Astrolog for OS/2 is a free-to-use astrology calculation, charting and analysis software based on the famous Astrolog program by Walter D.
Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and unpack to destination folder. See below for download link(s).
Following ones are the download links for manual installation:
Astrolog v. 2.0 TP81 (31/12/2012, Carl-Magnus Olsson) | Readme/What's new |
F O R O S / 2
Version 2.0 Technological Preview 81
This is a prerelease of Astrolog for OS/2 and not a final release.
As a general rule, all prerelease versions should be used for testing
purposes only. Most new features are only partially implemented.
Please report any problems with the software and your ideas for
improvement to the developer. Thanks for participating!
New in TP81
This is a major special update. It contains a great many improvements
to the ACA module. The most significant change over the previous
special update (TP71) is the separation of the Moon as a dispositor
and the Moon as a phase object, later referred to as the Solar Moon.
By default, the Moon as a dispositor carries the same influence as
that of the Sun, while the Solar Moon is the most influential of all
objects enabled. The latter Moon's influence is greater than that in
earlier previews. The increased influence has greatly improved
statistical significance.
The analysis module in this update is still a mix of both old and new
code, but tuned to produce results more inline with what can be
expected in the next regular update. The code is cleaner with a lot
of tuning constants eliminated. The Sankhya Yoga Ruler (SYR) retains
much more dignified influence than before. The higher planets (those
associated with higher sankhya yogas than the current SYR) stand to
lose more influence and the lower planets keep more influence. The
average integrity score for the 715 public figures is now raised and
the amount of disgraced influence is lower than in earlier previews.
When enabled the chaining factor should never increase integrity. The
only factor which can still increase integrity is the last one in the
list, the SY factor. Like before it can only happen if the diagnostic
shows a value of less than 50 percent. Its positive effect is more
limited than before. While a positive effect improves statistical
significance, it might be slightly counter-intuitive to see the
integrity score rise ever so slightly when enabling this factor, and
for that reason and consistency with all the other factors, its
potential for boosting integrity may see further reduction in coming
This update yields a lot of statistical improvements, but there are
still a few charts that score much too high and a great many that
score too low. One reason for this special update is that the chart
for the Canadian serial killer scoring above 50 and even above 60
percent integrity in some earlier previews now scores much lower.
While the average integrity score for the C715 group of charts has
increased significantly, the score for the serial killer has dropped
well below 33 for a noon birth. The separation of the Moon as a
dispositor from the Moon as a phase object accounts for most of this
drop. As a minor side-effect, the separation has also led to
situations of internal planetary wars. This effect is the strongest
for New and Full Moons. For the Full Moon, the phase object always
wins these wars. The ideal Solar Moon influence is always to some
extent assigned the Sun. On average, about half the initial influence
is assigned the Sun's ideal influence. As a result, it is now more
difficult to achieve stars next to the Sun in the Benevolence table,
especially for Full Moons. The advantage of Full Moons over other
Solar Moons is the increased awareness and thus an increased
likelihood of seeing stars next to Saturn in the same table. The Moon
as dispositor follows the Sun with regard to essential dignity. The
only difference being the flip of primary and secondary dignities.
In all future updates, I expect the average integrity score for the
C715 group to land somewhere between 12 and 16. I do not believe I can
manage to increase statistical significance much further, if at all.
Instead, I will focus my efforts on bringing up more charts from the
red categories in the C715 group and bringing down charts from the
Green and higher categories in the T1080 group. All charts for known
serial killers/rapists should score below Green in the first alpha
release. All sociopaths and at least 99 percent of all prolific serial
killers should score below YellowGreen. 100 percent of the 10 most
prolific serial killers/rapists should score in the red.
In a future regular update, the category conditions might be amended
to include disgrace, not only integrity, as is now the case. Average
chart influence is likely to drop significantly, but so is also
average disgraced influence. Charts with really low integrity will
only end up in the Red if they show more disgraced influence than
dignified or score extremely low integrity. If they do not they will
end up in the Orange, Yellow or YellowGreen categories depending on
their ratio of dignified to disgraced influence. Charts can also get
demoted if they have too much disgraced influence relative integrity.
The following are goals for the first alpha, some of which have been
met by this technological preview: A significantly raised average
integrity score for the C715 group, greater than 12 percent; Fewer
than 33 percent of the charts should appear in the DR category and
fewer than 50 percent in the red categories; The charts of all
imprisoned criminals should score below Indigo; All salesmen, players,
puritans and sex offenders should score below Blue; All routinely
violent criminals should score below 50, they should also score
inferior disgrace at least half the integrity; All torturers, child or
serial rapists and serial killers, and at least 95 percent of all
other rapists and murderers, should score below Green, they should
also score inferior disgrace greater than half the integrity; All
thieves and psychotic people as well as drunkards and decidedly
dishonest or self-applauding people should score in the Yellow or a
lower category, they should also score superior disgrace greater than
half the integrity; in addition, all druggies and psychotic people
should have a clearly malignant Jupiter; At least 85 percent of all
extra-ordinary violent criminals and at least 95 percent of all
sadists, child or serial rapists, serial killers, and pseudo-
psychiatrists should score in the Orange or a lower category; All
perpetrators of extra violent crimes, most obviously sadistic killing,
emotional abuse, and war crimes, but also violence against old people,
children and animals, should score inferior disgrace greater than the
integrity; If the perpetrator lacks harmful intent, but the victims
still experience serious harm, then the perpetrator should score
superior disgrace exceeding the integrity; All dictators should score
integrity below YellowGreen; All insane, moronic, jealous, idiotic or
incompetent people should score integrity below Yellow and inferior
disgrace at least one third greater than the integrity; More than 55
percent of all dictators, war criminals, mad people and psychopaths
should score below Orange and more than 35 percent should score in the
Dark Red category; All mad (aggressive) people and anti-social (teas-
ing, raping, lying) psychopaths should also score inferior disgrace at
least twice the integrity and have insufficient benevolence for
Jupiter, or score inferior disgrace greater than integrity and have an
extremely malignant Mercury, Mars or Sun; Venus and Saturn must also
score benevolence below good; The average integrity for atheists and
all otherwise severely mentally retarded people should fall in the
red. Without exception, their charts should score integrity below the
Green category and feature a severely insufficient Sun or Mars, or
alternatively, a severely malignant Venus combined with less than Good
benevolence for both the Sun and Mars; at least two thirds of the
charts should also have clearly insufficient benevolence for Saturn;
none of them should show good benevolence for an inferior planet
without extremely insufficient balance for one of the others; directly
atheistic (antisocial) people should have a malignant Mercury; no
atheists should score in the Green or any higher category; All bigots,
xenophobes, hypocrites, as well as all clueless people prejudiced
against astrology, should score integrity below the Yellow category
and have inferior disgrace at least twice the integrity; All chronic
psychopaths with especially low IQs, arrogant and pathetic liars,
false prophets, genuine (and thus utterly unscrupulous and fully
delusional) alcoholics, extremely violent aggressors, and all other
completely shameless people should score in the Dark Red; they should
also score inferior disgrace at least three times the integrity; More
than 50 percent of the days of the last 7 cycles of Saturn should
score integrity in the Orange or a higher category.
Change details
* ACA: There have been more than a few significant changes to the
ACA module in this update. The new statistics show fewer charts
scoring really low and more charts scoring in the YellowGreen or
higher categories. The changes are too many to detail here in full,
let alone be remembered, but they include reducing the war and
combust factors for objects enjoying essential dignity. Only close
wars result in high war factors, the higher the essential dignity
of a loser, the closer the war has to be to achieve the same war
factor as a loser with little or no essential dignity.
The new Sankhya Yoga algorithm is less aggressive for most charts.
The three primary variables controlling influence caps and
diversions come with both floors and ceilings based on SY innate
dignity. If not fully dignified, both Rahu and Saturn limit their
maximum values.
The new 'Curtailed' diagnostic label refers to the fact that the SY
factor causes influence to be cut short, limiting its expression
to a particular stage of development. Influence dispositors ruling
higher SYs than the SYR stand to lose a lot of influence, some of
which is diverted to the SYR. Dispositors ruling lower SYs than the
SYR may retain most or all of their influence if the SYR is
bestowed full dignity. The SYR never receives any influence from
these dispositors. The diagnostic should only show 0 percent for
the highest SY. The 100 percent value should only show up for the
lowest SY and only if the Sun is not in Leo.
The analysis of the AK has not changed in this update, it will in
a later update. The new 'Vitiated' label refers to the fact that a
high number should correspond to loss of vitality through premature
aging, in a sense the opposite effect to that of the SY factor. The
AK factor reveals a karmic backlog reducing the vitality. Saturn as
the AK calls for stoicism. Usually, the SY factor is not a karmic
indication. Instead it can reveal lack of experience, knowledge,
talent, etc. Gola Yoga, or Saturn in Leo or Cancer, calls for
awareness or wisdom.
A future update will implement a more aggressive AK analysis.
Currently, the analysis only transfers influence from the Sun (for
a man) or the Moon (for a woman) to the AK. The new analysis will
transfer influence between the two, as well as from all dispositor
objects below the AK (in the order of the AKs) to the AK. Saturn as
the AK will thus draw influence from all the other dispositor
objects and if it is fully undignified and greatly advanced over
the other planets it will greatly weaken them according to their
lack of essential dignity in its domicile. For Saturn as the AK,
the latter limitation means that the Sun and the Moon stand to lose
the most (no limitation) and Mercury the least (84 percent of its
influence is left unaffected).
The following is the new stats. The mean integrity score has
increased significantly and a lot fewer charts now score in the red
categories. The obvious ultimate goal is to see fewer than 50
percent of the C715 charts in the red and fewer than 33 percent in
the dark. There is obviously still room for improvement and an
update will be available fairly shortly.
C715 T1080 IH AH
Influence: 55.52 53.52 93.81 40.36
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Debased (%): 49.60 51.02 2.42 71.77
Polarized (%): 48.17 49.98 94.52 41.23
Cusped (%): 5.96 6.24 5.16 3.67
Opposed (%): 23.81 26.32 3.46 40.32
Scorched (%): 9.12 10.47 0.00 15.80
Chained (%): 72.53 76.53 6.50 80.14
Vitiated (%): 65.52 70.02 0.30 78.35
Blocked (%): 75.18 79.96 0.00 88.69
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Disgrace (%): 77.98 82.88 5.84 96.71
Inferior (%): 46.93 50.53 0.99 82.91
Superior (%): 31.05 32.35 4.85 13.80
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Integrity: 13.65 10.10 88.34 1.33
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Category: 2.64 2.27 9 1
Neither the chart for US astrologer Isabel Hickey nor the chart for
nazi dictator Adolf Hitler are included in the two chart groups.
The same is true for all other charts representing astrologers and
dictators. The correct gender has been entered for Isabel Hickey,
but no changes have yet been made to any of the other charts.
Correct gender info will be entered for all charts after the
release of the first pre-alpha.
The following is the new chart distribution by category:
C715 T1080
1. DR (%): 38.88 46.30
2. Red (%): 13.01 14.81
3. Orange (%): 16.08 15.28
4. Yellow (%): 18.46 17.31
5. YG (%): 6.71 3.61
6. Green (%): 5.17 1.39
7. Blue (%): 1.40 0.83
8. Indigo (%): 0.28 0.46
9. Violet (%): 0.00 0.00
--------------------- -----
Five+ (%): 13.57 6.30
In the previous documented release (TP71), while the average
integrity score for all the serial killers was well below average
for the 715 public figures included in the test suite, and the most
prolific serial killers already scored in the Red categories, there
was one Canadian serial killer whose chart scored in the Blue. With
this update, the charts for all known serial killers score below 50
percent integrity. In addition, all dictators score below the
YellowGreen category, and all but one score below average for the
715 public figures.
For the most extreme sociopaths the integrity score should fall
into one of the red categories and the inferiority score be at
least five times the integrity score, or the integrity score fall
into the Orange category and the inferiority score be at least six
times the integrity score. Already, the most notorious sociopaths,
war criminals, scam artists, torturers, sadists, mass-murderers,
and serial killers easily satisfy this condition:
Henry Kissinger (31.81 / 20.93 = 1,52) (1)
Tzipi Livni (62.17 / 6.96 = 8,93)
Dominique Strauss-Kahn (64.76 / 6.99 = 9,26) (2)
Bernie Madoff (66.80 / 3.49 = 19,1)
Donald Ewen Cameron (93.73 / 2.48 = 37,8) (3)
Marquis de Sade (52.82 / 1.38 = 38,3)
Bill Gates (63.51 / 1.26 = 50,4)
Anders Behring Breivik (60.52 / 0.52 = 116) (4)
Timothy McVeigh (60.46 / 0.36 = 168)
Harold Shipman (65.61 / 0.16 = 410)
Adolf Eichmann (53.54 / 0.09 = 595)
Ted Bundy (74.26 / 0.10 = 743)
1) In this release, Kissinger's chart does not qualify but is
included for reference only. His chart did qualify in some earlier
previews and should do so again in a future preview. His chart
features Kedara Yoga with combust ruler, AK enjoying exalted
dignity in its sign - but its dispositor is combust, fully
undignified Libra Moon. The ACA results show a malignant Mercury,
which is appropriate, but the integrity score should never exceed
half the inferior disgrace for an extreme or severe psychopath,
such as Mr Kissinger.
2) Strauss-Kahn fits the list as a former IMF head and a man with
extremely unmanly behavior towards women. If he were born early in
the day, his integrity score would be even lower than the figure
listed. The noon chart features Kedara Yoga with combust ruler,
Saturn as AK fully undignified in Leo, the Moon enjoying some
dignity in Aries, but with a combust dispositor.
3) Cameron was a Scottish pseudo-psychiatrist who tortured numerous
patients. He is the founder of the World Psychiatric Association
and its first formal president. He was also the president of the
Canadian and American Psychiatric Associations in the 1950s. His
chart features Kedara Yoga with combust ruler, combust AK, fully
undignified Gemini Moon.
4) Breivik is a Norwegian massmurderer described as "Islam-critical
and Israel-friendly" on Wikipedia. He killed 77 people in and near
Oslo in 2011. His chart features Kedara Yoga with combust ruler,
combust AK, fully undignified Virgo Moon.
NOTE: The Moon refers to the Solar Moon (whose characteristics
depend on the sign of the Sun).
Perhaps the best thing about this update is that so many notorious
dictators score below average integrity for the control. Only one
score above average:
One chart scores in the Yellow category:
Mao Zedong's (14.35; 36.88; 30.95)
Five charts score in the Orange category:
Francisco Franco's (39.41; 39.45; 12.88)
Josef Stalin's (32.98; 42.96; 12.72)
Kim Jong-il's (19.85; 56.34; 10.88)
Pol Pot's (55.25; 24.23; 10.68)
Fidel Castro's (44.08; 41.42; 8.40)
Two charts score in the Red:
Vladimir Lenin's (14.67; 73.68; 5.88)
Hu Jintao's (53.85; 36.52; 4.94)
The remaining charts all score in the Dark Red:
Ho Chi Minh's (69.75; 26.48; 1.96)
Omar al-Bashir's (57.11; 39.40; 1.53)
Benito Mussolini's (89.10; 7.72; 1.40)
Adolf Hitler's (82.91; 13.80; 1.33)
Hosni Mubarak's (57.73; 41.40; 0.44)
Note: AA-rated birth data is available for Adolf Hitler, Benito
Mussolini and Francisco Franco. For the other people listed, the
times of birth are less certain or unavailable. The list does not
include notorious dictators for which the date of birth is unknown.
For the chart of Pol Pot, the figures are for a noon birth. The
numbers vary widely with the time of day, but the integrity score
never exceeds 11. It enters the Red and even the Dark Red at the
end of the day.
* Defaults: The default influence of the lunar nodes has changed.
The North Node (Rahu) carries the same influence as Saturn. The
South Node (Ketu) carries the same influence as the Sun. This
change reduces their influence compared to earlier previews.
Note 1: Changes in the ACA module mean that the relative
importance of the lunar nodes has increased.
Note 2: The South Node values have replaced those for the EP in
the "Planets and Minors" settings dialog. The latter's default
values have not changed.
* Stats: A convenient batch function is available through the menu
and by pressing CTRL+B. This function resets the stats and adds
all the charts available in the directory of the currently
selected chart. While processing a directory, any other command
halts processing. It can be resumed by giving the "Next Chart"
command. Pressing CTRL+B once more cancels processing. The client
window display does not change until all available charts have
been processed. The title bar shows progress or lack thereof.
It is now possible to disable stats and still view any stats
already gathered. Choose "Clear" from the menu or press CTRL+R to
remove stats from the graphics sidebar. The "First"/"Last" chart
commands only reset stats when enabled.
* Graphics: Line-height is one pixel greater than before. Chart info
and most other (if not indeed all) text output erases the text
background. Graphics mode uses a shadow bitmap, resulting in
flicker-free screen updates. In the past, this optimization has
resulted in system freezes on some systems. The freezes usually
only occur when moving the main window around very quickly. If you
experience system stability issues, you may download an earlier
technological preview and compare. If you notice any difference,
please drop me a note (including information on what graphics
driver you are using) and I will implement an option to disable
flicker-free graphics for future releases.
* Text: Sign meanings have been slightly revised, replacing "earthy"
with "domineering" for Taurus, and for Libra, replacing "militant"
with "oppressive" and "extrovert" with "adulterous", and adding
"smarmy". For Sagittarius, replaced "sympathetic" with
"devotional" (the former considered a bug).
New in TP71
This is a major special update. New features include a delete chart
file command and atmakaraka analysis. The update includes quite a few
fixes and improvements to both text and graphics charts (especially
the aspect grid). A regular update will, God willing, be available
early next month. The analysis module in this update is a mix of both
old and new code. The regular update should see full atmakaraka
analysis and all new code for sankhya yoga analysis. The improvements
in this update include slightly increased statistical significance
and significantly increased average integrity score for the 715 public
This update yields the best statistical significance ever, but there
are still a few charts that score much too high and a great many that
score too low. I expect great improvements for individual charts in
the planned regular update, aiming to bring the scores for all charts
inline with expectations. I no longer expect the average integrity
score to rise above 12, and I doubt I can manage to increase
statistical significance much further, if at all. Instead I will focus
on bringing up more charts from the red categories in the C715 group
and bringing down all charts from the blue categories in the T1080.
Change details
* ACA: The new statistics show more charts scoring really low as well
as more charts scoring really high. The updated analysis module
avoids zero-based factors except for combustion, planetary war and
cuspal placement. These factors very rarely hit zero. No major
planet can have exactly zero essential dignity by sign, unless all
of them completely lack dignity or strength, but with Gola Yoga and
for a fallen higher planet, such as Venus, they can come very close.
Planetary wars and cuspal placements have to be exact to yield zero
dignity or strength.
C715 T1080 IH AH
Influence: 64.97 61.40 92.88 53.67
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Debased (%): 50.21 51.07 4.41 74.31
Polarized (%): 48.67 49.76 94.31 54.01
Cusped (%): 5.10 5.40 5.35 3.79
Opposed (%): 22.93 24.13 7.98 47.06
Scorched (%): 9.16 10.23 0.00 17.11
Chained (%): 73.57 75.52 10.14 81.45
Vitiated (%): 70.80 74.96 0.21 83.74
Blocked (%): 87.33 90.48 0.21 96.13
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Disgrace (%): 85.80 89.16 0.83 93.97
Inferior (%): 45.06 46.57 0.04 67.46
Superior (%): 40.74 42.59 0.79 26.52
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Integrity: 10.70 7.81 92.11 3.24
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Category: 2.37 2.01 9 1
Neither the chart for US astrologer Isabel Hickey nor the chart for
nazi dictator Adolf Hitler are included in the two chart groups.
The same is true for all other charts representing astrologers and
dictators. The correct gender has been entered for Isabel Hickey,
but no changes have yet been made to any of the other charts.
Correct gender info will be entered for all charts after the next
regular update.
The following is the new chart distribution by category:
C715 T1080
1. DR (%): 39.58 51.02
2. Red (%): 19.44 18.24
3. Orange (%): 20.14 17.69
4. Yellow (%): 13.99 9.17
5. YG (%): 2.24 1.39
6. Green (%): 2.38 1.39
7. Blue (%): 1.12 0.56
8. Indigo (%): 0.98 0.56
9. Violet (%): 0.14 0.00
--------------------- -----
Five+ (%): 6.85 3.89
The top scoring chart in the C715 group belongs to US supreme court
justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Veena Yoga ·· Jupiter
Influence: 96.87
Debased (%): 24.59
Polarized (%): 60.73
Cusped (%): 0.99
Opposed (%): 0.00
Scorched (%): 0.00
Chained (%): 6.24
Vitiated (%): 4.22
Blocked (%): 8.20
Disgrace (%): 4.02
Inferior (%): 0.45
Superior (%): 3.57
Integrity: 92.97
Category: 9
New in TP65
This is a major special update. A regular update may, God willing, be
available early next month. Apart from a few fixes, this particular
update significantly sharpens the combustion factor, introduces letter
grades (A-F) for the six essential dignity levels, and adds atmakaraka
summary stats. It also adds gender as an optional extra item to the
extended chart information. Gender affects chart analysis by swapping
the primary and secondary essential dignity levels for women.
This update includes a few important fixes and a preliminary version
of the improved residence analysis promised when TP54 was released.
It yields the best statistical significance ever, but there are still
a few charts that score much too high and a great many that score too
low. Great improvements can be expected in the planned regular update
that will include a rewrite of the analysis module, aiming to bring
the scores for all charts inline with expectations.
The changes in this release mostly affect the automatic chart analysis
module and the influence list screen, but also include a correction in
the default essential dignity table. The integrity scores have changed
a lot for many charts. While the average integrity score for the C715
group of charts has risen very slightly, a huge number of charts now
score really low. One of the goals for the next regular update is to
greatly reduce the number of charts scoring integrity below 8 and also
to significantly raise the average integrity score. The sankhya yoga,
its ruler (SYR), Saturn and the atmakaraka (AK), the Sun and the Moon
will be the most important factors.
At last, this preview includes the new category limits to be employed
in the upcoming regular update. Two category names have also been
Change details
* ACA: The automatic chart analysis module has been improved with
a new residence analysis, including weighted arithmetic and
geometric mean dignities of the links in dispositor chains. Some
relatively small, but statistically very significant, changes have
been made to the sankhya yoga analysis. The essential dignity of
Saturn now affects sankhya yoga dignity. The dignity of planets
ruling sankhya yogas above the current also affect the dignity of
the current sankhya yoga ruler.
Different planets carry different weights when calculating the
arithmetic and geometric means of the links in dispositor chains.
Also the product of link dignities is weighted. By default this
means that the dignity of Jupiter means less than the dignity of
Saturn for the dignity bestowed a planet if both planets are links
in the target planet's chain of dispositors. The weights are
proportionate to the innate influences of the objects in the chain.
The dignity of a zero influence object has no impact on the dignity
bestowed a planet.
An object can often contribute dignified influence to a dispositor
even if the object completely lacks essential dignity in the sign
it is in. The requirement is that the dispositor chain has some
essential dignity. Apart from the essential dignity determined by
the sign an object is sitiuated in, the arithmetic mean of the link
dignities is the most important value controlling how much
dignified influence a dispositor can receive.
The Moon is about 25% more influential in this preview. It has been
the most important object in the analysis for quite a while now,
but its importance is hard to overestimate.
Cuspal range has been extended to 3 degrees. This has the effect
that only three charts in the T1080 group score above 67, which is
inline with the intention to offer certain guarantees for charts
scoring in different chart categories (see below).
The combustion effect considers retrogradation and selects shorter
ranges for Mercury and Venus when applicable. The effect also kicks
in later than before and grows faster. Any planet closer than five
degrees to the Sun is more than 99% combust. A planet should never
be more than 50% combust when more than a degree outside of a core
range. There is no combustion effect at 108,3% of a core range.
Earlier only the essential dignity of the Sun counted when applying
a final dignity reduction for a combust planet. Now the geometric
mean of the Sun's essential dignity and that of the planet itself
is used. This makes combustion more severe for planets lacking
essential dignity in the sign they are placed in, and less severe
for planets having essential dignity. These three changes have all
improved statistical significance.
