
Data rilascio: 
Sabato, 28 Luglio, 2018



Authors/Port authors:

Ccrypt è una utility per criptare e decrittare files e flussi dati stream. E' stata disegnata per sostituire l'utility di criptazione standard di unix, che è nota per usare un algoritmo molto debole.

Questo software è distribuito con due modalità:
  • come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente;
  • come pacchetto RPM, installabile tramite il gestore pacchetti rpm preferito, che provvederà a scaricare e installare sia il software che gli eventuali prerequisiti.
Scegli la modalità di installazione che preferisci, tenendo conto del fatto che non tutte le versioni del software sono disponibili per entrambe le modalità.

Installazione con rpm

Questo programma si può installare usando il gestore pacchetti rpm. Vedi sotto per la stringa di installazione. I prerequisiti richiesti sono gestiti dal gestore pacchetti e, se necessario, scaricati e installati automaticamente.

ccrypt-1.11-1.oc00 (28/07/2018)
Repository: Netlabs stable
ChangeLog v1.11 2018/07/27 (2018/07/26) PS1 - portability: check for more C compilers, including clang. (2018/07/26) PS1 - portability: use AC_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS instead of individual feature test macros. (2018/07/26) PS1 - include config.h before other header files. (2018/07/26) PS1 - intl: updated tools (2018/07/26) PS1 - autoconf: added --with-included-getopt to avoid using the system-wide getopt library (it may still end up being used on GNU systems). (2018/07/26) PS1 - portability: moved getopt.h to a subdirectory, to be included only when needed. (2018/07/25) PS1 - emacs support: compatibility with Emacs 26, reported by Zhang Jun and Duncan Bayne (bug #24). (2017/03/08) PS1 - portability: fixed some pedantic warnings. (2017/02/22) PS1 - emacs support: fixed warnings. (2017/02/22) PS1 - fixed some compiler and configuration warnings. (2016/11/13) PS1 - intl: added Estonian translations, thanks to Estprog. (2016/11/13) PS1 - emacs support: delete password from environment after each use, reported by d8uoba (bug #23). (2016/06/30) PS1 - ccguess: fixed a bug in the --non-printable option, reported by dcb314 (bug #22). (2014/09/07) PS1 - allow "-" as a filename meaning standard input in cat and unixcrypt modes. (2014/03/30) PS1 - man pages: fixed leading blank page with groff -man -Tps, reported by Hugh McDonald. (2012/12/28) PS1 - intl: updated tools

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

E' possibile installare i prerequisiti con rpm, eseguendo la stringa seguente in una finestra comandi:

yum install libc libcx libgcc1 libssp libstdc++6 libstdc++ libsupc++6 libsupc++ libgcc-fwd

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Ccrypt v. 1.10 (20/10/2012, Elbert Pol (TeLLie)) Readme/What's new
ChangeLog v1.10 2012/10/18 (2012/10/16) PS1 - ccguess: tweaked the ordering of guesses (2012/10/16) PS1 - ccguess: added -t option (2012/10/15) PS1 - ccguess: use a 64-bit counter (2012/10/14) PS1 - ccguess: updated exit status (2012/10/14) PS1 - ccguess: added -n option (2012/10/14) PS1 - ccguess: do not turn off character echoing on password entry. (2012/10/14) PS1 - ccguess: allow multiple files to be tested simultaneously. (2012/10/12) PS1 - ccguess: added -c option (2012/10/11) PS1 - removed intltool build dependency (2012/10/11) PS1 - fixed fchown() compiler warning, again (2012/10/10) PS1 - added ccguess program (2012/08/31) PS1 - man page: fixed name and usage of emacs package (2011/05/13) PS1 - autoconf: new CADD variable to add to CFLAGS (2011/01/08) PS1 - more error handling improvements: check output of fflush, crypt (2011/01/07) PS1 - fixed potential buffer overrun in make_nonce() (2011/01/07) PS1 - better separation of i/o errors and other system errors (2011/01/07) PS1 - test suite: added environment variable CHECK_CCRYPT to allow binaries outside the build tree to be tested (2010/12/28) PS1 - emacs support: use existing buffer password when re-reading a file; improved status messages (2010/12/24) PS1 - more handling of unlikely errors (2010/12/23) PS1 - fixed Rijndael reference code compiler warnings (2010/12/23) PS1 - check for i/o errors in stream mode (2010/12/23) PS1 - added frees in error handlers and at top level (2010/12/23) PS1 - fixed fchown() compiler warning (2010/11/10) PS1 - emacs support: fixed mapcar compiler warnings (2010/08/08) PS1 - build a convenience library libccrypt.a (2009/11/16) PS1 - rpm.spec: fix deprecated copyright tag, reported by Johannes Ruscheinski. (2009/09/09) PS1 - portability: made sources C++ compatible. (2009/09/04) PS1 - autoconf: added --disable-emacs option. (2009/09/04) PS1 - portability: fixed $EXEEXT error (bug #2851058).
Ccrypt v. 1.9 (29/8/2009) Readme/What's new
ChangeLog v1.9 2009/08/28 (2009/06/15) PS1 - inlined functions, dropped -O3 compiler flag (2009/06/14) PS1 - portability: fixed syntax in shell scripts (2009/06/12) PS1 - portability: improved setmode() compatibility (2009/06/12) PS1 - portability: work around /tmp bug on EMX-OS/2
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 08/09/2019 - 14:26

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