaniniPM. At the top left portion of the window is the PMREXX input line for entering user selections. Near the bottom of the window are the instructions for responding to input prompts and/or continuing with the operation of CleaniniPM
CleaniniPM opening text window
The opening window shows all of the Cleanini.exe options and the (CleaniniPM) syntax for selecting any option
For example, if you want to "make a backup copy of the OS2.INI file and then write the required corrections to that file", write "/C" (without the quotes) on the PMREXX Input line and then press the ENTER key
On the other hand, if you want to "make a backup copy of the OS2.INI file, write the required corrections to the file and lastly scan multiple times", write "/C /M" (without the quotes) on the PMREXX Input line and press the ENTER key
You can write any option in all upper case, or all lower case, or a mixture. It does not matter
NOTE: I have a preferred set of six (6) options that I use all the time. I combined them all together in one simplified command, "/P". You can do the same with a preferred set of options that you like (see "Customizing CleaniniPM", below)
Next, after pressing the ENTER key the REXX script continues. CLEANINI1.CMD calls the second script, which in turn calls Cleanini.exe. As Cleanini.exe works, it writes the in-progress operations to the PMREXX window, scrolling that window. Shown below is an example of the PMREXX window at the completion of the Cleanini.exe operation. The instructions, at the bottom of the window, prompt you concerning viewing the Cleanini.exe logfile
CleaniniPM text window continued
As as explained, enter a "Y" on the Input line, if you want to open the logfile. If not, just press the ENTER key, the script will end and PMREXX window will automatically close (assuming you have the "/Q" option on the parameter line in the properties notebook of the program object)
Shown below is an example of the PMREXX window after selecting the "Y" option for viewing the logfile. As stated in the instructions, press the CONTROL-ESCAPE keys to open the OS/2 Window List. Then, double click on the "E.EXE" choice to view the logfile in the OS/2 System Editor. NOTE: As an alternative you can click on the "OS/2 System Editor" icon in the "Switch to another application" drawer of the WarpCenter
NOTE: If Cleanini has made no corrections, the logfile will open (after entering "Y") without having to use the OS/2 Window List or the WarpCenter
CleaniniPM text window again continued
If you open and view the logfile, the script and PMREXX window will close after you close the logfile (close the OS/2 System Editor)
Customizing CleaniniPM
You can customize CleaniniPM by:
Incorporating a different set of preferred options (the "/P" command)
Using different text editor to view the logfile
To do so you must use the REXX programming language and modify CLEANINI1.CMD in your favorite text editor (it's a good idea to use one that shows the document line numbers)
Creating your own set of preferred options:
Rewrite line 82 of CLEANINI1.CMD. Presently, that line reads: Options = "/C /RESTART /DELALL /MulTIPASS /REMOTE:DELETE /LOGDEL"
Use lines 35 through 54 and 87 through 100 of CLEANINI1.CMD to modify line 82
The basic idea is that you must determine your set of preferred options and then enter the exact Cleanini.exe command syntax for them on line 82:
Remember, CleaniniPM presents you with a slightly different command syntax, then does the translation and provides Cleanini.exe with the resulting, "Cleanini.exe correct" command set
Therefore, use the verbal descriptions in lines 35 through 54 to select the options that you want
Next, use lines 35 through 54 and 87 through 100 to determine the exact Cleanini.exe command syntax for each one.
For example, if you wanted to: 1.) make a backup of OS2.INI and write the required corrections to OS2.INI; 2.) restart the WorkPlace Shell (WPS) after making corrections to OS2.INI; 3.) delete all unused WPS folder positions (PM_Workplace:FolderPos); and 4.) ignore handles of all remote files (lines 36, 37, 40 and 46 of CLEANINI1.CMD), you would find the corresponding Cleanini.exe syntax on lines 87, 88, 89 and 95. Therefore, line 82 would become: Options = "/C /RESTART /DELFLDPOS /REMOTE:IGNORE"
Lines 87 through 100 show the correct Cleanini.exe syntax for everything on lines 35 through 54, except for lines 35, 38, 39, 47, 48 and 53. Line 35 is "no option given", so it does not count. Line 53 is the "/P" option, which is what this subject is about. The options on lines 38, 39, 47 and 48 involve variable data. To use them in your preferred set, you have to change the variables to constants and use the correct Cleanini.exe syntax.
For example, if you want to "use the option parameters specified in a response file" (line 38), you have to include the command, "/RESP:ResponseFileName", on line 82 (separated from the other options, if any, with spaces and without the quotes), where "ResponseFileName" is the actual path to the desired response file
If you want to "name a logfile, different than the standard Cleanini logfile" (line 39), you have to include the command, "/LOG:LogFileName" on line 82 (separated by spaces and without the quotes), where "LogFileName" is the path to the desired logfile
If you wish to change the number of columns, or the number of rows, on the screen (line 47 or 48, respectively), you must include the command "/COL:M" or "/ROWS:N", respectively, on line 82, where "M" or "N" is a specific integer
Using a different text editor to view the logfile (this one's easy!):
Change line 228 of CLEANINI1.CMD (it presently reads: Commandline = 'E.EXE "'LogFilePath'"')
Change the "E.EXE" portion to instead be the path to your text editor. If you have that path in the PATH statement of the CONFIG.SYS, all you need is the name of the executable file for your editor
Make sure your editor accepts commandline arguments for loading in text files. If it does not, this will not work and you will have to use some other editor, instead
The following editors accept the commandline arguments for loading in a text file:
The OS/2 System Editor (E.EXE)
The OS/2 Enhanced Editor (EPM.EXE)
Future Wave Editor (FWE.EXE)
The PillarSoft Enhanced E Editor (EE.EXE). NOTE: I believe that you first must switch to the directory that contains the EE.EXE executable)
The PillarSoft Enhanced EE Editor (EEE.EXE). NOTE: I believe that you first must switch to the directory that contains the EEE.EXE executable)
And there are probably other editors that will work. The above is not an endorsement of any editor. If in doubt, try out your editor in an OS/2 command window. Like the PillarSoft editors you may have to switch to the directory for the editor executable in order for it to work!
The Usual Disclaimers and Other Legalities (Sorry About That!)
CleaniniPM is freeware:
You are free to modify it to your heart's content for your own use
You are free to distribute the original, unmodified version to anyone else (and please do so!)
You may not distribute this program, in whole or in part, to others and charge a fee for it
USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK! I am not responsible for any damages, problems, etc. resulting from your use of CleaniniPM. You assume all the risks, costs, aggravation, etc. should ANYTHING GO WRONG!
Hopefully, CleaniniPM is bug free, but I cannot (and do not) guarantee it!
In summary, CleaniniPM is provided AS IS and without any warranties
If you have any problems, I will try to help! Please email me at: |
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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