Letter grades (A-F) for the six essential dignity levels have
replaced the previously used initials of sometimes widely unknown
internal terms. A raised dot indicates unknown/undefined essential
dignity and is treated as the arithmetic mean of C and D. By
default no indications come with undefined dignities. The so called
crown dignity in earlier previews, more properly called domicile
dignity, now gets an A (or a), the exalted dignity gets a B, the
assisted dignity a C, the hindered dignity a D, the earlier, so
called, debilitated dignity, often called fall, gets an E, and,
like before, the lowest dignity gets an F.
Gender matters for essential dignity. The chart for a woman with,
by default, secondary dignities (especially a, b and c), will see
the integrity score rise when the correct gender has been entered
in the chart info (turning 'a' to 'A' and 'b' to 'B', etc.). The
reverse is true if the chart features mostly primary dignities
(turning 'A' to 'a', 'B' to 'b', etc.). If you are using a pointing
device, you can click the new chart info label 'Gender' once for a
man and twice for a woman. This will enter an 'M' for a man and a
'W' for a woman (unless you have already entered something in the
entry field, in which case you can now overwrite it by typing on
the keyboard). If you enter an 'm' or a 'w', the 'm' becomes 'M'
and the 'w' becomes 'W' when focus leaves the entry field.
Default object influences have increased for Uranus (53), Neptune
(34), Pluto (10) and the lunar nodes (100), and decreased for
Lilith (5). The change for the lunar nodes is minor (98).
The AK is still not a factor in the automatic chart analysis, but
it will be in the next regular update. There were some wrong stats
in one of the previous special updates (TP61). The correct stats
are as follows: Mercury and the Sun are the most common atmakarakas
in the C715 group, followed by Mars. Venus and Saturn clearly trail
the rest. In the T1080 group Jupiter and Venus are the most common
atmakarakas, followed by Saturn. In the atmakaraka summary stats,
you can now view the average 'dignity' of the atmakarakas for a
group of charts.
Compared with special update TP60 this update includes a number of
fixes and improvements. The chain integrity was wrong in some
cases. It was also impossible to completely disable chaining. In
addition, in the most recent earlier previews with all factors
except debasement disabled, it was impossible to reach the expected
50 percent integrity of the C715 control group. This was due to a
compounding of essential dignity for all cases except where the
dignity bestowed a planet was 100 percent. These issues have now
been resolved. Although the statistical significance comparing
average integrities for the T1080 and C715 groups of charts is less
impressive using this preview, a number of other results make me
favor this preview over the previous and the last regular update. A
Canadian serial killer not included in the T1080 group scored
greater than 70 percent integrity using TP60. The chart now scores
below 52. A fallen atmakaraka, Mars in Taurus, and an otherwise
fairly dignified Moon makes the chart likely to score yet lower
integrity in the next preview. The Unabomber now scores integrity
below average, and Nidal Malik, the pseudo-psychiatrist who killed
13 people and wounded 30 others on a US army base, now scores
significantly lower than before, putting his chart in the upper
half of the Red category. Both charts feature severely afflicted
atmakarakas, Jupiter in Gemini for the Unabomber and Mercury
combust for the pseudo-psychiatrist. Josef Fritzl, the Austrian
who kept his daughter and the three children he had with her
captives in a cellar for 24 years, now scores much lower integrity
than in any previous preview. His chart scored above 40 percent
integrity using TP54. Now it scores below 20. Thanks to a highly
undignified atmakaraka, Jupiter in Scorpio, the integrity score can
be expected to drop even further in the next preview. No murderers
score above 60 percent integrity using this preview and only three
charts in the T1080 group score above 67. All three belong to
people convicted of fraud. The two top scorers belong to a man and
a woman. The current integrity score is 73 for both charts (TP65).
According to classical astrology and supported by empirical tests,
manly indications are less favorable for women and womanly
indications less favorable for men. The pre-alpha will take gender
into account and since the woman's chart features mostly or even
exclusively manly indications, the integrity score can be expected
to fall below the 67 limit. With the correct gender information
entered, it is already below the limit using this update. Saturn as
the AK will reduce the score even further. The man's chart features
ideal womanly indications including Venus, the SYR, in Taurus. The
chart for Josef Fritzl might also see a small additional drop since
it too features mostly womanly indications, incl. Venus in Taurus.
This preview introduces new category limits. The new limits combine
seven essential dignity limits with seven sankhya yoga limits. The
fourteen limits overlap each other, except for the red and green
limits. Two categories have been renamed. The Black category is now
called Dark Red and the Gray category is called Yellow Green. In
the software they are abbreviated DR and YG.
Integrity < 4 => 1. Dark Red (DR)
Integrity < 8 => 2. Red (at least Yuga Yoga)
Integrity < 16 => 3. Orange (at least Sula Yoga)
Integrity < 33 => 4. Yellow (at least Pasa Yoga)
Integrity < 42 => 5. YellowGreen (YG)
Integrity < 58 => 6. Green
Integrity < 67 => 7. Blue (at least Kedara Yoga)
Integrity < 84 => 8. Indigo (at least Dama Yoga)
Integrity < inf. => 9. Violet (at least Veena Yoga)
The new statistics show more charts scoring really low. This is
due to factors being multiplied together and also the use of a
geometric mean in many places, which results in a great number of
dispositor chains scoring zero, or very close to zero, dignity. The
rewritten analysis module will avoid zero-based factors except for
combustion, planetary war and cuspal placement. These factors very
rarely hit zero.
C715 T1080 IH AH
Influence: 73,96 71,38 88,54 61,60
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Debased (%): 50,17 51,09 4,41 73,06
Polarized (%): 48,60 50,10 94,31 54,01
Cusped (%): 5,10 5,40 5,35 3,79
Opposed (%): 23,47 24,61 8,14 47,47
Scorched (%): 9,31 10,37 0,00 17,25
Chained (%): 77,04 78,30 11,38 82,52
Numbered (%): 84,53 87,25 4,91 85,58
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Disgrace (%): 87,37 90,44 2,93 92,88
Inferior (%): 48,97 51,03 0,29 64,62
Superior (%): 38,40 39,41 2,64 28,26
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Integrity: 10,14 7,48 85,95 4,39
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Category: 2,35 1,99 9 2
Neither the chart for US astrologer Isabel Hickey nor the chart for
nazi dictator Adolf Hitler are included in the two chart groups.
The same is true for all other charts representing astrologers and
dictators. The correct gender has been entered for Isabel Hickey,
but no changes have yet been made to any of the other charts.
Correct gender info will be entered for all charts before the next
regular update.
The two top scoring charts in the control group are for US supreme
court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. and the well-known Danish
author Hans Christian Andersen. The chart for Thomas Mann scores
slightly lower in this preview (category 7).
Veena Yoga ·· Jupiter Dama Yoga ····· Venus
--------------------- ---------------------
Influence: 95,47 Influence: 94,77
--------------------- ---------------------
Debased (%): 18,34 Debased (%): 27,91
Polarized (%): 60,73 Polarized (%): 48,68
Cusped (%): 0,99 Cusped (%): 0,32
Opposed (%): 0,00 Opposed (%): 10,24
Scorched (%): 0,00 Scorched (%): 6,81
Chained (%): 12,70 Chained (%): 28,68
Numbered (%): 21,22 Numbered (%): 27,97
--------------------- ---------------------
Disgrace (%): 10,74 Disgrace (%): 23,88
Inferior (%): 1,06 Inferior (%): 8,22
Superior (%): 9,68 Superior (%): 15,66
--------------------- ---------------------
Integrity: 85,22 Integrity: 72,14
--------------------- ---------------------
Category: 9 Category: 8
The following is the new chart distribution by category:
C715 T1080
1. DR (%): 39,02 50,93
2. Red (%): 17,90 17,22
3. Orange (%): 21,96 18,80
4. Yellow (%): 15,66 10,19
5. YG (%): 2,80 1,30
6. Green (%): 1,54 1,02
7. Blue (%): 0,42 0,28
8. Indigo (%): 0,56 0,28
9. Violet (%): 0,14 0,00
--------------------- -----
Five+ (%): 5,45 2,87
For the most extreme sociopaths the integrity score should fall
into the new Red or Dark Red categories and the inferiority score
be at least five times the integrity score, or the integrity score
fall into the Orange category and the inferiority score be at least
six times the integrity score. The most notorious war criminals,
scam artists, sociopaths, torturers, sadists, mass-murderers, and
serial killers already easily satisfy this condition:
Henry Kissinger (53,89 / 15,15 = 3,56) (1)
Adolf Eichmann (38,36 / 6,10 = 6,29)
Bernie Madoff (45,78 / 2,99 = 15,3)
Tzipi Livni (82,71 / 2,33 = 35,5)
Donald Ewen Cameron (74,33 / 0,74 = 100) (2)
Timothy McVeigh (60,29 / 0,54 = 112)
Bill Gates (91,18 / 0,64 = 142)
Dominique Strauss-Kahn (74,15 / 0,52 = 143) (3)
Anders Behring Breivik (68,09 / 0,39 = 175) (4)
Harold Shipman (80,85 / 0,41 = 197)
Marquis de Sade (50,78 / 0,24 = 212)
Ted Bundy (87,26 / 0,39 = 224)
1) In this release, Kissinger's chart does not qualify but is
included for reference only. His chart did qualify in some earlier
previews and should do so again in a future preview. His chart
features Kedara Yoga with combust ruler, AK enjoying exalted
dignity in its sign - but its dispositor is combust, fully
undignified Libra Moon.
2) Cameron was a Scottish pseudo-psychiatrist who tortured numerous
patients. He is the founder of the World Psychiatric Association
and its first formal president. He was also the president of the
Canadian and American Psychiatric Associations in the 1950s. His
chart features Kedara Yoga with combust ruler, combust AK, fully
undignified Gemini Moon.
3) Strauss-Kahn fits the list as a former IMF head and a man with
extremely unmanly behavior towards women. If he were born early in
the day his integrity score would be even lower than the figure
listed. The noon chart features Kedara Yoga with combust ruler,
Saturn as AK fully undignified in Leo, the Moon enjoying some
dignity in Aries, but with a combust dispositor.
4) Breivik is a Norwegian massmurderer described as "Islam-critical
and Israel-friendly" according to Wikipedia. He killed 77 people in
and near Oslo earlier this year. His chart features Kedara Yoga
with combust ruler, combust AK, fully undignified Virgo Moon.
Perhaps the worst thing about this update is that so many dictators
score above average integrity for the control, but at least their
average is well below control average, and all 13 charts score in
Orange or lower categories. Many of the integrity scores can be
expected to fall below average in the next preview. The following
four charts score above average for the control:
Hu Jintao's (15,24; 72,75; 7,68)
Fidel Castro's (12,53; 29,21; 56,96)
Mao Zedong's (11,73; 13,07; 73,46)
Vladimir Lenin's (10,51; 7,10; 80,58)
Two more charts score in the Orange category:
Josef Stalin's (9,23; 7,73; 77,62)
Pol Pot's (8,60; 60,98; 29,48)
Three charts score in the Red:
Francisco Franco's (4,93; 45,14; 48,72)
Adolf Hitler's (4,39; 64,62; 28,26)
Benito Mussolini's (4,11; 92,85; 1,25)
The remaining four charts all score in the Dark Red:
Kim Jong-il's (1,51; 33,36; 64,72)
Omar al-Bashir's (1,45; 40,41; 58,07)
Hosni Mubarak's (0,74; 39,96; 59,01)
Ho Chi Minh's (0,46; 58,86; 40,59)
* Settings: A buggy default setting affected the essential dignity of
the lunar nodes in the signs of Aries and Libra. The correct
default, which is Rahu exalted in Libra, has now been set. Some
other essential dignity defaults have also changed: The Moon, when
acting as itself (which it mostly does not), is no longer exalted
in Taurus and Libra, but instead in Pisces and Sagittarius. It is
assisted in Scorpio and Aries. Also Mercury is assisted in the same
signs (only swapping primary and secondary signs compared with the
previous preview). Finally, the primary and secondary domiciles of
the lunar nodes have been swapped.
* Text: Chart/Influence list: The dispositors are weighted a little
differently in this preview. For idealness the weights are 1/7
through 7/7 in ascending order and for harmfulness the other way
around. This means that all planets contribute something to both
metrics and that the neutral planet Mercury contributes equally to
both metrics with 4/7 and the benefic Jupiter contributes a little
more (5/7) to idealness and a little less to harmfulness (3/7).
* Graphics: Colorless mode has been fixed. All colors, without
exception, are now colorless.
* Text: Sign meanings have been updated. A few new keywords have been
added, and six substitutions have been made.
* Chart info files: Characters found beyond the internal limits of
their respective character strings are no longer loaded.
New in TP54
This is a minor update containing small adjustments of the automatic
chart analysis. Since a relatively long time has passed since the last
preview and this one increases statistical significance this is a
fitting interim release until there is time to finish the bigger and
better improvements still ahead. These include reworked Sankhya Yoga,
planetary war, and also residence analysis. The latter is the backbone
of any chart analysis and results in a planet retaining all, some or
none of its innate influence. Such influence is always classified as
dignified. Influence which is not retained is transferred to the
planetary lord of the residence. In this and earlier previews a planet
that is a guest at another planet's residence and having no essential
dignity there loses all its influence. Currently the lord of the
residence receives this influence classified as 100% disgraced. A
planet enjoying some essential dignity always transfers some of its
influence classifed as dignified and the remainder as disgraced. In
the next preview the dignity of the dispositor will greatly affect how
transferred influence is classified as dignified and disgraced. The
result will be that some charts will see increased dignified influence
and reduced disgraced influence. This means, for instance, that the
there will be cases where the Sun in Aquarius will give Saturn
dignified influence despite the Sun having no essential dignity in
this sign. This can happen when the Sun's chain of dispositors carries
essential dignity. Note that the SUN will still, just as in this
preview, lose ALL of its influence. Preliminary testing shows that
this change might increase statistical significance. It should also
help raise the average integrity score, since there will be a way for
a planet to effectively operate at a more dignified level than its
residence would otherwise immediately suggest. The effect of a planet
operating at a less dignified level than its essential dignity by sign
is already in place in this preview, but will be reworked to favor
final dispostors and especially those enjoying full essential dignity.
This preview also has a new chart influence list with dispositor
* ACA: The automatic chart analysis module has been improved.
Cuspal range is reduced to 2,5 degrees. The effect of placement
within cuspal range only applies to regular planets and not to
points in space, such as the lunar nodes. A cusped planet rapidly
gains strength as its distance to the cusp increases. The increase
follows a simple sine curve. These two changes have effectively
reduced the cuspal factor and have for the first time brought
positive statistical significance to this factor as revealed by
the "cusped" diagnostic below. In the test group each and everyone
of the seven classical planets has its influence more cusped than
in the control! The planetary strength reduction within cuspal
range is a mere 5% at 2 degrees, 41% at 1 degree, almost 70% at
0,5 degrees and 100% at exactly 0 degrees.
Minor dignities are now even more minor. The dignity levels are
1 (domicile/rulership), 5/6 (exaltation) and 7/12 (down from 4/6).
The default minor dignities for Mars and Venus have been reversed.
This deviates from the traditional exalted dignity of Mars in
Capricorn. The exact dignity level used in the automatic chart
analysis is 5/12. Venus now has minor dignity in Aquarius and
Capricorn and Mars in Leo and Cancer. As a result Venus in Leo or
Cancer contributes less integrity and more inferiority than before.
The atmakaraka, the planet who has advanced the farthest in any
sign, is still without effect in the automatic chart analysis. The
Sun is considered the natural atmakaraka. It generally spells
better fortune, more fun and a more powerful self. Saturn shows
worse fortune, more service and a less powerful self. If the AK
is weak, for instance through a lack of essential dignity, the
whole chart is supposed to be weak. Also if the AK is any other
planet than the Sun or the Moon then the Sun and the Moon will lose
influence to this planet. When using the automatic chart analysis
it is always important to check the strength and dignity of the
individual planets and not only the overall scores. The strongest
dispositor planet in the chart is always a good starting point for
an astrological interpretation (see Chart/Influence list). For
Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Ho Chi Minh, Hu Jintao and Omar al-
Bashir it is the diabolic and dictatorial Sun. For Hosni Mubarak it
is the grandiose and ruthless Mars. For Josef Stalin it is the
reckless and self-applauding Jupiter spelling a huge superiority
complex, and for Mao Zedong the unkind and invincible Saturn with
an even greater sense of superiority.
The changes in this release have improved statistical significance
for the cusped diagnostic, inferior disgrace, and the integrity
score. The ordering of individual charts has probably not changed
much, but individual differences in integrity have of course seen a
a lot of changes as is the case for the charts of actress Sandra
Bullock and dictator Hu Jintao, where the chart for the more
sympathetic actress now scores 12,89 (17,04) and the chart for the
less sympathetic dictator 6,37 (9,07).
C715 T1080 IH AH
Influence: 75,33 73,12 91,64 64,00
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Debased (%): 50,30 51,41 22,55 73,53
Polarized (%): 48,36 50,11 6,06 21,05
Cusped (%): 4,17 4,48 5,26 3,51
Opposed (%): 23,43 24,68 10,84 45,15
Scorched (%): 10,41 11,43 0,00 17,77
Chained (%): 76,04 77,33 9,61 81,61
Numbered (%): 78,07 80,54 0,00 85,11
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Disgrace (%): 87,46 90,39 14,95 93,57
Inferior (%): 48,85 51,17 6,03 61,47
Superior (%): 38,61 39,22 8,92 32,10
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Integrity: 10,00 7,46 77,94 4,11
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Category: 3,68 3,29 9 3
Neither the chart for astrologer Isabel Hickey nor the chart for
nazi dictator Adolf Hitler are included in the two chart groups.
The same is true for all other charts representing astrologers and
The two top scoring charts in the control group are for US supreme
court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. and the well-known Danish
author Hans Christian Andersen. The chart for Thomas Mann scores
slightly lower in this preview (67,58).
Veena Yoga ·· Jupiter Dama Yoga ····· Venus
--------------------- ---------------------
Influence: 95,80 Influence: 94,76
--------------------- ---------------------
Debased (%): 17,40 Debased (%): 14,74
Polarized (%): 79,09 Polarized (%): 44,19
Cusped (%): 0,26 Cusped (%): 0,01
Opposed (%): 0,00 Opposed (%): 10,60
Scorched (%): 1,29 Scorched (%): 7,32
Chained (%): 13,50 Chained (%): 25,79
Numbered (%): 17,51 Numbered (%): 27,75
--------------------- ---------------------
Disgrace (%): 17,92 Disgrace (%): 22,20
Inferior (%): 2,56 Inferior (%): 9,18
Superior (%): 15,36 Superior (%): 13,02
--------------------- ---------------------
Integrity: 78,63 Integrity: 73,73
--------------------- ---------------------
Category: 9 Category: 9
The chart distribution by category is as follows:
C715 T1080
1. Black (%): 12,03 13,06
2. Red (%): 17,20 22,59
3. Orange (%): 17,06 21,57
4. Yellow (%): 17,62 17,87
5. Gray (%): 22,38 17,96
6. Green (%): 9,37 4,91
7. Blue (%): 3,08 1,48
8. Indigo (%): 0,98 0,56
9. Violet (%): 0,28 0,00
--------------------- -----
Five+ (%): 36,08 24,91
For extreme sociopaths the integrity score should fall into the
Orange or a lower category and the inferiority score be at least
five times as great as the integrity score, or alternatively the
inferiority score be at least six times as great as the integrity
score. The most notorious war criminals, scam artists, sociopaths,
sadists, mass-murderers, and serial killers already easily satisfy
this condition:
Henry Kissinger (10,06 & 58,90 => 5,85*)
Adolf Eichmann (5,58 & 38,63 => 7,02)
Bernard Madoff (2,01 & 29,01 => 14,5)
Bill Gates (4,09 & 70,35 => 17,2)
Marquis de Sade (1,80 & 52,07 => 28,9)
Dominique Strauss-Kahn (1,76 & 70,66 => 41,6)
Tzipi Livni (1,86 & 87,94 => 48,9)
Timothy McVeigh (1,12 & 65,48 => 59,5)
Harold Shipman (1,18 & 82,99 => 75,4)
Ted Bundy (0,42 & 67,79 => 169)
* In this release Kissinger's chart is just short of qualifying,
but in a future ACA revision his chart might qualify depending on
the strength or weakness of the atmakaraka.
With this release only two dictators score above average for the
control and most score in the Orange or lower categories. The top
two charts belong to Mao Zedong (20,36; 5,29; 71,77) and Fidel
Castro (10,22; 31,56; 57,13). All the remaining charts score below
the average for the control. Four charts score in the Yellow
category: Francisco Franco's (6,85; 44,34; 47,53), Hu Jintao's
(6,37; 80,69; 11,19), Josef Stalin's (6,28; 9,18; 80,49) and
Vladimir Lenin's (6,27; 5,94; 86,75). Two charts score in the
Orange: Benito Mussolini's (4,36; 91,56; 2,35) and Adolf Hitler's
(4,11; 61,47; 32,10). One chart scores in the Red: Pol Pot's (1,86;
76,27; 21,42). The remaining four charts all score in the Black:
Hosni Mubarak's (0,72; 44,15; 54,83), Ho Chi Minh's (0,44; 67,32;
32,10), Omar al-Bashir's (0,41; 55,36; 44,19) and Kim Jong-il's
(0,33; 33,22; 66,38).
The control group includes a subgroup of 106 judges consisting of
all the supreme court justices of the United States at the time of
building the control. Its average integrity score is 11,07 with a
category average of 3,89. 41,51% of the charts score in the Gray or
higher categories.
The test group has the following subgroups of at least 100 charts:
235 registered sex offenders (7,13; 49,06; 41,70), 244 past and
present inmates on Alabama deathrow (7,51; 52,01; 38,26), 100 white
female murderers (8,05; 48,54; 40,86), 105 assorted serial rapists
and killers (7,21; 51,06; 39,72), and 189 people convicted of first
degree murder (7,39; 50,32; 40,29). One subgroup scores well above
average for the test group as a whole: The charts for 92 people in
prison for fraud have an average integrity score of 9,02.
This preview adds object influence aggregation as a final step in
the chart analysis. It has no effect on any overall metrics, such
as the chart integrity score, but simply gathers the influence of
all the included objects under six ultimate dispositors. Since only
the classical planets (rulers of the 12 signs of the zodiac) can
act as dispositors no other objects can receive influence anyway.
The system thus transfers any influence retained by other objects
to these ultimate dispositor objects. In this scheme, the Sun and
the Moon together reveal the mentality and the brain as a physical
organ. The Sun is to the Moon as Yang is to Yin, ie. the Sun
represents both the brain as whole and more specifically the left-
side, while the Moon specifically represents the right-side. Any
influence carried by the Moon when acting as the dispositor for
Cancer or retained when representing itself is transferred to the
Sun. When the Moon represents another planet based on its aspect
to the Sun its retained influence is transferred to the planet it
represents. Upon completion of this step there is an even number of
six ultimate dispositors, each responsible for two signs (one manly
and one womanly).
Following this release, three planned major improvements remain
to be implemented. Two will impact all charts: A redesign of the
Sankhya Yoga analysis and a more dynamic residence analysis. The
third will only affect a select group of charts. It targets
planetary wars in the same sign as the Sun, which are not greatly
or fully affected by combustion. In this and previous releases such
wars are practically ignored as only the Sun is recorded as the
winner. The charts affected by the necessarily much more complex
code change are quite few. A short list includes the charts for the
following people: Richard Nixon, Charles Manson, Adolf Hitler,
Thomas Watt Hamilton and Theodore Kaczynski. In the case of Nixon's
chart the change will have little effect in absolute terms as his
chart already scores in the Red, while it may have great effect on
the chart for the Una Bomber as the planetary war involves the
sankhya yoga ruler and the chart's current score puts it in the
upper Gray. If you come across any other charts which deviate from
what you expect with regard to the integrity score please let me
know. In particular I know of no charts for serial killers, war
criminals, serial rapists or mass murderers which score in the Blue
or higher categories using this preview. The category limits will
change in the next preview. The new limits will reflect the dignity
levels innate to the seven sankhya yogas plus the two new minor
residence dignity levels. With these new limits it will be possible
to attach certain astrological guarantees to the charts in each
category based on the minimum sankhya yoga required to qualify in
a particular category. The system will no longer be calibrated to
yield an average integrity score of 10,00 for the C715 control
group. The average is therefore expected to land higher, probably
somewhere between 10 and 20.
* Text: Chart/Influence list: Object analysis has been replaced by
dispositor analysis, which is a listing of the objects capable of
receiving influence from other objects. Below the basic absolute
numbers for total, dignified and disgraced influence, there are six
new tables. On the first row you find "Balance", "Benevolence" and
"Disgrace". Each value listed in these three tables is relative the
ideal value for the planet, which is based on the initial influence
set for the planet plus the influence of any other planets it lords
over. On the second and last row you find "Dignity", "Idealness"
and "Harmfulness". Dignity is dignified influence relative total
influence. Idealness and harmfulness is the same as benevolence and
disgrace for each planet, but expressed relative the planet's
balance for balance values exceeding 100%. A planet's idealness and
flawedness/harmfulness can thus never exceed 100%. The bottom line
averages are weighted means. The planets' weights correspond with
the dignity of the associated sankhya yoga for the idealness
average and its opposite for the harmfulness average, thus the Sun
can never contribute idealness and Saturn never harmfulness.
Mercury and Jupiter both carry the same weight (0,5). In this
preview most charts show an excess of plus signs, minus signs, and
exclamation marks.
* Text: The "Meanings" of a few signs have changed slightly, notably
adding the keywords "rich" to Cancer and "poor" to Aquarius. Libra
has lost the keywords "neurotic" to Gemini and "calm" to Leo. The
latter change can be considered a textual bugfix, since Libra is
perhaps one of the least calm signs and the most restless and
New in TP50
The primary reason for this release is to provide a fix for a bug in
the automatic chart analysis. The bug was semantic, in the sense that
the code did what it was supposed to do, but still not exactly what
was originally intended. The effect was that integrity for charts with
undignified sign placements saw a boost that was proportionately
greater than for those with dignified sign placements. Some other
changes and additions have also been made, but nothing major. The
bigger and better release is still ahead.
* ACA: The automatic chart analysis module has been improved.
Fixed a semantic bug in the substitution algorithm that increased
dignified influence for less than fully dignified sign placements
beyond the essential dignity of the planet in the sign. This had
a proportionately greater effect on less dignified placements than
for more dignified, thus changing the code to never go beyond the
essential dignity limit has increased statistical significance. It
also means that the integrity score should never be able to exceed
the total chart influence minus debased influence.
The atmakaraka, the planet who has advanced the furthest in any
sign, is now presented next to the Sankhya Yoga for the current
chart. You can also choose "Atmakarakas" from the "Stats" menu to
see the atmakaraka distribution for the currently selected group of
charts. Only the 7 classical planets can become atmakarakas in this
The effect of cuspal placement has been decreased in general and
also changed for the Sun, Venus, Mars and Saturn, so that the Sun
and Mars are less cusped in so called infancy, ie placement very
early in a sign, and Venus and Saturn are less cusped in old age,
or very late in a sign. The exact implemention will change in the
next release. The full range of this factor is still 15 degrees,
but the practical effect is minute until a planet comes closer
than about five degrees from a cusp.
The effect of combustion and planetary wars should now vary more
depending on the planets involved. In general the outcome can be
more benign, unless the planets are completely antagonistic. In
some cases a so called war or even combustion can improve the
dignity of a planet. This can be the case if the losing planet is
undignified in the sign it is in.
Influence chaining (introduced in the previous release) matter less
in this release, but still serves to give the charts that need it
greater inferiority scores, such as that for serial rapist and
probable serial killer Anthony Sowell. In the next release, which
will incorporate the atmakaraka as an important factor, his chart
may see an even greater inferiority score, it already exceeds 70.
A bug in the influence chaining routine has also been fixed, very
slightly improving statistical significance.
The changes in this release has improved statistical significance
for a lot of values including the integrity score, but also
debasement (lack of essential dignity), polarization (secondary
instead of primary dignity in sign), and cuspal placement in
particular. For the first time there are now charts in the control
group scoring in the highest category. The ordering of individual
charts has also changed in many places, or their distance has
increased as is the case for the charts of actress Sandra Bullock
and dictator Hu Jintao, where the chart for the more sympathetic
actress now scores 17,04 (up from 14,38) and the chart for the less
sympathetic dictator only 9,07 (down from 9,59).
C715 T1080 IH AH
Influence: 68,26 66,69 83,33 62,58
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Debased (%): 50,45 51,65 22,55 65,92
Polarized (%): 48,36 50,11 6,06 21,05
Cusped (%): 16,40 16,34 13,80 8,03
Opposed (%): 23,72 24,92 12,89 46,04
Scorched (%): 9,91 10,94 0,00 16,99
Chained (%): 77,91 79,01 13,06 82,14
Numbered (%): 73,80 76,30 14,06 79,57
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Disgrace (%): 86,06 89,32 23,02 92,40
Inferior (%): 49,15 50,86 8,18 79,59
Superior (%): 36,91 38,46 14,83 12,81
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Integrity: 10,00 7,52 64,15 4,76
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Category: 3,68 3,28 8 3
The two top scoring charts in the control group are for two quite
well-known authors, Thomas Mann and Hans Christian Andersen.
Dama Yoga ···· Saturn Dama Yoga ····· Venus
--------------------- ---------------------
Influence: 92,34 Influence: 93,14
--------------------- ---------------------
Debased (%): 19,78 Debased (%): 15,70
Polarized (%): 15,92 Polarized (%): 44,19
Cusped (%): 0,21 Cusped (%): 0,80
Opposed (%): 18,38 Opposed (%): 11,43
Scorched (%): 0,00 Scorched (%): 7,44
Chained (%): 15,01 Chained (%): 27,54
Numbered (%): 21,03 Numbered (%): 24,44
--------------------- ---------------------
Disgrace (%): 23,20 Disgrace (%): 23,30
Inferior (%): 7,35 Inferior (%): 10,97
Superior (%): 15,85 Superior (%): 12,33
--------------------- ---------------------
Integrity: 70,92 Integrity: 71,43
--------------------- ---------------------
Category: 9 Category: 9
The TP50 chart distribution by category is as follows:
C715 T1080
1. Black (%): 11,33 13,70
2. Red (%): 18,88 21,85
3. Orange (%): 14,55 22,13
4. Yellow (%): 19,86 17,04
5. Gray (%): 22,38 18,33
6. Green (%): 8,25 4,81
7. Blue (%): 3,64 1,67
8. Indigo (%): 0,84 0,46
9. Violet (%): 0,28 0,00
--------------------- -----
Five+ (%): 35,38 25,28
For extreme sociopaths the integrity score should fall into the
Orange or a lower category and the inferiority score be at least
five times as great as the integrity score, or alternatively the
inferiority score be at least six times as great as the integrity
score. The most notorious war criminals, scam artists, sociopaths,
sadists, mass-murderers, and serial killers already easily satisfy
this condition: Henry Kissinger (9,55 & 56,25 => 5,89), Adolf
Eichmann (5,23 & 47,61 => 9,10), Bernard Madoff (1,88 & 30,44 =>
16,2), Bill Gates (4,09 & 70,35 => 17,2), Tzipi Livni (2,53 & 85,85
=> 33,9), Marquis de Sade (1,39 & 52,80 => 38,0), Timothy McVeigh
(1,69 & 75,20 => 44,5), Harold Shipman (1,46 & 90,33 => 61,9), Ted
Bundy (0,87 & 72,03 => 82,8). In this release Kissinger does not
qualify, but since his atmakaraka is Mars he will have no trouble
fitting the bill in the next release.
With this release only three dictators score above average for the
control and most score in the Orange or lower. The top three charts
belong to Mao Zedong (23,75; 5,27; 67,14), Fidel Castro (18,46;
26,56; 53,08) and Francisco Franco (10,57; 47,21; 40,32). All the
remaining charts score below the average for the control. Three
charts score in the Yellow category: Hu Jintao's (9,07; 81,77;
4,68), Benito Mussolini's (7,32; 88,07; 1,82), and Josef Stalin's
(6,93; 32,47; 57,60). Two charts score in the Orange, Adolf
Hitler's (4,76; 79,59; 12,81) and Vladimir Lenin's (3,53; 9,81;
85,51), and another two in the red, Pol Pot's (1,67; 86,47; 11,43)
and Hosni Mubarak's (1,32; 53,42; 44,73). The remaining charts
score in the Black: Omar al-Bashir's (0,60; 47,93; 51,41), Ho Chi
Minh's (0,53; 78,98; 20,32) and Kim Jong-il's (0,23; 54,13; 45,47).
The control group includes a subgroup of 106 judges consisting of
all the supreme court justices of the United States at the time of
building the control. Its average integrity score is 10,54 with a
category average of 3,85. 35,85% of the charts score in the Gray or
higher categories.
The test group has the following subgroups of at least 100 charts:
235 registered sex offenders (7,08; 48,82; 41,07); 244 past and
present inmates on Alabama deathrow (7,58; 51,76; 37,54); 100 white
female murderers (8,53; 47,67; 39,98); 105 assorted serial rapists
and killers (6,95; 50,65; 39,39); and 189 people convicted of first
degree murder (7,57; 49,85; 39,46). One subgroup scores well above
average for the test group as a whole: The charts for 92 people in
prison for fraud have an average integrity score of 8,86.
New in TP49
* ACA: The automatic chart analysis module has been improved.
Fewer than half of the control charts show up in the first
three categories. A goal for the pre-alpha will be to have more
than half of the control charts score in Yellow or higher category,
at least a third in Gray or higher, and fewer than one tenth in the
Black. This release meets the first two goals and also manages to
push down the number of control charts in the Black category from
over 14% in TP39 to just under 11%. Fixing a bug inadvertently
reducing dignified influence more than was intended for some charts
with Pasa yoga or lower sankhya yogas has contributed to this
reduction. Also other improvements to the sankhya yoga algorithm,
as well as to most of the other factors have contributed greater
statistical significance.
The essential dignity of the Sun has increased in importance. If
the Sun enjoys zero dignity then all the planets will be reduced
to their minimum power (brightness), which will affect their
dignity, strength and susceptibility to the chaining effect. For a
fully dignified Sun this change has no effect.
The retrogradation subfactor of essential dignity and strength in
sign, which could boost these values for retrograde Jupiter and
Saturn, no longer depends on velocity (direct/retrograde motion),
but instead considers estimated brightness based on elongation. The
brighter the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune)
the greater the boost to dignity and strength. Conversely, below
average brightness can reduce the same values. Since the charts for
criminals in the test group tend to have these planets darker than
the charts for public figures in the control, this feature has good
statistical effect.
The range of the cuspal factor, or strength in sign, has been
extended to its maximum 15 degrees (up from 12 degrees), while the
overall effect has been toned down leaving less influence cusped
than in TP39.
The scorching factor, or combustion in general speak, now kicks in
later than before, but also grows more quickly on approach towards
the Sun. This change has meant a slight increase in scorched
influence and a very clear increase in statistical significance.
A new feature is called influence chaining, which is a recursive
process which passes on received (primarily undignified, but also
some dignified) influence in the same way innate influence is
transferred through the regular substitution process. Only objects
with some innate influence can retain received influence. This
feature has mixed impact on statistical significance, but serves
to give the charts that need it greater inferiority scores, such as
that for serial rapist and probable serial killer Anthony Sowell.
The outcome of the sankhya yoga algorithm is now more predictable
from the Numbered diagnostic. A value below 50 predicts a possible
increase in dignified influence. A value above 50 always results in
decreased influence if possible. With this revision the sankhya
yoga ruler has strength to retain some dignified influence. This
has boosted the integrity score for Albert Einstein's chart from
red to orange.
Compared to the unofficial bug fix release (TP48) the increase in
statistical significance is minute. Instead the major statistical
change in this release is the increase of the number of charts
scoring in the Gray and higher categories. The ordering of
individual charts has also changed in many places. One example is
the order reversal of the charts for actress Sandra Bullock and
dictator Hu Jintao, where the chart for the more sympathetic
actress now scores above average (14,38) and the chart for the less
sympathetic dictator now scores below average (9,59).
C715 T1080 IH AH
Influence: 65,50 64,32 86,04 62,77
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Debased (%): 50,50 51,36 4,51 65,92
Polarized (%): 48,12 49,93 6,06 21,05
Cusped (%): 22,63 22,41 12,87 12,19
Opposed (%): 24,66 25,76 12,50 46,66
Scorched (%): 10,08 11,10 0,00 17,03
Chained (%): 80,03 80,91 13,53 82,51
Numbered (%): 76,52 78,88 9,75 81,96
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Disgrace (%): 85,30 88,45 8,99 92,20
Inferior (%): 49,19 50,82 0,08 84,72
Superior (%): 36,11 37,63 8,91 7,47
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Integrity: 10,00 7,75 78,31 4,90
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Category: 3,72 3,36 9 3
Compared to the last official release (TP39) this preview changes
the integrity limits for the Yellow and Indigo categories as
Integrity < 1 => 1. Black
Integrity < 3 => 2. Red
Integrity < 6 => 3. Orange
Integrity < 10 => 4. Yellow
Integrity < 20 => 5. Gray
Integrity < 33,3 => 6. Green
Integrity < 50,0 => 7. Blue
Integrity < 70,0 => 8. Indigo
Integrity < 100,1 => 9. Violet
This results in an easy to remember number series (1,2,3,4) for
the ranges covered by the first four categories now representing
integrity scores below average for the C715 public control group.
The TP49 chart distribution by category, using the integrity limits
listed above, is as follows:
C715 T1080
1. Black (%): 10,63 11,20
2. Red (%): 15,52 22,87
3. Orange (%): 19,44 21,48
4. Yellow (%): 17,06 17,59
5. Gray (%): 25,31 19,35
6. Green (%): 7,55 5,56
7. Blue (%): 3,64 1,48
8. Indigo (%): 0,84 0,46
9. Violet (%): 0,00 0,00
--------------------- -----
Five+ (%): 37,34 26,85
Obviously this categorization is very rough and there will be many
individual differences that can be discerned by looking at the
influence distribution over planets, as well as factors outside of
astrology, including, but not limited to status of parents, country
and cultural setting, etc. Astrology can predict a bad childhood,
but the exact details will of course vary with the context. There
are also additional astrological factors such as timing, which
determine if a given potential can materialize or not.
For extreme sociopaths the integrity score should fall into the
Orange or a lower category and the inferiority score be at least
five times as great as the integrity score, or alternatively the
inferiority score be at least six times as great as the integrity
score. The most notorious war criminals, scam artists, sociopaths,
sadists, mass-murderers, and serial killers already easily satisfy
this condition: Henry Kissinger (9,61 & 59,60 => 6,20), Adolf
Eichmann (3,26 & 42,81 => 13,1), Marquis de Sade (2,01 & 29,97 =>
14,9), Bernard Madoff (2,26 & 44,90 => 19,9), Tzipi Livni (3,60 &
72,02 => 20,0), Bill Gates (1,83 & 93,39 => 51,0), Harold Shipman
(1,36 & 91,16 => 67,0), Timothy McVeigh (1,11 & 91,29 => 82,2), and
Ted Bundy (0,72 & 96,37 => 134).
With this release only three dictators score above average for the
control and most score in the Red. The top three charts belong to
Fidel Castro (31,0; 21,0; 44,9), Mao Zedong (23,6; 14,3; 58,1) and
Francisco Franco (11,7; 41,8; 43,7). All the remaining charts score
integrity below the average for the control. Two charts score in
the Yellow category: Hu Jintao's (9,6; 76,2; 8,5) and Josef
Stalin's (6,9; 25,1; 64,8). Four charts score in the Orange: Adolf
Hitler's (4,9; 84,7; 7,5), Benito Mussolini's (4,8; 88,5; 4,7),
Vladimir Lenin's (4,1; 20,9; 72,2) and Pol Pot's (3,8; 77,2; 17,8).
The remaining charts score in the Red: Kim Jong-il's (1,7; 40,2;
56,6), Hosni Mubarak's (1,5; 29,7; 68,3), Ho Chi Minh's (1,1; 55,7;
60,2) and Omar al-Bashir's (1,0; 42,4; 56,4).
The control group includes a subgroup of 106 judges consisting of
all the supreme court justices of the United States at the time of
building the control. Its average integrity score is 10,64 with a
category average of 3,9. 39,62% of the charts score in the Gray or
higher categories.
The test group has the following subgroups of at least 100 charts:
235 registered sex offenders (7,3; 48,5; 40,4); 244 past and
present inmates on Alabama deathrow (7,8; 51,6; 36,9); 100 white
female murderers (8,5; 49,3; 37,6); 105 assorted serial rapists and
killers (7,3; 50,7; 38,2); and 189 people convicted of first degree
murder (7,8; 49,3; 39,2). One subgroup scores well above average
for the test group as a whole: The charts for 92 people in prison
for fraud have an average integrity score of 9,0.
New in TP48 (unofficial bugfix release)
* ACA: A great number of improvements including a bug fix in the
sankhya yoga algorithm.
Charts (n): 715 Charts (n): 1080
--------------------- ---------------------
Influence: 65,82 Influence: 64,94
--------------------- ---------------------
Debased (%): 50,50 Debased (%): 51,36
Polarized (%): 48,12 Polarized (%): 49,93
Cusped (%): 23,33 Cusped (%): 23,17
Opposed (%): 24,67 Opposed (%): 25,77
Scorched (%): 10,09 Scorched (%): 11,11
Chained (%): 79,90 Chained (%): 80,80
Numbered (%): 76,69 Numbered (%): 78,97
--------------------- ---------------------
Disgrace (%): 85,34 Disgrace (%): 88,48
Inferior (%): 49,20 Inferior (%): 50,80
Superior (%): 36,15 Superior (%): 37,67
--------------------- ---------------------
Integrity: 10,00 Integrity: 7,77
--------------------- ---------------------
Category: 3,75 Category: 3,38
New limits (same as in TP49):
Charts (n): 715 Charts (n): 1080
--------------------- ---------------------
1. Black (%): 9,93 1. Black (%): 11,57
2. Red (%): 18,46 2. Red (%): 22,22
3. Orange (%): 17,06 3. Orange (%): 23,43
4. Yellow (%): 19,30 4. Yellow (%): 17,78
5. Gray (%): 21,96 5. Gray (%): 16,39
6. Green (%): 8,53 6. Green (%): 6,30
7. Blue (%): 3,50 7. Blue (%): 1,85
8. Indigo (%): 1,26 8. Indigo (%): 0,46
9. Violet (%): 0,00 9. Violet (%): 0,00
--------------------- ---------------------
Five+ (%): 35,24 Five+ (%): 25,00
Old limits (same as in TP39):
Charts (n): 715 Charts (n): 1080
--------------------- ---------------------
1. Black (%): 9,93 1. Black (%): 11,57
2. Red (%): 18,46 2. Red (%): 22,22
3. Orange (%): 17,06 3. Orange (%): 23,43
4. Yellow (%): 14,83 4. Yellow (%): 13,89
5. Gray (%): 26,43 5. Gray (%): 20,28
6. Green (%): 8,53 6. Green (%): 6,30
7. Blue (%): 3,50 7. Blue (%): 1,85
8. Indigo (%): 1,26 8. Indigo (%): 0,46
9. Violet (%): 0,00 9. Violet (%): 0,00
--------------------- ---------------------
Five+ (%): 39,72 Five+ (%): 28,89
New in TP39
* ACA: The automatic chart analysis module has been improved.
Some primary and secondary essential dignities have been switched,
see Help/Planets for a listing of all essential dignities. You can
change these using the same command-line options as in the original
Astrolog software.
The Moon's programmatic influence has been increased again. The
Moon was already in the previous release by far the most important
object, but its weight is now even greater, improving statistical
significance. Currently the Moon carries about four times the
actual influence of the average planet (its own influence plus that
of its accidental rulership based on its sign aspect with the Sun).
Only the Moon has this programmatic influence increase. All the
other objects carry the exact influences shown in the Object
settings dialogs.
The analysis module has been tested for effectiveness using the
same test and control groups as used with the previous releases.
The average integrity score for the criminal test group is now 79%
of that of the average for the control group, which is down from
about 86% in TP22.
A new diagnostic has been added to independently track the effect
of placement in primary and secondary dignity. A placement is
recorded as Polarized when having secondary essential dignity. In
theory this should indicate the womanly complement. Initial testing
using mostly untimed charts for 196 lesbians yields a Polarized
average of 49,69. The corresponding figure produced using mostly
untimed charts for 244 homosexual males is 52,38.
The expanded analysis output for the control and test groups using
program defaults (7 planets plus the lunar nodes) is as follows:
C715 T1080 IH AH
Influence: 64,25 63,59 84,21 62,67
-------------- ----- ----- ----- -----
Debased (%): 50,50 51,36 4,51 65,92
Polarized (%): 48,12 49,93 6,06 21,05
Cusped (%): 29,27 29,22 15,77 23,41
Opposed (%): 24,36 25,46 12,59 46,63
Scorched (%): 9,73 10,63 0,00 14,47
Chained (%): 79,73 80,54 14,87 82,49
Numbered (%): 74,80 77,16 7,72 77,55
-------------- ----- ----- ----- -----
Disgrace (%): 84,81 88,00 11,31 94,61
Inferior (%): 49,10 50,79 0,14 85,80
Superior (%): 35,71 37,20 11,17 8,81
-------------- ----- ----- ----- -----
Integrity: 10,00 7,90 74,69 3,38
-------------- ----- ----- ----- -----
Category: 3,66 3,30 9 3
You may notice that the Cusped diagnostic for the first time shows
a slightly higher value for the control than for the test group.
This can be explained by the Moon's greatly increased weight in
this release and the fact that most of the charts in the test group
are untimed. With the Moon disabled the corresponding figures are
29,10 for the control and 29,12 for the test group. It is my
prediction that if only accurately timed charts are used the
statistical significance will be a lot greater, especially with the
Moon enabled. In this release the cusp range extends 12 degrees
from each cusp.
The inferiority score should reveal potential for antisocial
behavior. Inferior disgrace can also show forth as childishness,
incompetence and excessive humility. An inferiority score below ten
in combination with a strong sidereal rising sign should rule out
the possibility of severe antisocial behavior, including violent
extremes such as all rape and torture, cruelty to animals, pseudo-
psychiatry, as well as any state-sanctioned unlawful killing, such
as capital punishments in some countries, killing of unborn
children, euthanasia, genocide and suicide. The strong sidereal
rising signs are Aquarius, Capricorn, Libra and Taurus. If the
inferiority score is greater than the integrity score and either
Jupiter, Venus or Saturn is very weak (registering very little
influence) there can be intellectual, social or universal/spiritual
retardation. In the case of a weak Saturn health problems and
dyslexia can also be predicted.
For extreme sociopaths the integrity score should fall into a
Yellow or lower category and the inferiority score be at least
five times as great as the integrity score. The most notorious war
criminals, scam artists, sociopaths, sadists, mass-murderers, and
serial killers already easily satisfy this condition: Tzipi Livni
(6,7 & 42,4 => 6,3), Henry Kissinger (8,3 & 62,3 => 7,5), Bernard
Madoff (4,1 & 82,7 => 20,2), Bill Gates (2,0 & 84,0 => 42,0),
Timothy McVeigh (1,2 & 54,0 => 45), Marquis de Sade (1,0 & 45,6 =>
45,6), Adolf Eichmann (0,9 & 41,4 => 46), Harold Shipman (0,9 &
86,7 => 96,3), and Ted Bundy (0,5 & 91,0 => 182).
The superiority score should reveal potential hypersocial behavior,
including infidelity and adultery (without antisocial intent), and
a lack of respect for people in general. High superiority scores
should also be indicative of repression and lack of authenticity,
humility and bravery. People with a weak Sun and an emphasis on
superiority are less likely to know themselves and are consequently
also less likely to know the people around them. Charts with a
superiority score exceeding 50% or at least twice as great as the
integrity and with a margin greater than the inferiority score
should reveal a genuine superiority complex. If the superiority
score is greater than the integrity score and either the Sun, Mars
or Mercury is very weak (registering very little influence) there
can be mental, analytical or sensual retardation. In the case of
a weak Mercury problems with concentration and memory can be
With this revision, 4 of the 13 dictators included in the Astrolog
for OS/2 Chart Collection score above average integrity for the
control: Fidel Castro (31,1; 15,9; 49,5), Mao Zedong (27,8; 31,8;
35,0), Hu Jintao (15,2; 65,1; 12,9), and Francisco Franco (12,7;
41,7; 43,0). All the remaining charts score integrity below the
average for the control, as well as below the average for the
criminal test group, including those of Josef Stalin (7,7; 17,9;
69,9) and Pol Pot (7,4; 56,7; 32,9). The following charts all score
integrity below category 4, i.e. more than half of the control
charts score higher integrity: Adolf Hitler's (3,4; 85,8; 8,8),
Vladimir Lenin's (2,7; 35,0; 60,0), Benito Mussolini's (1,8; 92,7;
4,8), Ho Chi Minh's (1,6; 37,5; 60,2), Kim Jong-il's (1,3; 36,9;
60,3), Hosni Mubarak's (0,8; 61,7; 37,2), Omar al-Bashir's (0,4;
32,2; 67,3).
The control group includes a subgroup of 106 judges (all the
supreme court justices of the United States at the time of building
the control). Its average integrity score is 10,29 with a category
average of 3,75. 42,45% of the charts score in a Gray or higher
The test group includes the following subgroups of at least 100
charts: 235 registered sex offenders (7,6; 49,7; 38,7); 244 past
and present inmates on Alabama deathrow (8,1; 51,0; 36,8); 100
white female murderers (8,4; 50,3; 36,6); 105 assorted serial
rapists and killers (7,5; 48,6; 39,6); and 189 people convicted of
first degree murder (7,7; 50,4; 37,9). One subgroup scores well
above average for the test group as a whole: 92 people in prison
for fraud (first and second degree) have an average integrity
score of 9,0.
The updated chart analysis module also produces a new category
output, which for now simply divides the integrity range in nine
different bands, with the fifth starting about halfway between the
criminal test group average and the control group average, and
ending exactly a ninth the distance towards full from the latter.
The fourth category surrounds the criminal test group average.
This category output makes it easier to track chart distribution
and may in later releases also be augmented with constraints based
on the inferiority and superiority scores. In the pre-alpha the
user will be able to adjust these limits, but for this initial
release they are fixed as follows:
Integrity < 1 => 1. Black
Integrity < 3 => 2. Red
Integrity < 6 => 3. Orange
Integrity < 9 => 4. Yellow
Integrity < 20 => 5. Gray
Integrity < 33,3 => 6. Green
Integrity < 50,0 => 7. Blue
Integrity < 66,7 => 8. Indigo
Integrity < 100,1 => 9. Violet
Slighty fewer than half of the control charts show up in the first
three categories. A goal for the pre-alpha will be to have at least
a third of control charts score in the Gray or higher categories,
and fewer than one tenth in the Black. For a new control consisting
of the 75 232 noon (UTC) charts spanning the seven last cycles of
Saturn the share currently scoring in the Black is 15,4%. I hope to
bring this down in the pre-alpha, so that fewer than one ninth
register in the Black. The average integrity score is 9,01. The
category distribution for the C715 and T1080 groups, using the
integrity limits mentioned earlier, is as follows:
Charts (n): 715 1080
--------------------- -----
1. Black (%): 14,13 17,13
2. Red (%): 17,76 20,74
3. Orange (%): 16,64 20,28
4. Yellow (%): 12,17 11,76
5. Gray (%): 24,90 20,00
6. Green (%): 8,67 7,69
7. Blue (%): 4,90 1,76
8. Indigo (%): 0,84 0,65
9. Violet (%): 0,00 0,00
--------------------- -----
Five+ (%): 39,30 30,09
If you have any ideas for additional analysis factors to include or
tests you would like to see done please contact me. All data used
are available to the public via the Internet. I would appreciate if
you let me know of any timed charts for serial killers that score
in the Blue or higher categories, there should not be any!
Note: Starting with this release you have to enable chart analysis
on the new Analysis menu. You can also selectively disable one or
more features of the ACA module, and turn on/off diagnostics.
* Stats Function: You can have the software gather statistics for a
group of charts by selecting Enable on the new Stats menu. The
current chart will be added and all subsequently analyzed charts as
well. The stats will only be reset when you select Reset on the
Stats menu or use the First Chart or Last Chart commands on the
File menu.
* Chart Show: Akin to a picture slide show you can create a show of
astrological charts by selecting Auto Repeat on the File menu.
Start the show by pressing Ctrl+PgUp for the previous or Ctrl+PgDn
for the next chart in sequence. Another chart will be loaded
automatically at the set timer interval specified from the
Animation menu. To pause you can press Ctrl+Pause. To resume use
the same key combination again and restart.
Standing notes on the ACA feature
Dispositor analysis is a text listing of the objects capable of
receiving influence from other objects. It is available from TP54
onward. Below the basic absolute numbers for total, dignified and
disgraced influence, there are six tables. On the first row you
find "Dignity", "Esteem" and "Disgrace". In the first table some
dignified influence and no disgraced yields 100% dignity. The
second table shows dignified influence divided by ideal influence.
The third table presents disgraced influence divided by a value
close to but always less than ideal influence. The ideal influence
for a dispositor is based on the innate influence set for the
planet plus the influence of any other planets it lords over. For
the Sun the ideal influence amounts to the innate influence of the
Sun plus that of the Moon. It also includes the influence of the
Solar Moon, a special object sharing its placement with the normal
Moon object, but with characteristics based on the sign aspect cast
by the Sun. The Solar Moon is by default the most influential
object, but if either the Sun or the normal Moon is assigned zero
influence then the Solar Moon is assigned zero influence as well.
On the second and last row you find "Balance", "Benevolence" and
"Malevolence". Balance is total influence divided by a weighted
mean of ideal influence and full disgrace. If dignity is 100% the
weighted mean equals ideal influence, if dignity is 0% it equals
full disgrace. Benevolence and Malevolence are the same as Esteem
and Disgrace, but expressed relative the planet's Balance for
balance values exceeding 100%. A planet's Benevolence and
Malevolence can never exceed 100%. The bottom line averages are
weighted means. The weight carried by a planet increases with the
dignity of the associated sankhya yoga for the Benevolence average
and the reverse for the Malevolence average, thus the Sun
contributes the least to the Benevolence average and Saturn the
least to the Malevolence average. The weight assigned Mercury is
exactly the same in both averages.
To the right of the percentages you may find signs indicating
especially noteworthy values. Stars highlight values pointing to
benevolent abilities and strengths, minuses show deficiencies,
plusses excesses, and exclamation marks malevolent character
traits to be watched extra carefully. There can be one to four
instances of each sign, with 1 indicating the lowest magnitude
and 4 the highest.
* = promising ! = ominous
** = good !! = malignant
*** = very good !!! = severely malignant
**** = excellent !!!! = extremely malignant
+ = excessive - = lacking
++ = clearly excessive -- = clearly insufficient
+++ = severely excessive --- = severely insufficient
++++ = extremely excessive ---- = extremely insufficient
The specific interpretation depends on the planet. For the Sun,
stars indicate authenticity, material control/dignity, beneficial
publicity, faith, good fortune, productivity, dignified privacy, a
well-functioning brain, etc. Exclamation marks can reveal childish
and diabolic behavior, along with gullibility, selfishness, greed,
bad temper, crankiness, a lot of talk and arrogance, addiction,
melancholy and depression. When found under benevolence, plus signs
can show too much of a good thing, such as too much publicity, too
much power, too much fun, or being too rich. Minus signs for the
Sun reveal deficiencies of the brain and a lack of material fortune.
There is less enjoyment in life and most obviously less public and
private dignity, little or no bravery or lack of shyness and
prudence. So long as its dignity exceeds 50%, an insufficient Sun
can be interpreted as merely a weak sense of self, but there can
also be more severe issues, such as mental disability and mental
illness, including fraud, severe mood swings and brain injuries,
Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases, or ALS. A short summary with
keywords for all six dispositor planets can be found below.
For the first three categories, roughly between a third and two
thirds of the keywords should apply to any particular chart with
stars, exclamation points or plusses. Many keywords only apply to
one of the two signs ruled by the planet and if that sign is not
emphasized in the chart those keywords will miss the mark to some
extent. A few of the keywords, usually listed last in the category,
only apply in extreme cases. More keywords can be found in the
program through Help/Meanings. For each sign, the first seven or so
keywords apply to the star category. The last keywords before the
final comma apply to the malignant category. All of the keywords in
the minus lists are applicable to ACA results indicating extremely
insufficient balance. For lack of benevolence, the relevance of the
minus lists increase if there are exclamation marks next to the
planet's opposite. A few of the minus list assertions are only
relevant to a lack of balance, not benevolence alone.
Dispositor Keywords
The Sun
* Vital, glowing, public, domestic, brave, royal, gay, civil,
calm, balanced, in control, enthusiastic, authentic, powerful,
faithful, hopeful, sincere, well-functioning brain, perceptive,
empathetic, pleasant, good, fun, private, shy, material, rich,
beautiful, fortunate, kind, lawful, efficient, productive
! Clueless, childish, selfish, sordid, cranky, naive, arrogant,
opinionated, intolerant, xenophobic, malicious, greedy, busy,
lazy, pathetic, inferior, dictatorial, depressed, superficial,
gushing, surreal, sickly, crazy, violent, alcoholic, diabolic
+ Too much fun, too carefree, too kind, too brave, too trusting,
too empathetic, too shy, too calm, too busy, too pleasant,
too private, too public, too dramatic, sentimental, etc.
- Unbalanced, unpleasant, not rich, materially retarded, mentally
impaired, lacking public dignity, authenticity, calm, faith,
fun, bravery, fortune, goodness, empathy, control, etc.
* Mental, humble, cerebral, intelligent, pure, clean, innocent,
able, intrepid, famous, religious, vigilant, good thinking,
telepathy, commanding presence, elegance, tech-savvy, passion,
libido, ecstasy, loyal, friendly, sympathetic, trusting, avid,
quick, sharp, versatile, ambitious, fair, complete, perfect
! Idiotic, incompetent, commanding, touchy, suspicious, hateful,
petty, quarrelsome, timid, wicked, ruthless, impatient, needy,
insecure, jealous, vengeful, crude, ugly, prejudiced, silent,
autistic, insane, lethal, war-mongering, horrific, demonic
+ Too charitable, too humble, too passionate, too technical, too
quick, too fussy, too clean, too ecstatic, too lively, too
loyal, too friendly, too ambitious, too elegant, etc.
- Unintelligent, unthinking, mentally retarded, unambitious,
unclean, lacking humility, courage, passion, fame, reverence,
religion, ecstasy, loyalty, fidelity, attention, sympathy, etc.
* Sensual, sound, reasonable, honest, open, verbal, eloquent,
verbatim, direct, clever, subtle, bold, idealistic, youthful,
useful, dutiful, playful, flexible, good memory, entertaining,
glib, candid, precise, sporty, speedy, chaste, good at math or
science, concentration, excitement, decent, lucky, wealthy
! Stupid, indecisive, unreliable, narrow-minded, puritanical,
hypersexual, repetitive, stingy, sick, mocking, teasing, lying,
provocative, profane, hostile, aggressive, cruel, tormenting,
mean, unscrupulous, immoral, evil, mad, egoistic, psychopathic
+ Too sensual, too sexual, too open, too verbal, too much for new
and changing things, too playful, too conforming, too helpful,
too honest, too precise, too sporty, boring, etc.
- Uncritical, sensually retarded, unsound, negligent, slow mind,
lacking reason, honesty, decency, concentration, sense of
detail, ideas, luck, money, ego, memory, excitement, etc.
* Moral, enlightened, intellectual, humane, teaching, outspoken,
popular, humorous, devout, truthful, insightful, broad-minded,
conservative, right, athletic, competitive, growth, prosperity,
harmless, benevolent, tender, gentle, comforting, linguistic,
visionary, pious, generous, at ease, blissful, high, content
! Self-approving/applauding, pushful, silly, pompous, worried,
promiscuous, yielding, suffering, indecent, dishonest, crafty,
subjective, unreasonable, disregarding facts, irreligious,
treacherous, psychotic, reckless, scheming, crooked, deceitful
+ Too generous, too tender, too emotional, too optimistic, too
intellectual, too professional, too devout, too competitive,
too general, too humorous, too content, too expansive, etc.
- Joyless, intellectually retarded, insipid, unemotional, amoral,
soulless, lacking truth and insight, unhumorous, ungenerous,
uncompetitive, changeable, stagnant, anorexic, wrong, etc.
* Understanding, smart, tactful, just, ethical, genial, patient,
listening, compassionate, attractive, sexy, confident, cordial,
social, romantic, pragmatic, educated, moderate, warm, loving,
potent, affluent, reliable, competent, sane, lucid, orderly,
impartial, polite, cute, happy, relaxed, peaceful, secure
! Impure, restless, weak, submissive, unfriendly, daft, stubborn,
worldly, temperamental, drunk, unhinged, infidel, adulterous,
pleasure-seeking, lewd, corrupt, venereally diseased, envious,
lax, thoughtless, fraudulent, brutal, domineering, oppressive
+ Too understanding and compassionate, too patient, listening too
much to others, too parental, too impartial, too philosophical,
too loving, too romantic, too relaxed, too tactile, etc.
- Unhappy, socially retarded, timid, not sane, unjust, heartless,
not listening, lacking objectivity, charm, taste, diplomacy,
moderation, IQ, compassion, fertility, potency, sleep, etc.
* Wise, aware, inventive, talented, musical, logical, spiritual,
practical, universal, radical, thorough, focused, sober, quiet,
tireless, successful, sociable, virtuous, gregarious, constant,
noble, lofty, healthy, old, robust, strong, supreme, knowledge,
authority, veracity, leadership, influence, esteemed, safe
! Vitiated, unfaithful, unkind, depraved, perverse, cowardly,
shabby, poor, victim of crime, needing help, gloomy, miserly,
obstinate, odd, rigid, tense, hard, spasmodic, abrupt, rash,
careless, socialistic, narcissistic, egocentric, faithless
+ Hypersocial, too tolerant, too strong, too daring, too sober,
too odd, too assured, too big, too lofty, studying or working
too much, too practical, too constant, too focused, etc.
- Unwise, unsuccessful, not quiet nor sober, unaware, graceless,
lacking perspective, knowledge, health, strength, robustness,
longevity, greatness, virtue, focus, people interest, etc.
The first two tables on each row never show any exclamation marks,
as there is never anything ominous about their values. Conversely,
the last table on each row never shows any stars, as its values are
never promising. Instead dots are used to indicate safe values. A
single dot indicates a possibly safe value, two dots a usually safe
value, three dots a very safe value and four dots shows there is
extremely little or exactly nothing to worry about with regard to
that particular planet. In general, the actual safety of a planet
showing something other than a perfectly safe value (three or fewer
dots) also depends on the benevolence of its opposite planet. A
possibly safe value for an individual planet is only safe most of
the time if average benevolence is not lacking and the planet's
opposite has sufficient benevolence. A possibly safe overall value
is only safe if average benevolence is not lacking. In case of
severely insufficient benevolence only completely safe values can
be considered safe.
· = possibly safe (! = ominous)
·· = usually safe (!! = malignant)
··· = very safe (!!! = severely malignant)
···· = safe (!!!! = extremely malignant)
Similarities between Planets of Similar Evolutionary Development
There are similarities between the first three planets, and also
between the last three. These similarities are no coincidence, but
due to the fact that the first three planets are inferior and the
last three are superior (opposite the inferior). When strong, the
inferior planets show speed of learning and ability to assert one-
self. They are braver, more courageous, bolder, more genuine and
honest than the superior, but also less experienced, less secure,
more timid, more against things and more prone to fault-finding,
one of them can even find faults when there are no faults to be
found. When introverted they show potential for violence, killing
and aggression. The superior planets reveal greater awareness, a
sense of morality and justice, smartness and neatness, and capacity
to consider, understand and accept other people. They are older,
more laid back and less prejudiced, but when introverted also more
prone to narcissism, victimization, and in the case of Jupiter
assumption of insight or being right without any evidence or even
a hint to that effect.
People with severe disorders of inferiority, shown as inferior
disgrace exceeding chart integrity, including psychopaths, serial
killers and alcoholics should always have one or more exclamation
marks next to one of the inferior planets. People with disorders of
superiority, such as crooks, fraudsters and perverts should have
one or more exclamation marks next to one of the superior planets.
More specifically, for a rapist the mark should be next to Mercury
and for a crook (a dishonest, unsympathetic, not so clever, but
usually non-violent offender) next to Jupiter. The requirement is
lessened only if overall benevolence is insufficient or overall
malevolence is ominous or worse. In this case it is enough that the
specific malevolence value is unsafe (no dots).
For dictators the inferiority/superiority distribution tends to
follow ideological lines with fascists, such as Mussolini and his
even more infamous follower, Hitler, having greater emphasis on
inferiority, and socialists, such as Lenin and Stalin, stressing
superiority. To recapitulate, inferiority complexes are associated
with the inferior planets and are thus indicated by exclamation
points next to the Sun, Mars and Mercury (the young, material or
direct, and potentially childish and arrogant, selfish and greedy
planets); superiority complexes are associated with the superior
planets and are thus revealed by exclamation points next to
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn (the mature, lofty or detached, and
potentially crafty and depraved, poor and envious planets).
Capitalism requires significant inferior disgrace and socialism
significant superior disgrace. Both require lack of faith and
humility. Most people are neither capitalists nor socialists. Some
de facto capitalists advocate socialism for everyone else. The
analysis results for these people's charts show exclamation marks
next to both inferior and superior planets.
Similarities between Opposite Planets
There are also similarities between opposites: Both Mercury and
Jupiter are mutable planets. While Mercury rules honesty and verbal
communication (voice, spelling and grammar), Jupiter rules Truth
and language (tone, sense and logic). It is easy to see that you
need both to be a truly truthful person and a fluent speaker of any
language. Barack Obama, derided as the teleprompter President, has
a strong and clearly favorable Mercury, but a weak and insufficient
Jupiter. He should be youthful and easier to talk to than most
people, but also short on vision, truth and fluency of expression.
His sense of humor is lacking and he is more likely to follow the
advice of others than to take the lead himself. More importantly,
his direct involvement in unlawful killings and, to quote the
New York Times, "lethal action without hand-wringing", reveals a
clearly deficient moral sense (the Benevolence table shows severely
insufficient influence for Jupiter). Barack Obama is against
prosecuting those responsible for torture under the George W. Bush
administration, and he has appointed John O. Brennan, a torture
supporter, as his chief counterterrorism advisor. In addition to
greatly increasing the number of lethal drone strikes the US
government carries out around the world (on average killing more
civilians, including women and children, than alleged terrorists or
militants), Barack Obama also supports partial birth and sex-
selection abortion and opposes protection for babies who are born
alive as a result of induced abortion. According to Israel's oldest
daily newspaper, the Haaretz, Obama cast his first veto in the UNSC
against the settlement resolution: "And Israel, an international
pariah, once again found itself supported only by America." The
horoscope governing the United States of America (4 Jul 1776 18:30
UTC-5) shows an even weaker Jupiter. The US government in general
and the current President in particular fail to see what most of
the rest of the World sees clearly: The President and his advisors,
blind to all things true, moral and humorous, are headed for Hell.
Jupiter is the planet of vision. When Jupiter is weak, so is the
vision as well. A large part of the US foreign policy is dictated
by a tiny state in the Middle East and its most extreme political
party, the Likud, and above all the most extreme members of that
party. Another side of the harbinger of joy is competition. The
extreme lack of benevolence associated with Jupiter in the natal
horoscope of the United States reveals a lack of competitiveness.
The emphasis on Cancer in the chart shows greed as one of the
Nation's strongest driving forces. Since the US is unlikely to come
out a winner in competition, it sees a need to cleverly persuade
other countries to relinquish their resources, or if that fails,
due to a lack of corruption in a particular country, to invade and
put in place more cooperative or at least more easily manipulated
governments using military force. The weakness of Jupiter also
supports the isolation of the US government in world affairs and
its steadily increasing unpopularity around the globe. Many of its
own citizens have become more than a little disenchanted as well.
The corrupt US government allows banksters and other kleptcrats
free reign to plunge more and more people into economic and social
misery. A weak Jupiter signifies a weak leader, and a weak leader
means a lack of prosperity. The planet of money, Mercury, is in the
horoscope of the US much stronger than Jupiter. It carries very
significant benevolence, but Mercury is no substitute for Jupiter:
The US is said to have "the best government money can buy", but it
is at best difficult to buy a good government, what you are most
likely to get is an amoral government that supports immorality in
the private sector and easily turns immoral itself. Without
morality there can be no joy and with immorality there can only be
a rock-bottom low. As a unit, the weak Jupiter and the strong
Mercury clearly points to the immorality and inconsistency we have
seen from the US polity in both foreign and domestic matters, but
also the antisocial actions taken by mainstream media to encourage
moral relativism, general stupidity, secularism, islamophobia,
homosexuality, racism, attacks on or even invasions of other
countries, and to disrupt peace, protect criminals and discourage
understanding, justice, religion, health, truth, competition,
growth and prosperity. A current example of the senselessness and
unpopularity of the US foreign policy is an official expectation of
peace with muslims, while supporting the Zionist state of Israel,
or directly interfering in, invading and occupying their countries,
and even killing people of both foreign and US citizenship with
impunity using CIA-operated drones, of course in blatant violation
of both International and US law, although the latter has been
defended by the infamous US Minister of Injustice, Mr. Eric Holder,
saying that the requirement for "due process" is satisfied by the
executive branch of government weighing the evidence and having the
President decide who to kill or not. Two examples of the anti-truth
drive in the US government are the protection of people producing
offensive propaganda films and the incarceration and pre-trial
judgement of a US Army soldier accused of exposing war crimes in
Iraq. A rational government imprisons war criminals, not those who
expose them. Note: The scarce morality in the President's chart
would have been even more obvious had it not been for the superior
sankhya yoga: Dama yoga adds experience and at best a strong sense
of justice and ethics. It always boosts the IQ, tact and diplomacy.
In the chart for the US government there is no superior sankhya
yoga and the lack of morality, truth and prosperity is thus even
more glaring. The US is not keen on competition and tries its best
to eliminate any competition as quickly as possible. Since it lacks
experience as well as humility it usually fails - even if it did
have experience it would still fail to defeat more religious people
and countries, i.e. it would hardly defeat anyone. Domestically,
big corporations and well-known banksters, such as Jamie Dimon and
Robert Rubin, avoid competition through the corruption of the US
Congress. In August 2012, a Gallup poll reported that Congress's
approval rating among US citizens was at 10%, matching a 38 year
low reached in November 2011.
Both Mars and Venus are military planets. To be a high-ranking
military of good repute both planets need to be strong. General
David Petraeus, the current director of the CIA and formerly
serving in the US army, has more than one star next to both of
these planets in the Benevolence table. According to Wikipedia, he
was the top graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff
College in 1983. He served in Iraq, 2003-2008, and then as a Four
Star General in Afghanistan, 2007-2011. In 2011 he was unanimously
confirmed as the next Director of the CIA by the US Senate. Mars
represent needs and promotes friendship, loyalty and marriage;
Venus glows with capacity to father, disarm, listen and love. At
its best, Mars protects the defenceless; Venus stands up for
justice and spreads peace. Mars is vigilant and takes on conflict
quickly; Venus employs patience or brute force. If a person does
not have both, he or she will lose in battle, either right away or
down the line. The overall integrity of the General's birth chart,
assuming a noon birth, falls in the Blue category, but it should be
noted that the Sun in Scorpio and Venus in Sagittarius are better
fits for a woman than a man (he could probably make a better
detective or spook than a military man). The time of birth is not
known to me, but regardless of time, the chart integrity never
falls below YellowGreen, unless the Moon was exactly cusped at
around 19:00, in which case it could possibly fall into the Yellow.
Even at that abysmal time, there are still two stars next to both
Mars and Venus (the only insufficient planet is Mercury, the most
malevolent and possibly malignant planet is Jupiter).
The Sun and Saturn are very different planets, but they too have
similarities. They both represent the top. The Sun manifests the
visible, material and public top and Saturn the much harder to see
spiritual and universal top. To be really at top you need both
planets to be strong. The Sun reveals public dignity and ability to
direct oneself and others, it comes with faith in oneself and
others; Saturn is necessary for leadership and authority, to have
the knowledge and awareness required and an interest in the welfare
of society as a whole. A person with exclamation points next to one
or both of these planets in the Malevolence table is unlikely to
enjoy a low position for long. The governments of the UK and the US
are perfect exponents of the innately anti-democratic tendencies of
these planets when they are malignant. Stars next to both of these
planets in the Benevolence table show true top potential. These
people are the ones most likely to stand out in any group of men or
women. Their top qualities are unquestionable.
Similarities between Planets of the Same Elements
A final grouping of the planets is by element. The Sun, Mars and
Jupiter are all material, subjective and emotion-oriented planets.
Their complementary elements are Fire and Water, with one domicile
sign belonging to the former and the other to the latter. They
promote enthusiasm, sentimentality, passion and emotions of joy and
sorrow. Mercury, Venus and Saturn are all abstract, objective and
idea-oriented planets. Their complementary elements are Air and
Earth. They promote speech, singing and listening, not just talk
but lucid communication. When introverted they are capable of
receiving sex, love and knowledge. To be a great singer Venus has
to be strong and extroverted. The first group includes all the
planets which lack strong verbal and listening skills. The second
group includes all the planets which lack sentimentality, ecstasy
and power. The two highest planets incline people to spirituality
and universality and reveal capacity to either transcend the
material illusion and enter samadhi or already dwell there. Saturn
comes with Grace and full satisfaction. The first group of planets
is necessary for empathy and intimacy, as well as for sympathetic
thinking and emotional comforting in the here and now. The second
is required for everlasting happiness, peace and detachment. While
Fire and Water are infinitely close to each other, the latter is
usually considered the most subjective. Of Earth and Air, the
latter is the most objective and the former the most inert of all
the elements. Fire and Air are both hot elements. They stir the
cold elements into action.
The strength of a planet of can compensate for the weakness of a
planet of the same elements. Planets of higher evolutionary
development are more able to compensate for those of lower
For example, if Venus or Saturn
have some benevolence, then benevolent Mercurial traits will not
completely missing, even if Mercury itself appears to have no
benevolent influence. The compensation is limited to the higher
planet's essential dignity in the signs of the lower. In practice
this means that a barely sufficiently benevolent Saturn gives a
somewhat lacking reasoning ability but not insufficient degree,
even if Mercury is extremely insufficient. The software may add in
this compensation automatically in a future update. Note that the
higher planet loses some of its benevolence as a result of standing
in for the lower. The effect is negligible for planets of better
than insufficient benevolence.
Most notably a strong Sun can compensate for a weak Mars and
Jupiter, and a strong Saturn can compensate for a weak Venus and
Mercury. A strong Jupiter can also compensate for a weak Sun and
a strong Mercury for a weak Saturn. Conversely, an extremely weak
Sun can bring down Mars and especially Jupiter and an extremely
weak Jupiter can bring down the Sun.
1. The compensation given from a planet is always limited to the
giver's essential dignity in the signs of the receiver divided by
the sum of all the giver's essential dignities in the signs of all
its potential receivers (this sum equals 2 for all potential giver's).
2. It also never exceeds the receiver's innate influence (as set in
the object settings dialog) divided by the sum of innate influences
of both receiver and giver.
3. The primary limit is the weakness of the receiver, which is simply
the difference of its ideal influence and its actual influence
divided by the ideal influence. Only if this quotient is positive
will the potential receiver become an actual receiver. The square of
the quotient puts an absolute limit to its gift.
4. The relative dignity of the giver decides how much influence is
transferred as dignified to the receiver. The square is used.
Of the remaining influence a share equalling the second quotient
squared is added to the receiver's disgraced influence. All the
rest is lost.
The same compensation as for dignified inlfuence can be carried out
for disgraced influence, but substituting one minus dignity for
the dignity.
Since this post-processing can make the analysis harder to
penetrate, it will be optional.
Sexual Sides of the Planets
All planets rule or lord two signs, one odd and another even. There
are significant differences between odd and even signs. Depending
on the physical gender of a person, a planet is fully at home in
one and only one of the two signs. For a man, the Sun is fully at
home in Leo, the Moon in Cancer, Mars in Scorpio, Mercury in Virgo,
Jupiter in Sagittarius, Venus in Libra and Saturn in Aquarius. For
a woman the planets are fully at home in the signs complementing
those for a man: Cancer, Leo, Aries, Gemini, Pisces, Taurus and
Capricorn. Later on this text refers to the signs listed for a man
as primary. The sexual leaning of a planet (e.g., Leo/Cancer) is
called its polarity. In the software, a planet with a polarity not
matching the physical gender of the person is said to be polarized.
The degree of polarization in a chart can to some extent be gauged
by looking at the "Polarized" diagnostic, but its value is often
misleading, since it only considers polarity by sign and is totally
independent of other factors in the chart. Unfortunately, neither
the listing of final dispositors nor the underlying variables
differentiate between odd and even polarity at this time. Since in
most cases people have both polarities in significant amounts, this
shortcoming usually makes little or no difference in practice.
Nonetheless, polarity is still important in a lot of cases. For
example, Venus in Libra defines the ideal father (smart, patient,
attractive, confident, polite, cordial, just, loving and secure)
and Venus in Taurus the ideal mother (cute, stable, genial,
competent, tactful, social, ethical, lusting and happy).
For gender identity and sexual preferences, polarity becomes all-
important. Planets placed in their own signs have very clear gender
identity, while other placements might be neutral. It is important
to point out that a gender identity at odds with the physical body
does not automatically make a person a homophile or transvestite,
but it certainly increases the likelihood. Many, if not indeed the
majority, of homosexuals have suffered sexual abuse as children or
have other causes for arrested development. A minority may have no
significant disorder - other than sexual or gender. Although the
probability of having a chart whose analysis satisfies the
signatures for some of the disorders mentioned in the following
sections is great and most people probably do, I have so far never
come across a chart for any homophile without a malignancy or an
insufficiency of some sort. At least 99 percent also show some
significant sexual bias opposite that of the physical body. In the
rare cases where there is little or no malignancy, this sexual bias
is even more clear. For homosexuality, my initial idea was that
sexual bias could be the sole issue, but having learned a lot more
in recent years I am now more inclined to sympathize with those who
view it more negatively, seemingly, a majority in non-western and
African countries. For a lot of people, homosexuality could be a
mental illness. Quite a few homosexual men tend to believe that
other men are homosexual as well. In those cases where this is mere
wishful thinking it might be unimportant, but in the case of
serious belief, this is an example of serious delusion or at the
very least a very limited perception. The signature for so called
homophobia is the same as for homosexuality, but usually with a
slightly less pronounced sexual bias. The word homophobic is often
misused in Western media for people who disapprove of homosexuality
and view it as immoral or irreligious, a developmental disorder, a
mental illness, an excuse for child abuse, a popular fad, or simply
nothing to proud of, etc. Such people do not fit the signature,
unless they have traits of homophobia as well. Although many or
even a majority of the cases of homosexuality might be ascribed to
sexual or other abuse in childhood and many other cases would not
lead to adult homosexual relations without some encouragement from
the environment and Western culture in particular, there are cases
where none of these causes apply. Nonetheless, the Sun signs most
common among faggots, Taurus and Libra, are also those inclined to
mental illness or at least slower mental development. It might be
worth noting that an excess number of males with the Sun in Taurus
who are not practising homosexual relations are instead sexually
harrassing uninterested women or engaging prostitutes. At the
current time, the most well-known example of this behavior is the
French socialist Dominique Strauss-Kahn. It is harder to fully
identify all gays, my preferred term for lesbian women, but in the
clear majority of cases their gender bias is exactly opposite that
of faggots, lacking any better or as well-established word for
homosexual men. Taurus and Libra are the least common Sun signs
among gays. On average, both gays and faggots score lower overall
chart integrity than people in general, but there are great
individual differences and the integrity score for a few charts can
for the time being fall into the Green and even Blue categories.
When polarization has been fully implemented, it will be impossible
for a highly polarized chart to score in the Blue or any higher
Most of the disorders described in the sections below require an
even polarity or an introvert gender bias. This is especially true
for autism, depression, addiction and narcissism. If there is an
odd polarity or an extrovert gender bias, the signatures match
quarrelsomeness, melancholy, insecureness and hardness. Psychopathy
requires an extrovert gender bias. In general, planets placed in
their primary signs indicate an extrovert and prominent life, and
planets situated in their secondary signs point to an introvert and
active life. For a malignant planet, an extrovert gender bias
results in overt behaviors, while an introvert gender bias yields
covert behaviors. Depending on the exact sign triggered, overt
behavior can involve being opinionated and dictatorial, touchy and
crude, irritable and provocative, pushful and indecent, restless
and flirty, or odd and rash. Covert behaviors include xenophobia
and violence, jealousy and vengeance, aggression and mocking,
avoidance and stealing, lewdness and anger, quietness and
Character Traits
To judge the potential presence of an ideal character trait you
look for benevolence of the planet associated with the trait and
lack of malevolence associated with its opposite. For humility and
thinking you would thus look for strength of Mars, highlighted by
one or more stars if its benevolence is promising or better, and
for little, or at least less, malevolence associated with Venus.
For the presence of a character flaw you look for malevolence
first and benevolence next.
Doctors of Deception, Psychopathy and Mental Illness
As an example of the above procedure, have a look at your favorite
pseudo-psychiatrists, aka doctors of deception. The character trait
they all have in common is mental retardation or mental illness,
here defined as a significant lack of self-control and restraint,
leading to unhinged or unbalanced behavior, neither calm nor fully
present. Mental illness requires worldliness and is a precursor to
physical disease. Mentally ill people are faithless, thoughtless,
envious, weak, domineering or oppressive. They often suffer a lack
of public dignity and can live their whole lives in denial, without
sufficient regard for facts of life in general and facts about
themselves in particular. They are as far from sharp thinkers as
you can possibly get. Despite (or possibly thanks to) this severe
shortcoming they rarely suffer any sense of inferiority but are
instead more likely to view themselves as superior to other people.
They maintain this unreal estimation of themselves also in the face
of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. As leaders of a country,
they can voice the most outlandish and hilarious opinions on its
greatness - no matter how small it is. If the country is racist and
routinely involved in grave violations of human dignity and even
war against civilians, they can present it as a beacon of democracy
and progress. Severely mentally ill people are unsympathetic and
frequently condescending or patronizing. Their lack of personal
control and restraint can cause them to lose respect also within
their own ranks. With an introvert gender bias, they can be
fraudulent bullies. Regardless of gender bias, they are unlikely to
genuinely consider the opinions of other people. They also lack
fidelity, loyalty, sympathy, liberty, tech-savvy, attention, power,
passion, ecstasy, religion and analytical skills. The analysis
signature for mental illness starts with a malignant Venus and
continues with a lacking or insufficiently benevolent Sun, which
also reduces the benevolence of Mars, which itself must have less
than sufficient benevolence. If Mars has extremely insufficient
benevolence, it is enough that Venus has unsafe malevolence. For
severe cases of mental illness, the benevolence of both the Sun and
Mars must be clearly insufficient or the benevolence of one must be
severely insufficient. For mentally ill people lacking self-
assertion, the chart analysis should show insufficient balance for
Mars. By design the automatic chart analysis is unlikely to yield a
strong Sun, but doctors involved in pseudo-psychiatry easily beat
the average person by consistently scoring insufficient benevolence
for this planet. In plain English this means they are up to little
or no good and have less than adequate capacity for empathy and
authenticity in their dealings with other people. The insufficiency
is worsened by the Sun's lack of dignity (less than 50%). At best
an insufficient Sun points to mental retardation from birth, a poor
family background, poverty in early childhood, or severe brain
injuries and strokes later in life. If the Sun's dignity is greater
than 50% (with an adequate margin), the lack of balance points to
victimization very early in life, the victimization being a result
of a poor sense of self, or possibly vice versa. In addition to
the insufficient benevolence for the Sun and the below average
dignity for this planet, all of these medical doctors have charts
with a malevolent Venus, either directly malignant (shown by two or
more exclamation points) or having unsafe malevolence (indicated
by fewer than two dots) exceeding the mean benevolence of Mars and
the Sun with a clear margin, in almost all cases greater than 100%.
A malevolent Venus reveals weakness or stubbornness, or possibly
both. The impoliteness and unfriendliness of a malevolent Venus
also help increase the likelihood of infamy. By contrast, people
critical of pseudo-psychiatry, and other forms of tyranny as well,
are likely to have charts with a benevolent Sun and a benevolent
Mars. Later on I will detail one especially infamous example of
pseudo-psychiatry and then one contrasting and especially famous
example of a critic, but first I will present signatures for a few
more character traits that help describe pseudo-psychiatry and its
practitioners in full. These traits can of course be found in the
general population as well, but rarely to the same degree of
malignancy and hopefully never with the same consistency.
A great number of medical doctors dabbling in psychiatry are
antisocial, some are genuine idiots, and others are best described
as psychopaths. Individuals who are clearly beyond the reach of
sanity and prescribe involuntary confinement without sunshine,
various forms of torture, including electric shock or dangerous
and proven unhealthy drug treatments, should have at least one of
the inferior planets malignant. To be severely antisocial and thus
have a severely deficient ethics and little or no compassion nor
tact, the most malevolent inferior planet must be malignant and the
benevolence of Venus (the planet of IQ, competence, charm, social
skills, love, justice, saneness, heart and compassion) must be
insufficient. The signature for idiocy, incompetence, delusions and
killing is exactly the same: A malignant Mars and an insufficient
Venus. Considering that more than a few medical doctors are more
likely to kill the patient than save him, it should come as no
surprise that many doctors of medicine match this signature. The
introvert side of Mars, Scorpio, is the one associated with magic,
voodoo, medicine, poison, death, power and ecstasy. When benevolent
this side of Mars can become clean, intelligent and healing, but
such perfection should not be expected from ordinary men and not
even all women (the medical profession is tailored for a woman, as
men are not born to be intelligent). When malevolent, Scorpio
believes things which are so far from sane that they are clearly
seen as insane by most men. These delusions are more often than not
dangerous to the health of others. Scorpio is the most timid of all
the Zodiac signs and when frightened she can act automatically,
extremely quickly and without ruth. Scorpio rarely gives necessary
consideration to the validity of the premises on which she bases
her judgement, and she never fully understands the consequences of
her actions. Even under the best of circumstances, this is the
sign most capable of throwing out the child with the bath water.
At her worst, Scorpio reveals pride, hatefulness and injustice. For
even more extreme behavior you have to turn to Cancer, the sign of
panic attacks and extreme violence a la the United States. When it
comes to hypocrisy and all things crazy you cannot beat Cancer. Her
violence is so extreme and bigoted that even Scorpio calls for
restraint. The main flaw of Cancer is her lack of knowledge and she
appears naively disinterested in doing much about it, preferring
business over invention. The least antisocial of the three directly
violent signs of the Zodiac is Virgo, the sign of murderers, i.e.
people only taking the lives of others when there is wealth to be
gained or sexual satisfaction to be had. Virgo is by far the most
aggressive sign and her ego is as big as she is small. She most
often resorts to verbal aggression and sarcasm to boost her fragile
ego, but she frequently goes a lot further than that. Virgo is an
extreme repeat offender and a precise follower. She likes things to
be modern and everyone to conform. After having read this far it
ought not come as a surprise to see the sign of Virgo associated
with madness. Sweden, a Virgo country, has the most number of rapes
and murders per capita in the EU. It also has the greatest number
of medical doctors. Far from all Virgos are as extreme as Sweden,
but for a man a Virgo Sun can almost always lead to weird behavior,
this even when equipped with a lot more talent and confidence than
most. Michael Jackson and Charlie Sheen are perhaps good examples.
Most Virgos, but maybe especially females, tend to appear slightly
undernourished. Cancer is the first and typical sign of arrogance,
but Scorpio, with her multitude of prejudices, wicked tongue and
extreme jealousy, and Virgo, in her mocking and most aggressive
mode, are not far behind. Fortunately, these are all superficial
signs, and not even their arrogance is more than skindeep. Note
that the Sun in Cancer is a benevolent indication, especially for
a woman, and boosts a person's perception, empathy and intuition.
It is also an indication of productivity, domestic skills and
beauty. The Sun in Scorpio is highly dignified and a very powerful
antidote to mental illness and thus also pseudo-psychiatry. Scorpio
is the sign of intelligent research and religion, while the sign
opposite, Taurus, has a tendency for bullshit and fraud. The near
perfect placement of the Sun in Scorpio is not quite there, and
unlike Taurus, it can expose idiocy from time to time.
While I at first expected to see a lot more psychopathy in the
charts of pseudo-psychiatrists, there are still quite a few charts
showing genuine soul pathology. Psychopathic people are unable to
understand right from wrong and incapable of experiencing the human
emotions of joy and sorrow. Emotionally as well as academically,
they progress slowly or not at all. Since they lack any sense of
morality they cannot maintain relations with ordinary people.
Psychopaths tend to be social outcasts and quite a few end up in
prison, but in some societies, more tolerant of psychopathy, they
run "too-big-to-fail" banks or other sociopathic institutions.
Psychopaths are supposed to be more common in legislatures, in
business and in the medical world than in the society as a whole.
Ironically, while the pseudo-psychiatrists have invented more
than a hundred pseudo-psychiatric diagnoses in the last century,
they still do not include psychopathy among them. Instead it is a
Canadian psychologist called Robert Hare who has pioneered its use.
The word psychopathy literally means soul disease (psyche = soul,
pathos = disease). Astrologically, Jupiter is the planet of the
psyche and thus a weak Jupiter reveals a weak psyche. For severe
psychopathy, Jupiter has to have insufficient benevolence and the
opposite planet, Mercury, has to be malignant, or alternatively
Jupiter has to be severely insufficient. For a plain lack of
conscience, a clearly insufficient Jupiter is enough. Note that so
long as the Sun has sufficient benevolence and the benevolence of
Jupiter is not extremely insufficient, there is enough hope for
even the most limited, or least perfect, conscience to grow and
mature. The analysis signature for less severe psychopathy (having
greater intellectual capacity than the one described above) has an
ominous or worse Mercury whose malevolence clearly exceeds the
benevolence of Jupiter (unless Jupiter has less than sufficient
balance, Mercury's malevolence should exceed Jupiter's benevolence
by a factor two or greater). The Sun's benevolence must be
insufficient, if Jupiter's is not. This signature incorporates
psychopaths who do well academically, thanks to a stronger than
usual Jupiter, but who nevertheless become rapists or murderers for
the sake of a playful or "scientific" idea or excitement alone.
A few practitioners of pseudo-psychiatry are psychotic. The
analysis signature for psychosis is similar to that for mental
illness, but substituting Venus for Jupiter and Mercury for Mars.
Psychotic individuals are dishonest, evasive and irreligious. They
are more subjective than average and frequently disregard facts.
They have tendency to flee reality and seek fantasy. Psychotic
people lack manners. They rarely feel inferior to anyone. Instead
they are more likely to maintain a false sense of superiority. They
are never any good with details and they usually avoid science and
religion - at least the part about submitting to reality and God.
They can be generous and money is likely to run away from them,
more often than not it did not belong to them in the first place.
Psychotic people who are not psychopathic easily become emotional.
A chart analysis supporting psychosis must show unsafe malevolence
for Jupiter exceeding the benevolence of Mars and Mercury or the
mean benevolence of Mercury and the Sun. People whose charts match
the signature and have insufficient balance for Mercury and/or Mars
are likely to see no evil, hear no evil, and thus facilitate evil.
These people are inclined to miss, deny, excuse, or postpone any
confrontation with evil. A psychotic medical doctor avoids open and
reasonable scientific testing of his or her methods and disregard
scientific findings against their efficacy. The most psychotic
practitioners of pseudo-psychiatry diagnose people they do not know
and do not care to know or are simply unable to know. Needless to
say, these individuals are a lot more psychotic than the average
person. For them, Jupiter must be severely malignant and all of the
inferior planets must show clearly insufficient benevolence, at
least one of which must show severe insufficiency. If both Venus
and Jupiter show severe malignancy, it is enough that none of the
inferior planets have promising or better benevolence. The inferior
planets have attributes counteracting psychosis. Science (Mercury),
religion (Mars) and lawfulness (the Sun) are reasonable, powerful
and balanced antidotes. If either the Sun, Mars or Mercury has
extremely insufficient benevolence, and especially if one of them
has extremely insufficient balance as well, it is enough that
Jupiter is malignant for a severe and pervasive psychosis to take
hold. If Jupiter is the Sankhya Yoga ruler or the atmakaraka, the
psychosis can be persistent over time and span a whole life. An
individual whose chart matches one of the above signatures as well
as one for severely deficient ethics or severe psychopathy can
potentially commit the most gross violations against human dignity
possible. Most so called professionals who have followed in the
footsteps of one such individual are now said to be ashamed and
recall the treatment as inhumane and unscientific. Fortunately, the
pseudo-psychiatrist responsible for developing the terrifying and
dangerous abuse, euphemistically called insulin shock therapy, died
of an heart attack in 1957. The chart analysis shows extremely
insufficient benevolence and balance for Mars. The medical doctor
responsible for so called electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) also fits
the above signature combination. In addition, Jupiter is both the
Sankhya Yoga ruler and the atmakaraka. Mercury shows extremely
insufficient benevolence and balance. Although Venus has sufficient
benevolence, Mars is extremely malignant. The chronically psychotic
and quite insane doctor died in 1963. In both of these cases the
Sun has insufficient benevolence.
The prime example of pseudo-psychiatry is arguably one of the
founders of the World Psychiatric Association and its first formal
president, a Scottish emigrant by the name of Donald Ewen Cameron.
The analysis result for his chart fits the signature for very
severe psychopathy. Mercury is severely or extremely malignant and
Jupiter has severely or extremely insufficient benevolence. Like
people in general, psychopaths are most likely to see themselves
when looking at other people. In psychology, this tendency is
called projection. Since we know ourselves better than we know
everyone else, projection is the only possible starting point when
guessing and gauging the character and personality of other people.
These quotes from Wikipedia seems to confirm the validity of
projection also for this infamous medical doctor: "...although
society had established sanctions against the spread of infectious
diseases, he wanted to extend the concept of contagion to chronic
anxiety that had plagued society. He warned that people with mental
illnesses, who had not been quarantined, could spread and transmit
their disease to portions of the populations. ... In the late
1940s, Cameron presented his ideas in a lecture entitled, Dangerous
Men and Women. In it he described various personalities that he
believed were of marked danger to society. The individuals he
described were dangerous to all members of society including
children." This is perhaps the most egregious example of a pseudo-
psychiatrist gone spectacularly wrong. Throughout his career he
never showed a single sign of conscience or a shred sanity in any
form. In his work for the CIA he tortured numerous patients causing
some to become comatose. Cameron is best known for his notorious
behavior modification research within the MK-ULTRA project. His
experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered
his practice for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and
postpartum depression, many of whom suffered permanent debilitation
as a result of his actions. In addition to LSD, Cameron also
experimented with various paralytic drugs, as well as ECT at thirty
to forty times the normal power. His treatments resulted in victims
suffering incontinence and amnesia, forgetting how to talk, not
remembering their parents, and thinking their interrogators were
their parents. The chart analysis result matches all the signatures
defined earlier: the mentally ill, the antisocial, the psychopathic
and the psychotic. It is also a perfect match for very severe
narcissistic personality disorder (its signature can be found in a
later section on narcissism). His chart most closely matches that
for a psychopath, revealing an extremely malignant Mercury. The
worst fitting match is for psychosis, with Jupiter "only" showing
unsafe or ominous malevolence exceeding the mean benevolence of
Mercury and the Sun at least 25 times. The overall chart integrity
falls in the Dark Red category, indicating well below average IQ.
Cameron was born with the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Gemini,
a neurotic and chronically anxious combination with narcissistic
personality traits. Both the Sun in Capricorn and the quincunx Moon
in Gemini reduce empathy, and the Moon also shows positive traits
of psychopathy of the first degree: Cleverness and facile use of
words, teasing and provocation if not outright meanness, constant
need for excitement and stimulation, experimentation, caprice,
narrowness, scientificness, torture, lying, dislike for emotion and
morality, and discontent. Complete psychopathy also requires the
negative traits stemming from an insufficiently benevolent Jupiter.
Most of these traits have been identified earlier in this section,
but the minus list of keywords for Jupiter might provide a few
more. Incidentally, Dr Cameron shares his Sun and Moon with the
world's worst known serial killer, another medical doctor, called
Harold Shipman.
One hallmark trait of psychopathy is irrationality and the
associated inability to learn from past mistakes. Psychopaths may
have superficial charm and they are nearly always highly sexed, but
their emotions are undeveloped, weak or nonexistent. Their very
limited people skills and severe lack of morality and conscience
turn a lot of people against them and they often become targets of
bullying. Psychopaths are very much like life-long teenagers, but
with few (if any) of their good qualities. At their worst they are
anti-competitive and anti-moral, delighting in experimentation and
provocation. They are very open to change but less interested in
listening to sense or learning things from other people, especially
if these people understand more than they do. Although, as already
noted above, a great many pseudo-psychiatrists incorporate traits
of psychopathy, by far the most common trait among them is "mental
illness". Mentally ill people have a lot in common with psychotics,
but the former are less emotional and even more distant. Psychotics
and psychopaths are in many ways each other's opposites. While
psychopaths are bold and open, psychotic people are anything but.
They disregard facts and avoid all genuine communication. This does
not mean they are shy or predominantly silent, but rather that they
like to open their mouths more than their ears. They often give the
impression of believing they are right even when it is obvious they
are wrong (bring up facts and they retreat to fantasy). Severely
mentally ill people lack humility, an important prerequisite for
learning new things and building and developing one's character and
abilities. The analysis signature for severe mental illness, the
degree most common among pseudo-psychiatrists, has a malignant
Venus whose malevolence exceeds the benevolence of Mars by a factor
of three or greater. In the most severe cases of mental illness,
this factor exceeds six. With enough Taurus polarity, they can be
lewd and domineering fraudsters. With an emphasis on Libra, they
can be adulterous and temperamental oppressors. Mentally ill people
whose Mercury is insufficient are unwilling to engage in open
Unlike sane psychiatrists, pseudo-psychiatrists can be jealous,
wicked and insane (the antisocial), carry out risky and senseless
experiments without a trace of conscience (the psychopaths), avoid
practical and sensible verification of their fanciful notions and
fantasies (the psychotics), or spend most of their time asleep in a
dreamworld successfully avoiding to think a single sympathetic
thought (the mentally ill). With a malignant Venus, the last group
can be the people who bully the psychopaths (and other people too
if given a chance). Mentally ill people are in many cases better
educated and smarter than average, but their thinking is always
sleepy or unsharp. Superior disgrace should exceed integrity by a
fair margin. Chart integrity should fall into the YellowGreen or a
lower category. Psychotic people have above average academic
capacity, but their reasoning is always obscure. Chart integrity
should fall into the Yellow or a lower category. Just like for the
mentally ill, superior disgrace should exceed integrity by a fair
margin. Psychopaths can be clever communicators, but their IQ,
intellectual and academic capacity is usually below average. Chart
integrity should fall into the Orange or a lower category. Inferior
disgrace should exceed 16 percent and in case of severe psychopathy
also the integrity by a fair margin. Only violent and hypocritical
alcoholics, diabolic rulers, depressed people, genuine idiots and
total morons should score lower chart integrity than psychopaths.
As a final note on psychpathy: It appears that psychopaths, at
least those whose charts include the Sun in Gemini, are more likely
to be homophiles (i.e. faggots and gays) compared to the average
person. If this reflects an intrinsic quality of psychopathy or if
it is merely a result of psychopaths being more open with their
sexuality I do not know.
It is possible to be both psychopathic and psychotic, but since
many of the traits are mutually exclusive a combination would
result in a split personality, and the contradictory traits would
have to show forth at different times. If there is an emphasis on
Gemini or Sagittarius, there can be extreme intolerance of other
people. Note that people diagnosed with the most controversial and
often abused pseudo-psychiatric diagnosis, Schizophrenia, are in
most cases emotionally developed. Quite a few people with this
diagnosis are neither psychopathic nor psychotic, at least not more
than the average person and some even less so. Please see the end
of this section for more information on this notoriously misused
The most thoughtless and the least intelligent, and also the most
domineering and oppressive pseudo-psychiatrists, always have at
least one of the following indicators situated in Taurus or Libra:
Ketu, the Sun, the semi-sextile Moon, the trine Moon, or Mars. Most
likely, Venus as the atmakaraka yields similar results. These easy
to spot markers represent the strongest indications for mental
retardation or illness, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
diseases, as well as more subjective conditions, such as bipolar
disorder, lacking control and being unhinged. Without mitigating
indications, people with Mars, or to some extent also the trine
Moon, in Taurus can accurately be described as thoughtless tyrants
and cowards. On average, pseudo-psychiatrists have more than one of
these markers in their charts. The extremely few who do not have
any of these indications have Jupiter as the atmakaraka and other
markers increasing the likelihood for psychosis, including the Sun
or Mercury in Pisces or Sagittarius, as well as the only fanciful
sankhya yoga: Pasa Yoga. Psychotic people are usually more mutable,
but when opposed a Piscean individual can become just as stubborn
as a Taurean. Narcissism is also common among pseudo-psychiatrists.
The worst practitioners have charts with three or more malignant
planets, of which at least one is inferior and another superior.
The malevolence of Venus exceeds the benevolence of Mars, or the
mean benevolence of all the inferior planets, by a factor three or
more. One of the superior planets should carry malevolent influence
exceeding the benevolence of its inferior counterpart, or the mean
benevolence mentioned earlier, by a factor of at least four. The
Sun cannot carry sufficient benevolence exceeding the malevolence
of Saturn and the mean malevolence of the superior planets. The
Sun should never show promising benevolence, but if it would happen
in a rare case, Saturn must be unsafe or Venus carry extremely
malignant influence. For the most extreme, both the Sun and one of
Mars or Mercury must have insufficient benevolence, none can be
sufficiently benevolent. No pseudo-psychiatrist of any kind can
have chart integrity in the Green or a higher category. Those
pseudo-psychiatrists who have some significant talent, knowledge or
are successful in the sense of focus, education and international
recognition should have a strong Saturn of sufficient benevolence.
As promised earlier, I will give one example contrasting that of
Donald Cameron's. Borrowing from Wikipedia: Thomas Szays is a
psychiatrist and academic. Since 1990 he has been Professor
Emeritus of Psychiatry at the State University of New York Health
Science Center in Syracuse, New York. He is a well-known social
critic of the moral and scientific foundations of psychiatry, and
of the social control aims of medicine in modern society, as well
as of scientism. He is probably the most famous inside critic of
what I call pseudo-psychiatry, a form of medical practice that
conflicts with his principles that each person has the right to
bodily and mental self-ownership and the right to be free from
violence from others. His chart reveals a benevolent Sun of more
than sufficient benevolence. Its dignity exceeds 50% by a great
margin and is thus classified as good. His Venus is less malevolent
than usual among pseudo-psychiatrists. In addition, his Mars has
sufficient benevolence and is stronger than usual in the general
population. If both the Sun and Mars carry sufficient benevolence,
there is little opportunity for any pervasive and general psychosis
of the kind associated with pseudo-psychiatry to establish itself.
There is also enough empathy with and sympathy for other people to
avoid any severe mental illness. For the sake of completeness, I
will add that also the chart for Dr Szays has one of the markers
for mental illness (Ketu in Taurus) and two for psychosis (Mercury
in Pisces and Pasa yoga). An insufficient Saturn and a malignant
Jupiter support his humanism (in 1973, the American Humanist
Association named him Humanist of the Year). Extremely insufficient
balance for Saturn shows a lack of greatness, thoroughness, grace,
strength and general knowledge. Personally, I do not believe that
anyone who takes up modern medical psychiatry, a genuine pseudo-
science, can be as mentally safe and sound as most people. It might
be better to let school teachers discover and encourage people with
talent for psychiatry than to let individuals choose this advanced
branch of human understanding for a profession because they have a
psychiatric disorder. Being a medical doctor could be one of the
least suitable backgrounds for a psychiatrist. Judges and priests
would probably make better psychiatrists.
Schizophrenia has historically been the most popular pseudo-
psychiatric diagnosis. It is a notoriously unreliable diagnosis
when diagnosed by pseudo-psychiatrists. The case of Anders Behring
Breivik is just one of the more recent examples of this, with the
first two doctors asserting he had Schizophrenia, and two others,
in my opinion much more lucid, coming to the conclusion he had a
narcissistic personality disorder with sadistic traits. Studies
before the Breivik case show the diagnosis is about as reliable
and meaningful as tossing a coin. Most diagnoses of Schizophrenia
target victims of crime. Usually you can find an incompetent mother
with autistic traits or a powerful pride/jealousy and an inability
to be happy without the submission of other family members. In some
cases there is a psychopathic father. Studies also show that the
prospects of people diagnosed and treated in the West (using drugs,
insulin shocks, ECT or surgery) range from bad to worse, while
those more fortunate souls diagnosed in the East and treated by a
change of environment, completely eliminating the mother or other
designated caregiver, recover from their symptoms of distress
fairly quickly. All things considered, this does not mean there are
no psychotic or schizophrenic people around (as mentioned above,
quite a few pseudo-psychiatrists are suffering from psychosis or,
at the very least, a lack of reason). The analysis signature for
Schizophrenia, which also fits the majority of the cases listed on
Wikipedia, includes a malignant Jupiter and an insufficient
Mercury, thus replacing reason [Gemini] and fact [Virgo] with
silliness [Sagittarius] and fantasy [Pisces]. The Zodiac sign most
suitable for literal Schizophrenia (a suffering, evasive, solemn,
limitless, psychotic, drugged or drunken, split personality) is
Pisces, the two fish swimming in opposite directions. For people
suffering from psychosis over a longer period of time, i.e. more
than a few months, the signature also requires chart integrity
below the Green category. In at least 95 percent of cases the chart
integrity should fall into the Yellow or a lower category. Some
individuals who are diagnosed with Schizophrenia are more mentally
ill than psychotic, as evidenced by an insufficient Mars and/or Sun
and a malignant or ominous Venus (these people are more likely to
have the Sun in a superior sign than an inferior). Pisces is the
sign of psychosis, disregarding facts, approving of oneself despite
criticism from others, and retreating completely into fantasy land.
Schizophrenia, like the majority of pseudo-psychiatric diagnoses,
is vaguely defined. While most diagnoses emphasize psychosis,
others include extreme visual hallucinations. Pisces being a non-
sensory sign should not suffer from hallucinations. The most well-
known case of diagnosed Schizophrenia and visual hallucinations is
probably that of John Forbes Nash. His chart features the Sun and
Venus in Gemini, as well as Pasa yoga reenforced by Saturn in
Sagittarius. The analysis shows an extremely malignant Mercury, the
sensory planet. Also his Jupiter is extremely malignant. In a few
cases hallucinations is the sole basis for the diagnosis. In these
rare cases the primary signature fails and only Mercury is
Note: Pseudo-psychiatry is the use of medicine, torture, mental
and physical abuse in the treatment of fictional diseases with no
scientific, factual or objective basis. Pseudo-psychiatrists
frequently diagnose people who show healthy or natural and easily
understandable reactions to sick treatment and are apparently
either mentally impaired or psychotic enough not to realize what
they are doing. Practitioners of pseudo-psychiatry have deficient
empathy and can in collusion with clueless or crazy, sometimes
corrupt, governments prescribe involuntary treatment. This fact
alone is enough to clearly distinguish pseudo-psychiatry from the
practice of regular medicine. The domineering behavior of most
pseudo-psychiatrists are harmful enough, but their treatments are
even worse, often leading to drastically reduced life expectancies.
Materialistically biased, fanciful, harmful and historically often
mythological and politically motivated diagnoses (Schizophrenia,
Hysteria and Drapetomania) by mentally challenged practitioners set
this modern corruption apart from original psychiatry, promoting
health and longevity. The worst feature of pseudo-psychiatry is
involuntary hospitalization, in itself a rights violation. Already
in the 70s, pseudo-psychiatrists were made aware they were the sick
and not the others, but there are still aged quacks who have yet to
realize how grave their condition really is. Although archaic
diagnoses such as Drapetomania and Hysteria are long gone and the
frequently abused Schizophrenia is at least set to be partially
phased out, there are newer and almost countless diagnoses filling
their places, including ADHD and borderline personality disorder.
The first of these has strong backing from big pharmaceutical
companies and their peddling of amphetamines to school children and
incarcerated adults. The good thing about pseudo-psychiatric
diseases, clearly setting them apart from the ordinary, is that a
simple decision can make them disappear. It is an amazing sight,
but it has already been seen more than once in the short history of
this pseudo-science, so you should not be surprised if ADHD is
completely gone by the middle of this century. However, given the
amount of people making a lot of money from the practice of pseudo-
psychiatry, the number of diagnoses are more likely to increase
over time. The lack of empathy, sympathy and analytical skills
among too many of its practitioners and the number of lives ruined
(also amphetamines have damaging long-term effects on health and
well-being) in its course make it necessary for every man and woman
of conscience to do something to put an end to pseudo-psychiatry
once and for all.
Thomas Szays: "We should all honor CCHR because it is really the
organization that for the first time in human history has organized
a politically, socially, internationally significant voice to
combat psychiatry. This has never been done in human history
CCHR: Citizens Commission on Human Rights.
True and False Prophets
False prophets share many similarities with pseudo-psychiatrists.
While faithful and religious prophets have sufficient balance and
at least better than insufficient benevolence for the Sun (faith)
and Mars (religion), false, worldly or outright fraudulent and
depraved prophets have extremely insufficient benevolence for at
least one of these planets or insufficient benevolence for both.
For a really depraved priest, 'guru' or 'messiah' Saturn must be
malignant. For a complete fraud Venus must be malignant. For a
deceitful preacher a malignant Jupiter is enough.
To be a true prophet both the Sun (personal authenticity) and
Jupiter (general truthfulness) have to be benevolent. If only the
latter is benevolent, there can be true preaching but a lack of
authenticity in personal matters or private deeds at odds with the
words preached in public. A benevolent Mars is necessary for divine
protection and to have a drive for perfection. Factual precision,
formal communication and common decency requires a good or at least
sufficiently benevolent Mercury. For a highly evolved, loving and
understanding transcendentalist Venus must be benevolent. Wise
masters and spiritual seekers must have a benevolent Saturn,
indicating people who are born wise or spiritual.
If Mars is benevolent but Saturn (wisdom and detachment) is
deficient, it is possible to be born intelligent and religious but
unwise and materialistic. A benevolent Jupiter will guide the
native right, but practical and spiritual knowledge will only come
after bad experiences, usually due to even worse actions on the
native's own part.
Learning, Schooling and Education
All six planets reveal different kinds of education. Together they
give a general sense of the edification, learning and literacy that
can be expected during the best of circumstances. Ideal influence
for the Sun points to ideal development during the earliest
childhood and is necessary for the most basic education, including
empathy. Mars takes up where the Sun leaves off and develops the
ability to think and analyze. A good balance for Mars reveals
proficiency in arts and technology. A benevolent Mars promotes
sympathy and respect for other people. Mercury comes right after
Mars and represents formal schooling or education up to and
including adolescence. If Mercury is weak there may be few or no
formal degrees or certificates. A benevolent Mercury shows idealism
or a sense of duty and helpfulness. Higher learning, academic and
emotional education requires sufficient benevolence for Jupiter. A
profound psyche, broad mind, fully developed logic, synthesis and
moral sense necessitate an ideal Jupiter. If this planet is weak or
insufficient, there is also a weak or insufficient sense of humor.
In extreme cases a deficient person may be completely unable to see
the humorous side of things. Without a strong Jupiter there can be
no prophetic vision. To get the Truth of more than trivial matters,
Jupiter has to be sufficiently balanced. To be a leader and to
compete academically, athletically and in general, Jupiter has to
be good or better (at least if the person is going to win in
international competition against more than sufficiently endowed
competitors). Note: Neptune may need to be enabled to see the full
intellectual and competitive capacity. Character traits commonly
associated with higher and avant-garde education follow Venus.
Social skills, cordiality, smartness, human understanding, sense of
justice and diplomacy, physical strength and ability to fight and
make peace, as well as culinary and musical appreciation all depend
on a strong and benevolent Venus. Male potency and female fertility
also belong to this planet. Saturn is the ultimate planet for all
matters educational. A severely insufficient Saturn and a severely
malignant Sun shows potential for severe dyslexia. A benevolent
Saturn indicates divine Grace and authority. With a strong enough
Father of Time the native is equipped with practical, spiritual and
universal education, usually accompanied by rare talent. A chart
indicating fully virtuous, steadfast, skillful and wise leadership
should yield four stars next to Saturn. Note: Uranus may need to be
enabled to see the totality of anyone's awareness, knowledge,
authority and influence on society.
For dyslexia and other short-comings of communication the most
important planets to look at are the objective, starting with
Saturn and ending with Mercury. For dyscalculia the same planets
are key, but likely in the reverse order of importance. For autism,
i.e. personality traits usually and primarily associated with a
severe lack of sensitivity, understanding and contextual awareness,
Venus should have insufficent benevolence. In cases of genuine
autism, aligned with the original sense of the word, there is
automatic action, compulsion, silentness, impatience and jealousy.
Really severe cases of genuine autism exposes a wicked tongue or
quick, ruthless and often alarmingly violent action with frequently
lethal results. In these cases the benevolence of Venus must be
clearly overcome by the malevolence of Mars or in some cases the
mean malevolence of the Sun and Mercury. Most typically there is a
severely or extremely malignant Mars. For verbal (non-silent), or
high-functioning, autism and Asperger, primarily characterized by
repetitive behavior, lack of emotion, and failure to develop social
abilities and language to a usual level, it is enough to have a
Mercury whose malevolence exceeds the benevolence of Jupiter and/or
Venus by a factor two or more. This kind of autism often includes
inconsiderate and even cruel behavior towards other people. If this
is the case, Mercury should be malignant. For a severe lack of
language, Jupiter should be clearly insufficient. In cases of truly
exceptional intelligence and expert skills, Mercury should have at
least promising balance, sufficient benevolence, and significant
Virgo polarity. For good memory, a good balance is enough. In at
least one fourth of the cases of diagnosed autism and Asperger
listed on Wikipedia, Venus shows extremely insufficient benevolence
and in a majority of the cases Venus is clearly insufficient. In
one case of very late Asperger diagnosis for an English actor,
filmmaker, screenwriter and musician, the above signature fails.
The actor was diagnosed in 2010, aged 36. The result of the
automatic chart analysis points to mental disability and possible
mental illness, but slightly above average integrity. According to
Wikipedia, he stated in a candid interview with The Telegraph that
he suffered from "a debilitating sense of detachment". This is
consistent with being a victim of crime or other abuse - not autism
and probably not Asperger either, although the criteria for the
latter diagnosis are less clear and share many similarities with
narcissism (lack of empathy, social awkwardness, and physical
clumsiness). The analysis shows extremely insufficient benevolence
for the Sun and a severely malignant Saturn. The only hint of
autism is the Sun in Virgo; on its own this solar placement can
only give rise to mild high-functioning autism, perhaps better and
more directly called stupidity (in its most formal sense). It
should be noted that the Sun in Virgo is less of an impediment for
a woman than a man, and of course far from all men with the Sun in
Virgo have severe issues with it. Mild and benign verbal autism is
anti-psychotic (the influence and in particular the benevolence of
Mercury mitigates any malevolence of Jupiter). Preliminary testing
points to autistic traits (not fully satisfying the signature for
ASD) being common among people active in professional sport. The
same traits are also more common among physicians, especially in
places conducive to autism in the general population, such as
Sweden. Needless to say, far from all physicians possess autistic
traits, and pseudo-psychiatrists are more likely to be psychotic
than autistic, while a few, hopefully rare, individuals are both.
Dyslexia can be ruled out if Saturn is sufficiently benevolent, no
inferior planet is severely malignant and the Sun shows no more
than ominous malevolence. Genuine autism can be ruled out using the
same condition but substituting Mars for the Sun. Autism of any
kind and degree can be ruled out if Venus shows good or better
benvolence and neither Mars nor Mercury is extremely malignant.
For lack of concentration, reduced interest in routine tasks, and
inability to keep a schedule, Mercury should be insufficient or the
malevolence of Jupiter should exceed the benevolence of Mercury by
a factor two or more. For lack of attention, problems with thinking
straight and poor analytical skills, Mars should be insufficient or
the malevolence of Venus should exceed the benevolence of Mars by
a factor two or greater. An insufficient balance for Saturn
exacerbates these conditions. while a benevolent Sun can go a long
way to mitigate, depending on its benevolence and the severity of
the insufficiency mentioned earlier.
Depression (MDD), Addiction (APD) and Severe Mood Swings (BD)
A basic analysis signature for the common inferiority disorder
known as depression is at this stage similar to that for autism and
other inferiority disorders. For all inferiority disorders you
first look for exclamation marks next to the inferior planets in
the Malevolence table. For any major depression there must be
severely malignant influence associated with at least one of the
inferior planets or two with clearly malignant influence. While
the signature for genuine autism emphasizes a malignant Mars and an
insufficient Venus, the signature for genuine depression emphasizes
a malignant Sun and an insufficient Saturn. However, also Jupiter,
the planet of Joy, is consistently insufficient for people dealing
with major depression. Generally insufficient influence for a
planet is indicated by minus signs in the Balance table. A lack of
benevolent influence is shown in the Benevolence table. For a
severe major depression where a person experiences a general lack
of joy and purpose in life, the Balance table must show severely
insufficient influence for Jupiter. For less severe cases of major
depression, it is enough that Saturn shows severely insufficient
balance. For extreme depressions with suicidal thoughts, both
Saturn and Jupiter must show clearly insufficient benevolence. For
minor and sporadic depressions, it is enough that one of the
inferior planets shows unsafe malevolence clearly exceeding the
benevolence of Jupiter. In most cases of diagnosed major depression
at least one of the inferior planets carries severely malignant
influence. The signature for really severe addiction is similar to
that for depression. At this stage it is almost identical to that
for autism and OCD and consists of the malevolence of Mars or the
mean malevolence of the Sun and Mercury exceeding the benevolence
of Venus by a multiple of two or more. If the multiple is less than
three, then one of the three inferior planets must be severely
malignant. For less severe addiction or plain overconsumption, it
is enough to have an unsafe Mars whose malevolence exceeds the
benevolence of Venus. For substance abuse (especially alcohol and
food) it is enough to have an ominous or malignant Sun. For sex
addiction where excitement drives the behavior Mercury must be
unsafe. If it is not malignant, then its malevolence must exceed or
nearly match the benevolence of Jupiter, and Mars or the Sun must
have malevolence clearly exceeding the benevolence of both Venus
and Saturn, or Mercury must have clearly excessive balance.
The primary signature for antisocial personality disorder builds
on the one for addiction and adds less than sufficient benevolence
for Jupiter or benevolence less than half the malevolence of Mars
or the mean malevolence of the Sun and Mercury, as well as chart
integrity within the Orange or a lower category. This disorder
shows a pervasive pattern of disregard for the rights of others
that begins in childhood and continues into adulthood. Its natives
engage in unnecessary conflicts and are often fascinated by power
and death. As children, some natives are cruel to animals and may
even enjoy the feeling they get from taking their lives. Without
early intervention, they may start to kill people as adults. A
secondary analysis signature emphasizes immorality. This signature
only requires an unsafe Sun or Mars and a severely malignant
Mercury whose malevolence clearly exceeds the benevolence of the
most benevolent superior planet. The Sun cannot have sufficient
benevolence. A malignant Saturn can trigger, worsen and enlarge the
scope of an antisocial personality disorder. In extremely rare
cases of extremely violent behavior, none of the inferior planets
reach malignancy but at least one shows clearly unsafe malevolence,
i.e. no dots. In these cases the malevolence of Saturn must clearly
exceed the benevolence of the Sun and the chart integrity must fall
into the YellowGreen or a lower category. In addition, one of the
other inferior planets must show clearly unsafe malevolence when
the outer planets (Uranus and Neptune) are enabled. Serial killers
who do not fully satisfy the description for antisocial personality
disorder, lacking a pervasive pattern of antisocial behavior, can
have a good Jupiter. If this is the case, the automatic chart
analysis should show extremely insufficient benevolence for the Sun
or an extremely malignant Mercury and a less than promising Sun.
Chart integrity should fall below the YellowGreen category. Unless
the Sun shows extremely insufficient benevolence, no serial killer
of any kind should have a promising or better Saturn. As far as I
know, there are no charts for serial killers which show a good
Saturn. A serial rapist could possibly have a good Saturn, in such
a case Mercury should be at least severely malignant or the mean
malevolence of the two most malevolent inferior planets must reach
malignancy. Additionally, at least one of the inferior planets
should have severely insufficient benevolence. No serial killer
should score Green or higher integrity. The integrity scores for
all prolific serial killers should fall into the Yellow or a lower
category. At least 97 percent of all serial killers should belong
to this group. Extremely prolific serial killers or serial rapists
with more than one hundred victims should all score in the Red or
DR categories. The same applies to psychopathic serial torturers
and war criminals who condone the use of torture. The most prolific
serial killers, the worst war criminals, and the most prolific
violent offenders and most incompetent people of all kinds, should
all score in the DR category and have integrity less than one fifth
of inferior disgrace.
For severe mood swings and so called bipolar disorder, the key
analysis signature includes insufficient benevolence for the Sun.
In most cases of diagnosed bipolar disorder there are positive
indications for depression as well, but there are a few cases where
the superior planets do not support major depression, showing
sufficient benevolence. In those cases the Sun shows insufficient
benevolence. Sometimes an extremely insufficient Mars reenforces
the deficiency of the Sun. In most cases Jupiter shows insufficient
benevolence as well. In rare cases, the benevolence of the Sun
shows up as lacking but not insufficient. In these cases the
benevolence of Jupiter is severely insufficient or the analysis
result fits the signature for atypical major depression, i.e.
severely malignant inferior planets coupled with a severely
insufficient Saturn, but with an amply benevolent Jupiter.
Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
Narcissism describes personality traits exactly opposite those of
depression and addiction. Narcissists tend to be hypersocial, sober
and successful, but they lack empathy and faith, especially in
other people. They are victims of exceedingly harsh childhoods and
sense pressure to succeed in life. They seek recognition from
society in part to receive some of the respect and appreciation
they were deprived of early in life. They know what they have to do
to accomplish themselves and they remain focused all the way to the
top. The analysis signature for plain narcissism includes an unsafe
Saturn. When the malevolence of Saturn exceeds the benevolence of
the Sun there is the beginning of a major disorder. When the Sun is
insufficient and Saturn is ominous or worse there can be a severe
disorder. These people can be extremely destructive. Their impact
is most evident on the people closest to them, but eventually their
public image suffers as well. Narcissistic people are less likely
to become depressed, alcoholics or have suicidal thoughts, but they
can easily give an inane or gloomy impression and they rarely enjoy
a party. Usually they have suffered material, mental and sexual
abuse as children. In personal relations they tend to be unfaithful
and in public they are less than authentic. Unlike madmen and
psychopaths, narcissists do not harm other people with intent but
rather through lack of civility, empathy and care. The analysis
signature for severe cases of narcissism and so called narcissistic
personality disorder has both a malignant Saturn and a Sun of
insufficient benevolence. People whose chart analyses match this
signature can be extremely rigid, egocentric, cowardly, depraved
and at times abusive towards people of smaller stature or greater
humility than their own. Narcissists of this kind have excessive
estimation of or admiration for themselves, especially in relation
to education, career and standing in society. Classical or
aesthetical narcissism, primarily characterized by a preoccupation
with physical features, sexual attraction and gratification, only
requires a malignant Venus and a less than good Mars. All kinds of
narcissism, but especially the latter, lack humility.
Cancellation of Malignant Malevolence and Good Benevolence
In the reading of the final dispositor listing, the Sun and Saturn
are extra important. Both planets can under most circumstances
cancel the effect of the other and if both lack balance, then the
condition of the remaining four planets matters less. As a rule, a
sufficiently benevolent Saturn can cancel a malignancy of Mars
and Mercury which is less than severely malignant. Similarly, a
sufficiently benevolent Sun can negate a malignancy of Venus and
Jupiter which is less than severely malignant. A good Saturn can
also cancel the malignancy of the Sun, if it is not severe, and a
good Sun can negate the malignancy of Saturn. Here cancellation of
malignancy does not mean no bad traits at all, but rather a very
significant drop in their prevalence, for example from malignant to
unsafe. This cancellation comes at a price: A malignant Saturn can
cancel the benevolence of an inferior planet, for example from good
to merely sufficient, and a malignant Sun can do the same thing for
a superior planet.
Additional Notes on Exclamation Marks, Plusses and Minuses
Please note that exclamation marks only indicate potentials for
certain actions and behavior. In no way is it implied that everyone
with exclamation points next to Jupiter in their chart is a crook,
or that everyone with four exclamation points next to Mercury is a
murderer or torturer. What these marks do indicate are character
traits that are troubling to the person. In the case of Mercury
there can be an inferiority complex and in the case of Jupiter a
superiority complex. In general, an inferiority complex causes a
person to seek power over other people and to tear them down as
compensation for his/her perceived lack of talent or competence.
Their cluelessness or haughtiness, touchiness or timidity, and
irritability or stupidity make them more frequent targets of
bullying than other people. On the contrary, a superiority complex
causes a person to shun direct, immediate or genuine power, as it
is perceived as unnecessary, and thus the person becomes an easy
victim of antisocial behavior and direct violence. Even with all
these character traits known in advance it is usually not possible
to predict where they will actually lead without also knowing the
person's experiences and circumstances in life. To some extent
these can be predicted or revealed by an examination of accidental
factors in the birth horoscope, starting with the Ascendant, but
not even a complete analysis of the horoscope can account for all
the exact details of a person's life, his/her cultural background
or level in society. In addition, not even a serial rapist goes
around raping people all the time. Transitory influences must be
examined to know how active a particular planet is at any given
time. Only the sankhya yoga ruler and the atmakaraka are always
fully active. Finally, so long as a planet has sufficient balance
some "good" can come out of it: A strong Mercury always promotes
monetary gains and verbal skills. It also contributes a sense of
detail and some honesty in personal dealings. A strong Jupiter
shows language and academic skills. It also increases the ability
to compete or blend in and the chance of travel or rest.
Stars and exclamation marks often work to cancel each other out.
The benevolence of a planet (shown by stars) frequently reduces the
malevolence of its planetary opposite (shown by exclamation marks).
If the benevolent planet is the sankhya yoga ruler, a single star
can cancel the malevolence of a single exclamation mark. If the
starred planet is an ordinary planet, it can cancel the malevolence
when it is active. In the same way, the malevolence of a planet
often hinders the benevolence of its planetary opposite.
In this and especially earlier previews most charts show excess
plusses, minuses and exclamation marks. As from this preview, the
average number of minuses will likely stay largely the same, but
the number of exclamation marks is likely to continue its slow
and steady descent until the release of the first pre-alpha.
The initial purpose of the automatic chart analysis feature has been
to test the effectiveness of various astrological factors. For this
reason some implementations may work well for statistical purposes,
but are too simplistic to yield accurate results for all individual
charts. The war factor is one example of a simplified implementation.
It can seriously underestimate the effect of multi-party wars under
some circumstances (only the brightest planet in a sign is considered
a possible enemy). Dispositor chaining is another factor, which can
be implemented in different ways with sometimes very different
outcomes for individual charts. Currently, it uses a mix of weakest
link, arithmetic and geometric means as well as the product of all
links. Finally, different settings for the relative influences of the
various planets may impact a few charts greatly.
The automatic chart analysis feature is not intended to replace human
interpretation. It has been designed to be an objective complement to
a complete and much more detailed analysis by a Priest or similarly
qualified person. In addition, this particular software is still in
its earliest design stage. The ACA feature should continue to see very
signifcant changes - perhaps even in the very next update. At this
stage the feature only considers essential indications (independent of
geographic location, revealing essential character traits rather than
traits based on temporal circumstances) and does not include the just
as important accidental indications (based on time and place of birth,
revealing immediate experiences and opportunities in this life), such
as the Ascendant. Besides being limited to essential indications, the
feature does not yet make sometimes important distinctions, such as
separating extrovert and introvert polarities. However, if you want to
find an especially qualified Priest/Astrologer, the software can help
you out by fairly accurately gauging the essential indications present
in his or her chart with regard to overall integrity as well as more
specific strengths and weaknesses. If you find that the result of the
essential analysis is satisfactory, for example showing above average
overall integrity and a good Saturn, you may proceed to check if one
or more of the following accidental indications are present as well:
Saturn, Uranus, a Full Moon or the ruler of the First house in the
First house (tropical zodiac, sidereal houses). If they are not, the
person is unlikely to have astrology as a primary or even secondary
calling in life. Ideally, he or she may also have the Ascendant in
Aquarius (sidereal zodiac), or Libra as a second-best option.
About Astrolog
Astrolog is a classic when it comes to astrology software, not only is
it 100 percent open source software, but it is also the most complete,
and most flexible astrology calculation program ever made freely
Thanks to the original author Walter D. Pullen, Astrolog is already
available on multiple platforms, including DOS, Windows, Mac and Unix.
Permission for this independent port and the name "Astrolog for OS/2"
has been granted by the original author.
Astrolog for OS/2
This port of the original Astrolog software for 16-bit MS Windows
to 32-bit IBM OS/2 compares to the Windows version (5.30) as follows.
In the list below, a minus sign precedes original functionality not
ported. A plus sign indicates functionality not found in the original
Windows version.
Functional changes:
- Basic interpretations (report function to be implemented)
- Arabic parts (unlikely to get implemented)
- Biorythm (unlikely to get implemented)
- Windows bitmap save (unlikely to get implemented)
+ OS/2 bitmap save.
+ Sidereal whole sign houses (aka Synchronized Houses).
+ Configurable default rising sign.
+ Sankhya Yoga (Jyotish).
+ Extended chart information, including tags and rodden ratings.
+ Extended dispositor screen
+ House peaks (make a difference for whole sign houses).
+ Long filenames (if supported by the filesystem).
+ Divisional charts modify houses.
+ Dwadasamsa division.
+ Remembers size and position of main window.
+ Automatic saving of almost all settings on exit.
+ Chart info caching (automatic resume).
+ Easy switching between four chart slots.
+ Chart slot swapping (eases synastry work).
+ Chart ring rotation (primary chart slot always in the center)
+ Localized time and date formats.
+ In addition to local time and date formats also recognizes ISO,
US, Spanish and German date formats (in the chart info dialog).
+ Calendar can be specified for any date (suffix a date with a
capital J for Julian or a capital G for Gregorian).
+ Time zone automatically picked up if the environment variable TZ
has been set in config.sys, to test select the "Now" push button
in the chart dialog or press ctrl+z.
+ Clear and non-conflicting UTC-based time zone designations
(no confusing daylight savings setting).
+ Also recognizes direction-based time zone values, such as 7W
for 7 hours west and 2E for 2 hours east.
+ Chart files can be easily associated with the executable.
+ Chart files in the current directory can be quickly opened
in sequence (Next, Previous, First, Last).
+ Copying of select text to the clipboard.
+ Adjustment of aspect lines to orb (instead of a fixed 2 degrees).
+ Aspect trimming, by sign and out of sign.
+ Sine function for power reduction following orb.
+ Automatic/Advanced Chart Analysis, ACA: A new feature advanced and
accurate enough to be of practical use. The system aims to provide
reliable rankings of planets as well as signs in a chart. The first
stage of analysis boils down to a chart integrity score, revealing
essential character and influence. The second stage will look at
accidental factors and produce a fortune score. As of TP80 the
first stage is near completion. The second stage should take much
less time to complete. Your feedback is important to help make ACA
as accurate as possible.
+ Chart statistics for a group of charts, including sankhya yogas,
atmakarakas and ACA mean, min, max and median values.
Operational improvements:
+ Faster chart drawing.
+ Repaint instead of redraw whenever possible (disabled in this
version for stability reasons).
+ Transit and other listings scrollable without recalculation.
Functionality yet to be fully implemented:
* Extended chart information: Multiple events per file.
* Chart information dialog: More useful Atlas button
(currently disabled).
* Automatic Chart Analysis: Scores for individual planets,
fortune score, plus more accurate integrity score.
* Chart wheels: Easier to read planetary positions.
* Many other features such as crude stats may be included
in the final release.
The following will probably have to wait until version 2.1:
* Report function (user editable interpretation texts)
* Major Yogas (jyotish)
* Chart search
Support OS/2 Software Development
Since this application has been ported and extended for free, Your
donations are welcome. As a supporter you will receive access to early
program updates, which will be available from a week up to a month in
advance of the regular, usually longer lasting, updates. You can also
feel yourself extra entitled to personal support. Your questions or
comments regarding the software or astrology are always welcome.
Sincere thanks for your support!
The main features in Astrolog for OS/2
Position calculation features:
Positions of Sun through Pluto and the house cusps.
Positions of Chiron and the four main asteroids.
Positions of True and Mean nodes, Vertex, and East Point.
Positions of Lilith.
Positions of the eight Uranian planets.
Positions of over 40 fixed stars.
Option to use any or all of accurate 8400 year ephemeris.
Computation features:
Fifteen house systems.
Tropical and sidereal zodiac.
Specify zodiac starting position / ayanamsa.
Heliocentric and other planet centered charts.
Applying and separating aspects.
Parallel and contraparallel aspects.
Harmonic charts.
Solar charts with objects on Ascendant or Midheaven.
Divisional charts: Drekkana, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa.
Specify your own positions for planets.
Positions relative to ecliptic or equator.
Local horizon positions in prime vertical coordinates.
Display formats:
Generic position listing.
Wheel charts.
Aspect and midpoint grids.
List aspect configurations such as Yods.
List aspects sorted by influence.
List midpoints sorted by position.
Local horizon positions.
Times of planets rising and setting.
Solar system orbit charts.
Gauquelin sector charts.
Astro-graph charts.
List latitude crossings in astro-graph charts.
Generic monthly and yearly calendars.
Ephemeris tables.
Transit and progression features:
Secondary progressions and solar arc progressions.
Specify your own progression rate.
Times of exact aspects among transiting planets.
Times of planets changing sign or direction.
Times of lunar phases and season changes.
Times of exact aspects in a progressed chart.
Times of exact transit hits.
Times of transits to house cusps.
Times of solar, lunar, and other returns.
Times of exact transits from progressed planets.
List transits to natal planets within orb in influence order.
List aspects within orb among transiting planets in influence order.
Transits to composite and other no-time charts.
Relationship chart features:
Synastry charts.
Composite charts.
Time space midpoint charts.
Weighted relationship charts.
Display elapsed time between charts.
Aspect and midpoint grids between two charts.
Aspect and midpoint lists between two charts.
Automatic progressed to natal comparison chart.
Graphics features:
Graphic wheel chart.
Graphic bi-wheel comparison / transit chart.
Graphic tri-wheels and quad-wheels.
Graphic aspect / midpoint and relationship aspect / midpoint grids.
Graphic astro-graph chart on a map of the world.
Graphic local and polar horizon, Gauquelin wheel, and orbit charts.
Graphic ephemeris tracking chart.
Graphic calendars.
Dispositor graph chart.
Plot positions among the astronomical constellations.
Smoothly animate charts through time at varying rates.
Continuously update chart to current moment now.
Animate a rotating globe.
Timed exposures for horizon and orbit charts.
Create PostScript graphic files.
Customization options:
Initialization file for default settings.
Choose what transiting and natal planets to include in charts.
Choose among 18 major and minor aspects, or define your own.
Specify aspect orbs.
Specify the maximum orb allowed to a planet.
Specify wider orbs for any planet.
Display zodiac positions to the nearest second.
ISO or US time and date formats.
Display locations in hours & minutes or 360 degree form.
Customize colors.
Define your own orbital elements for planets.
Choose among graphic glyphs for certain signs and planets.
Specify influence of planets and planets when transiting.
Specify influence of houses and aspects.
Chart access features:
Quick charts for the current moment now.
Save and load chart information to file.
Save and load chart positions to file.
Save text output directly to file.
Relocate charts.
Cast a chart a specified time ahead of any chart.
Astrolog for OS/2 system requirements
Any system running OS/2 Warp 4.5 or later (including eCS) can run this
software. It may run on earlier versions of OS/2, but this has not
been tested. Early versions of OS/2 Warp will not run this software
due to dependency on new system functions.
The source code for this version was compiled and linked using
Open Watcom C 1.9 (C99), OS/2 Warp 4.5 libraries, and the resource
compiler included in the Warp 4.5 toolkit.
Where to get Astrolog for OS/2
The latest stable port of Astrolog to OS/2 is archived at the public
OS/2 shareware and free software archive Hobbes:
In case you cannot reach Hobbes, or you want the latest info on
Astrolog for OS/2 you may visit its home page (see top).
The Astrolog Homepage (original software)
Ephemeris and general info about Astrolog as well as links to
related sites can be found at the Astrolog homepage:
Here you will also be able to find the original source code for
Astrolog as well as binaries for MS Windows (16-bit).
Ephemeris files are not required but provide more accurate positions.
The anonymous FTP site maintained by Astrodienst AG in Switzerland has
all the Placalc ephemeris files available at the following url.
The files are in groups with xx being a number indicating the time
period covered. The three files LRZ5_24, CHI_24, and CPJV_24 cover the
period 16 November 1858 through 31 August 2132. Copies of these files
are already in the end user package.
Legal notices
The graphics database and chart display routines used in this program
are copyright (c) 1991-1996 by Walter D. Pullen (
Permission is granted to freely use and distribute these routines
provided one doesn't sell, restrict, or profit from them in any way.
Modification is allowed provided these notices remain with any
altered or edited versions of the program.
The main planetary calculation routines used in this program are
copyrighted and the core of this program is basically a conversion to
C of routines created by James Neely. The copyright gives us
permission to use the routines for personal use but not to sell them
or financially profit from them in any way.
The PostScript code within the core graphics routines are programmed
and copyright (c) 1992-1993 by Brian D. Willoughby. Conditions are
identical to those above.
The extended accurate ephemeris databases and formulas are from the
calculation routines in the program "Placalc" and are programmed and
copyright (c) 1989, 1991, 1993 by Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl
The use of that source code is subject to regulations made by
Astrodienst Zurich, and the code is not in the public domain. This
copyright notice must not be changed or removed by any user of this
This customized and extended port of the original program for 16-bit
MS Windows to 32-bit IBM OS/2 is copyright (c) 1998-2012 by
Carl-Magnus Olsson.
None of these notices may be changed or removed for any reason. |
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Astrolog v. 2.0 TP71 (14/4/2012, Carl-Magnus Olsson) | Readme/What's new |
F O R O S / 2
Version 2.0 Technological Preview 71
This is a prerelease of Astrolog for OS/2 and not a final release.
As a general rule, all prerelease versions should be used for testing
purposes only. Most new features are only partially implemented.
Please report any problems with the software and your ideas for
improvement to the developer. Thanks for participating!
This is a special update to be replaced by a regular, much better
documented, update sometime in the near future, perhaps as early as
next month.
New in TP71
This is a major special update. New features include a delete chart
file command and atmakaraka analysis. The update includes quite a few
fixes and improvements to both text and graphics charts (especially
the aspect grid). A regular update will, God willing, be available
early next month. The analysis module in this update is a mix of both
old and new code. The regular update should see full atmakaraka
analysis and all new code for sankhya yoga analysis. The improvements
in this update include slightly increased statistical significance
and significantly increased average integrity score for the 715 public
This update yields the best statistical significance ever, but there
are still a few charts that score much too high and a great many that
score too low. I expect great improvements for individual charts in
the planned regular update, aiming to bring the scores for all charts
inline with expectations. I no longer expect the average integrity
score to rise above 12, and I doubt I can manage to increase
statistical significance much further, if at all. Instead I will focus
on bringing up more charts from the red categories in the C715 group
and bringing down all charts from the blue categories in the T1080.
Change details
* ACA: The new statistics show more charts scoring really low as well
as more charts scoring really high. The updated analysis module
avoids zero-based factors except for combustion, planetary war and
cuspal placement. These factors very rarely hit zero. No major
planet can have exactly zero essential dignity by sign, unless all
of them completely lack dignity or strength, but with Gola Yoga and
for a fallen higher planet, such as Venus, they can come very close.
Planetary wars and cuspal placements have to be exact to yield zero
dignity or strength.
C715 T1080 IH AH
Influence: 64.97 61.40 92.88 53.67
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Debased (%): 50.21 51.07 4.41 74.31
Polarized (%): 48.67 49.76 94.31 54.01
Cusped (%): 5.10 5.40 5.35 3.79
Opposed (%): 22.93 24.13 7.98 47.06
Scorched (%): 9.16 10.23 0.00 17.11
Chained (%): 73.57 75.52 10.14 81.45
Vitiated (%): 70.80 74.96 0.21 83.74
Blocked (%): 87.33 90.48 0.21 96.13
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Disgrace (%): 85.80 89.16 0.83 93.97
Inferior (%): 45.06 46.57 0.04 67.46
Superior (%): 40.74 42.59 0.79 26.52
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Integrity: 10.70 7.81 92.11 3.24
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Category: 2.37 2.01 9 1
Neither the chart for US astrologer Isabel Hickey nor the chart for
nazi dictator Adolf Hitler are included in the two chart groups.
The same is true for all other charts representing astrologers and
dictators. The correct gender has been entered for Isabel Hickey,
but no changes have yet been made to any of the other charts.
Correct gender info will be entered for all charts after the next
regular update.
The following is the new chart distribution by category:
C715 T1080
1. DR (%): 39.58 51.02
2. Red (%): 19.44 18.24
3. Orange (%): 20.14 17.69
4. Yellow (%): 13.99 9.17
5. YG (%): 2.24 1.39
6. Green (%): 2.38 1.39
7. Blue (%): 1.12 0.56
8. Indigo (%): 0.98 0.56
9. Violet (%): 0.14 0.00
--------------------- -----
Five+ (%): 6.85 3.89
The top scoring chart in the C715 group belongs to US supreme court
justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Veena Yoga ·· Jupiter
Influence: 96.87
Debased (%): 24.59
Polarized (%): 60.73
Cusped (%): 0.99
Opposed (%): 0.00
Scorched (%): 0.00
Chained (%): 6.24
Vitiated (%): 4.22
Blocked (%): 8.20
Disgrace (%): 4.02
Inferior (%): 0.45
Superior (%): 3.57
Integrity: 92.97
Category: 9
New in TP65
This is a major special update. A regular update may, God willing, be
available early next month. Apart from a few fixes, this particular
update significantly sharpens the combustion factor, introduces letter
grades (A-F) for the six essential dignity levels, and adds atmakaraka
summary stats. It also adds gender as an optional extra item to the
extended chart information. Gender affects chart analysis by swapping
the primary and secondary essential dignity levels for women.
This update includes a few important fixes and a preliminary version
of the improved residence analysis promised when TP54 was released.
It yields the best statistical significance ever, but there are still
a few charts that score much too high and a great many that score too
low. Great improvements can be expected in the planned regular update
that will include a rewrite of the analysis module, aiming to bring
the scores for all charts inline with expectations.
The changes in this release mostly affect the automatic chart analysis
module and the influence list screen, but also include a correction in
the default essential dignity table. The integrity scores have changed
a lot for many charts. While the average integrity score for the C715
group of charts has risen very slightly, a huge number of charts now
score really low. One of the goals for the next regular update is to
greatly reduce the number of charts scoring integrity below 8 and also
to significantly raise the average integrity score. The sankhya yoga,
its ruler (SYR), Saturn and the atmakaraka (AK), the Sun and the Moon
will be the most important factors.
At last, this preview includes the new category limits to be employed
in the upcoming regular update. Two category names have also been
Change details
* ACA: The automatic chart analysis module has been improved with
a new residence analysis, including weighted arithmetic and
geometric mean dignities of the links in dispositor chains. Some
relatively small, but statistically very significant, changes have
been made to the sankhya yoga analysis. The essential dignity of
Saturn now affects sankhya yoga dignity. The dignity of planets
ruling sankhya yogas above the current also affect the dignity of
the current sankhya yoga ruler.
Different planets carry different weights when calculating the
arithmetic and geometric means of the links in dispositor chains.
Also the product of link dignities is weighted. By default this
means that the dignity of Jupiter means less than the dignity of
Saturn for the dignity bestowed a planet if both planets are links
in the target planet's chain of dispositors. The weights are
proportionate to the innate influences of the objects in the chain.
The dignity of a zero influence object has no impact on the dignity
bestowed a planet.
An object can often contribute dignified influence to a dispositor
even if the object completely lacks essential dignity in the sign
it is in. The requirement is that the dispositor chain has some
essential dignity. Apart from the essential dignity determined by
the sign an object is sitiuated in, the arithmetic mean of the link
dignities is the most important value controlling how much
dignified influence a dispositor can receive.
The Moon is about 25% more influential in this preview. It has been
the most important object in the analysis for quite a while now,
but its importance is hard to overestimate.
Cuspal range has been extended to 3 degrees. This has the effect
that only three charts in the T1080 group score above 67, which is
inline with the intention to offer certain guarantees for charts
scoring in different chart categories (see below).
The combustion effect considers retrogradation and selects shorter
ranges for Mercury and Venus when applicable. The effect also kicks
in later than before and grows faster. Any planet closer than five
degrees to the Sun is more than 99% combust. A planet should never
be more than 50% combust when more than a degree outside of a core
range. There is no combustion effect at 108,3% of a core range.
Earlier only the essential dignity of the Sun counted when applying
a final dignity reduction for a combust planet. Now the geometric
mean of the Sun's essential dignity and that of the planet itself
is used. This makes combustion more severe for planets lacking
essential dignity in the sign they are placed in, and less severe
for planets having essential dignity. These three changes have all
improved statistical significance.
Letter grades (A-F) for the six essential dignity levels have
replaced the previously used initials of sometimes widely unknown
internal terms. A raised dot indicates unknown/undefined essential
dignity and is treated as the arithmetic mean of C and D. By
default no indications come with undefined dignities. The so called
crown dignity in earlier previews, more properly called domicile
dignity, now gets an A (or a), the exalted dignity gets a B, the
assisted dignity a C, the hindered dignity a D, the earlier, so
called, debilitated dignity, often called fall, gets an E, and,
like before, the lowest dignity gets an F.
Gender matters for essential dignity. The chart for a woman with,
by default, secondary dignities (especially a, b and c), will see
the integrity score rise when the correct gender has been entered
in the chart info (turning 'a' to 'A' and 'b' to 'B', etc.). The
reverse is true if the chart features mostly primary dignities
(turning 'A' to 'a', 'B' to 'b', etc.). If you are using a pointing
device, you can click the new chart info label 'Gender' once for a
man and twice for a woman. This will enter an 'M' for a man and a
'W' for a woman (unless you have already entered something in the
entry field, in which case you can now overwrite it by typing on
the keyboard). If you enter an 'm' or a 'w', the 'm' becomes 'M'
and the 'w' becomes 'W' when focus leaves the entry field.
Default object influences have increased for Uranus (53), Neptune
(34), Pluto (10) and the lunar nodes (100), and decreased for
Lilith (5). The change for the lunar nodes is minor (98).
The AK is still not a factor in the automatic chart analysis, but
it will be in the next regular update. There were some wrong stats
in one of the previous special updates (TP61). The correct stats
are as follows: Mercury and the Sun are the most common atmakarakas
in the C715 group, followed by Mars. Venus and Saturn clearly trail
the rest. In the T1080 group Jupiter and Venus are the most common
atmakarakas, followed by Saturn. In the atmakaraka summary stats,
you can now view the average 'dignity' of the atmakarakas for a
group of charts.
Compared with special update TP60 this update includes a number of
fixes and improvements. The chain integrity was wrong in some
cases. It was also impossible to completely disable chaining. In
addition, in the most recent earlier previews with all factors
except debasement disabled, it was impossible to reach the expected
50 percent integrity of the C715 control group. This was due to a
compounding of essential dignity for all cases except where the
dignity bestowed a planet was 100 percent. These issues have now
been resolved. Although the statistical significance comparing
average integrities for the T1080 and C715 groups of charts is less
impressive using this preview, a number of other results make me
favor this preview over the previous and the last regular update. A
Canadian serial killer not included in the T1080 group scored
greater than 70 percent integrity using TP60. The chart now scores
below 52. A fallen atmakaraka, Mars in Taurus, and an otherwise
fairly dignified Moon makes the chart likely to score yet lower
integrity in the next preview. The Unabomber now scores integrity
below average, and Nidal Malik, the pseudo-psychiatrist who killed
13 people and wounded 30 others on a US army base, now scores
significantly lower than before, putting his chart in the upper
half of the Red category. Both charts feature severely afflicted
atmakarakas, Jupiter in Gemini for the Unabomber and Mercury
combust for the pseudo-psychiatrist. Josef Fritzl, the Austrian
who kept his daughter and the three children he had with her
captives in a cellar for 24 years, now scores much lower integrity
than in any previous preview. His chart scored above 40 percent
integrity using TP54. Now it scores below 20. Thanks to a highly
undignified atmakaraka, Jupiter in Scorpio, the integrity score can
be expected to drop even further in the next preview. No murderers
score above 60 percent integrity using this preview and only three
charts in the T1080 group score above 67. All three belong to
people convicted of fraud. The two top scorers belong to a man and
a woman. The current integrity score is 73 for both charts (TP65).
According to classical astrology and supported by empirical tests,
manly indications are less favorable for women and womanly
indications less favorable for men. The pre-alpha will take gender
into account and since the woman's chart features mostly or even
exclusively manly indications, the integrity score can be expected
to fall below the 67 limit. With the correct gender information
entered, it is already below the limit using this update. Saturn as
the AK will reduce the score even further. The man's chart features
ideal womanly indications including Venus, the SYR, in Taurus. The
chart for Josef Fritzl might also see a small additional drop since
it too features mostly womanly indications, incl. Venus in Taurus.
This preview introduces new category limits. The new limits combine
seven essential dignity limits with seven sankhya yoga limits. The
fourteen limits overlap each other except for the red and green
limits. Two categories have been renamed. The Black category is now
called Dark Red and the Gray category is called Yellow Green. In
the software they are abbreviated DR and YG.
Integrity < 4 => 1. Dark Red (DR)
Integrity < 8 => 2. Red (at least Yuga Yoga)
Integrity < 16 => 3. Orange (at least Sula Yoga)
Integrity < 33 => 4. Yellow (at least Pasa Yoga)
Integrity < 42 => 5. YellowGreen (YG)
Integrity < 58 => 6. Green
Integrity < 67 => 7. Blue (at least Kedara Yoga)
Integrity < 84 => 8. Indigo (at least Dama Yoga)
Integrity < inf. => 9. Violet (at least Veena Yoga)
The new statistics show more charts scoring really low. This is
due to factors being multiplied together and also the use of a
geometric mean in many places, which results in a great number of
dispositor chains scoring zero, or very close to zero, dignity. The
rewritten analysis module will avoid zero-based factors except for
combustion, planetary war and cuspal placement. These factors very
rarely hit zero. No planet can have exactly zero essential dignity
by sign, unless all planets are situated opposite their domiciles,
but with Gola Yoga or Saturn as atmakaraka and for a fallen higher
planet, such as Venus, they can come very close. Planetary wars and
cuspal placements have to be exact to yield zero dignity or
The rewrite will hopefully result in a significantly raised average
integrity score for the C715 group. Another goal is to have as few
charts as possible score below 8, the new upper limit for the Red
category. All salesmen, players, puritans, sex offenders and frauds
should score below 67, the new upper limit for the Blue category.
All violent criminals should score below 58, the new upper limit
for the Green category. They should also score inferior disgrace at
least half the integrity. All psychopaths, rapists, torturers and
serial killers, and at least 99 percent of all other murderers,
should score below 42, the new upper limit for the YellowGreen
category. They should also score inferior disgrace greater than
integrity. All thieves and psychotic people should score below 33,
the new upper limit for the Yellow category. They should also score
superior disgrace greater than integrity. In addition, all druggies
and psychotic people should have a clearly malignant Jupiter. At
least 85 percent of all extra-ordinary violent criminals and at
least 95 percent of all sadists, serial killers, serial or child
rapists and pseudo-psychiatrists should score integrity below 16,
the new upper limit for the Orange category. All perpetrators of
extra violent crimes, most obviously sadistic killing, emotional
abuse, massmurder and war crimes, but also violence against old
people, children and animals, should score inferior disgrace at
least twice the integrity. If the perpetrator lacks harmful intent,
but the victims still experience serious harm, then the perpetrator
should score superior disgrace exceeding the integrity. All insane,
moronic, jealous, idiotic or incompetent people should score
integrity below 16 and inferior disgrace at least one third greater
than the integrity. All dictators already score integrity below 16
using this preview. More than two thirds of all dictators, war
criminals, mad people and psychopaths should score below 8 and at
least a third should score below 4. All mad people and anti-social
psychopaths should also score inferior disgrace at least twice the
integrity and have insufficient benevolence for Jupiter, or score
inferior disgrace greater than integrity and have an extremely
malignant Mercury, Mars or Sun. They must also not have good or
better idealness for Venus or Saturn. Atheists and all severely
mentally retarded people should on average score integrity below 8
and have severely insufficient idealness for Mars or extremely
insufficient idealness for the Sun and insufficient idealness for
Mars. At least two thirds should also have clearly insufficient
idealness for Saturn and none should have a very good or excellent
Mercury. All xenophobes, hypocrites, and clueless people prejudiced
against astrology should score integrity below 8 and inferior
disgrace at least three times the integrity. All diabolical liars,
chronic psychopaths with especially low IQs, arrogant and pathetic
dictators, false prophets, genuine and thus utterly unscrupulous
and severely delusional alcoholics, extremely volent aggressors,
and all other completely shameless people should score integrity
below 4. They should also score inferior disgrace at least four
times the integrity. Fewer than 50 percent of the days of the
last 7 cycles of Saturn should score integrity below 8.
In the next preview the idealness values for most charts should
increase very significantly. A small minority of the charts may see
lower values. Most of these should feature undignified atmakarakas.
An undignified AK can in the next preview greatly reduce the
idealness for the Sun. If the AK is more than ten degrees ahead of
the Sun and the Moon, these planets may see most of their influence
lost. Mars and Mercury will also be greatly affected, but not quite
as much, and the higher planets should see smaller reductions only
(Saturn, the planet of strength, should see at most one seventh of
its original influence lost).
C715 T1080 IH AH
Influence: 73,96 71,38 88,54 61,60
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Debased (%): 50,17 51,09 4,41 73,06
Polarized (%): 48,60 50,10 94,31 54,01
Cusped (%): 5,10 5,40 5,35 3,79
Opposed (%): 23,47 24,61 8,14 47,47
Scorched (%): 9,31 10,37 0,00 17,25
Chained (%): 77,04 78,30 11,38 82,52
Numbered (%): 84,53 87,25 4,91 85,58
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Disgrace (%): 87,37 90,44 2,93 92,88
Inferior (%): 48,97 51,03 0,29 64,62
Superior (%): 38,40 39,41 2,64 28,26
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Integrity: 10,14 7,48 85,95 4,39
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Category: 2,35 1,99 9 2
Neither the chart for US astrologer Isabel Hickey nor the chart for
nazi dictator Adolf Hitler are included in the two chart groups.
The same is true for all other charts representing astrologers and
dictators. The correct gender has been entered for Isabel Hickey,
but no changes have yet been made to any of the other charts.
Correct gender info will be entered for all charts before the next
regular update.
The two top scoring charts in the control group are for US supreme
court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. and the well-known Danish
author Hans Christian Andersen. The chart for Thomas Mann scores
slightly lower in this preview (category 7).
Veena Yoga ·· Jupiter Dama Yoga ····· Venus
--------------------- ---------------------
Influence: 95,47 Influence: 94,77
--------------------- ---------------------
Debased (%): 18,34 Debased (%): 27,91
Polarized (%): 60,73 Polarized (%): 48,68
Cusped (%): 0,99 Cusped (%): 0,32
Opposed (%): 0,00 Opposed (%): 10,24
Scorched (%): 0,00 Scorched (%): 6,81
Chained (%): 12,70 Chained (%): 28,68
Numbered (%): 21,22 Numbered (%): 27,97
--------------------- ---------------------
Disgrace (%): 10,74 Disgrace (%): 23,88
Inferior (%): 1,06 Inferior (%): 8,22
Superior (%): 9,68 Superior (%): 15,66
--------------------- ---------------------
Integrity: 85,22 Integrity: 72,14
--------------------- ---------------------
Category: 9 Category: 8
The following is the new chart distribution by category:
C715 T1080
1. DR (%): 39,02 50,93
2. Red (%): 17,90 17,22
3. Orange (%): 21,96 18,80
4. Yellow (%): 15,66 10,19
5. YG (%): 2,80 1,30
6. Green (%): 1,54 1,02
7. Blue (%): 0,42 0,28
8. Indigo (%): 0,56 0,28
9. Violet (%): 0,14 0,00
--------------------- -----
Five+ (%): 5,45 2,87
For the most extreme sociopaths the integrity score should fall
into the new Red or Dark Red categories and the inferiority score
be at least five times the integrity score, or the integrity score
fall into the Orange category and the inferiority score be at least
six times the integrity score. The most notorious war criminals,
scam artists, sociopaths, torturers, sadists, mass-murderers, and
serial killers already easily satisfy this condition:
Henry Kissinger (53,89 / 15,15 = 3,56) (1)
Adolf Eichmann (38,36 / 6,10 = 6,29)
Bernie Madoff (45,78 / 2,99 = 15,3)
Tzipi Livni (82,71 / 2,33 = 35,5)
Donald Ewen Cameron (74,33 / 0,74 = 100) (2)
Timothy McVeigh (60,29 / 0,54 = 112)
Bill Gates (91,18 / 0,64 = 142)
Dominique Strauss-Kahn (74,15 / 0,52 = 143) (3)
Anders Behring Breivik (68,09 / 0,39 = 175) (4)
Harold Shipman (80,85 / 0,41 = 197)
Marquis de Sade (50,78 / 0,24 = 212)
Ted Bundy (87,26 / 0,39 = 224)
1) In this release, Kissinger's chart does not qualify but is
included for reference only. His chart did qualify in some earlier
previews and should do so again in a future preview. His chart
features Kedara Yoga with combust ruler, AK enjoying exalted
dignity in its sign - but its dispositor is combust, fully
undignified Libra Moon.
2) Cameron was a Scottish pseudo-psychiatrist who tortured numerous
patients. He is the founder of the World Psychiatric Association.
He was also the president of the Canadian and American Psychiatric
Associations in the 1950s. His chart features Kedara Yoga with
combust ruler, combust AK, fully undignified Gemini Moon.
3) Strauss-Kahn fits the list as a former IMF head and a man with
extremely unmanly behavior towards women. If he were born early in
the day his integrity score would be even lower than the figure
listed. The noon chart features Kedara Yoga with combust ruler,
Saturn as AK fully undignified in Leo, the Moon enjoying some
dignity in Aries, but with a combust dispositor.
4) Breivik is a Norwegian massmurderer described as "Islam-critical
and Israel-friendly" according to Wikipedia. He killed 77 people in
and near Oslo earlier this year. His chart features Kedara Yoga
with combust ruler, combust AK, fully undignified Virgo Moon.
Perhaps the worst thing about this update is that so many dictators
score above average integrity for the control, but at least their
average is well below control average, and all 13 charts score in
Orange or lower categories. Many of the integrity scores can be
expected to fall below average in the next preview. The following
four charts score above average for the control:
Hu Jintao's (15,24; 72,75; 7,68)
Fidel Castro's (12,53; 29,21; 56,96)
Mao Zedong's (11,73; 13,07; 73,46)
Vladimir Lenin's (10,51; 7,10; 80,58)
Two more charts score in the Orange category:
Josef Stalin's (9,23; 7,73; 77,62)
Pol Pot's (8,60; 60,98; 29,48)
Three charts score in the Red:
Francisco Franco's (4,93; 45,14; 48,72)
Adolf Hitler's (4,39; 64,62; 28,26)
Benito Mussolini's (4,11; 92,85; 1,25)
The remaining four charts all score in the Dark Red:
Kim Jong-il's (1,51; 33,36; 64,72)
Omar al-Bashir's (1,45; 40,41; 58,07)
Hosni Mubarak's (0,74; 39,96; 59,01)
Ho Chi Minh's (0,46; 58,86; 40,59)
* Settings: A buggy default setting affected the essential dignity of
the lunar nodes in the signs of Aries and Libra. The correct
default, which is Rahu exalted in Libra, has now been set. Some
other essential dignity defaults have also changed: The Moon, when
acting as itself (which it mostly does not), is no longer exalted
in Taurus and Libra, but instead in Pisces and Sagittarius. It is
assisted in Scorpio and Aries. Also Mercury is assisted in the same
signs (only swapping primary and secondary signs compared with the
previous preview). Finally, the primary and secondary domiciles of
the lunar nodes have been swapped.
* Text: Chart/Influence list: The dispositors are weighted a little
differently in this preview. For idealness the weights are 1/7
through 7/7 in ascending order and for harmfulness the other way
around. This means that all planets contribute something to both
metrics and that the neutral planet Mercury contributes equally to
both metrics with 4/7 and the benefic Jupiter contributes a little
more (5/7) to idealness and a little less to harmfulness (3/7).
* Graphics: Colorless mode has been fixed. All colors, without
exception, are now colorless.
* Text: Sign meanings have been updated. A few new keywords have been
added, and six substitutions have been made.
* Chart info files: Characters found beyond the internal limits of
their respective character strings are no longer loaded.
New in TP54
This is a minor update containing small adjustments of the automatic
chart analysis. Since a relatively long time has passed since the last
preview and this one increases statistical significance this is a
fitting interim release until there is time to finish the bigger and
better improvements still ahead. These include reworked Sankhya Yoga,
planetary war, and also residence analysis. The latter is the backbone
of any chart analysis and results in a planet retaining all, some or
none of its innate influence. Such influence is always classified as
dignified. Influence which is not retained is transferred to the
planetary lord of the residence. In this and earlier previews a planet
that is a guest at another planet's residence and having no essential
dignity there loses all its influence. Currently the lord of the
residence receives this influence classified as 100% disgraced. A
planet enjoying some essential dignity always transfers some of its
influence classifed as dignified and the remainder as disgraced. In
the next preview the dignity of the dispositor will greatly affect how
transferred influence is classified as dignified and disgraced. The
result will be that some charts will see increased dignified influence
and reduced disgraced influence. This means, for instance, that the
there will be cases where the Sun in Aquarius will give Saturn
dignified influence despite the Sun having no essential dignity in
this sign. This can happen when the Sun's chain of dispositors carries
essential dignity. Note that the SUN will still, just as in this
preview, lose ALL of its influence. Preliminary testing shows that
this change might increase statistical significance. It should also
help raise the average integrity score, since there will be a way for
a planet to effectively operate at a more dignified level than its
residence would otherwise immediately suggest. The effect of a planet
operating at a less dignified level than its essential dignity by sign
is already in place in this preview, but will be reworked to favor
final dispostors and especially those enjoying full essential dignity.
This preview also has a new chart influence list with dispositor
* ACA: The automatic chart analysis module has been improved.
Cuspal range is reduced to 2,5 degrees. The effect of placement
within cuspal range only applies to regular planets and not to
points in space, such as the lunar nodes. A cusped planet rapidly
gains strength as its distance to the cusp increases. The increase
follows a simple sine curve. These two changes have effectively
reduced the cuspal factor and have for the first time brought
positive statistical significance to this factor as revealed by
the "cusped" diagnostic below. In the test group each and everyone
of the seven classical planets has its influence more cusped than
in the control! The planetary strength reduction within cuspal
range is a mere 5% at 2 degrees, 41% at 1 degree, almost 70% at
0,5 degrees and 100% at exactly 0 degrees.
Minor dignities are now even more minor. The dignity levels are
1 (domicile/rulership), 5/6 (exaltation) and 7/12 (down from 4/6).
The default minor dignities for Mars and Venus have been reversed.
This deviates from the traditional exalted dignity of Mars in
Capricorn. The exact dignity level used in the automatic chart
analysis is 5/12. Venus now has minor dignity in Aquarius and
Capricorn and Mars in Leo and Cancer. As a result Venus in Leo or
Cancer contributes less integrity and more inferiority than before.
The atmakaraka, the planet who has advanced the furthest in any
sign, is still without effect in the automatic chart analysis. The
Sun is considered the natural atmakaraka. It generally spells
better fortune, more fun and a more powerful self. Saturn shows
worse fortune, more service and a less powerful self. If the AK
is weak, for instance through a lack of essential dignity, the
whole chart is supposed to be weak. Also if the AK is any other
planet than the Sun or the Moon then the Sun and the Moon will lose
influence to this planet. When using the automatic chart analysis
it is always important to check the strength and dignity of the
individual planets and not only the overall scores. The strongest
dispositor planet in the chart is always a good starting point for
an astrological interpretation (see Chart/Influence list). For
Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Ho Chi Minh, Hu Jintao and Omar al-
Bashir it is the diabolic and dictatorial Sun. For Hosni Mubarak it
is the grandiose and ruthless Mars. For Josef Stalin it is the
reckless and self-applauding Jupiter spelling a huge superiority
complex, and for Mao Zedong the unkind and invincible Saturn with
an even greater sense of superiority.
The changes in this release have improved statistical significance
for the cusped diagnostic, inferior disgrace, and the integrity
score. The ordering of individual charts has probably not changed
much, but individual differences in integrity have of course seen a
a lot of changes as is the case for the charts of actress Sandra
Bullock and dictator Hu Jintao, where the chart for the more
sympathetic actress now scores 12,89 (17,04) and the chart for the
less sympathetic dictator 6,37 (9,07).
C715 T1080 IH AH
Influence: 75,33 73,12 91,64 64,00
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Debased (%): 50,30 51,41 22,55 73,53
Polarized (%): 48,36 50,11 6,06 21,05
Cusped (%): 4,17 4,48 5,26 3,51
Opposed (%): 23,43 24,68 10,84 45,15
Scorched (%): 10,41 11,43 0,00 17,77
Chained (%): 76,04 77,33 9,61 81,61
Numbered (%): 78,07 80,54 0,00 85,11
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Disgrace (%): 87,46 90,39 14,95 93,57
Inferior (%): 48,85 51,17 6,03 61,47
Superior (%): 38,61 39,22 8,92 32,10
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Integrity: 10,00 7,46 77,94 4,11
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Category: 3,68 3,29 9 3
Neither the chart for astrologer Isabel Hickey nor the chart for
nazi dictator Adolf Hitler are included in the two chart groups.
The same is true for all other charts representing astrologers and
The two top scoring charts in the control group are for US supreme
court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. and the well-known Danish
author Hans Christian Andersen. The chart for Thomas Mann scores
slightly lower in this preview (67,58).
Veena Yoga ·· Jupiter Dama Yoga ····· Venus
--------------------- ---------------------
Influence: 95,80 Influence: 94,76
--------------------- ---------------------
Debased (%): 17,40 Debased (%): 14,74
Polarized (%): 79,09 Polarized (%): 44,19
Cusped (%): 0,26 Cusped (%): 0,01
Opposed (%): 0,00 Opposed (%): 10,60
Scorched (%): 1,29 Scorched (%): 7,32
Chained (%): 13,50 Chained (%): 25,79
Numbered (%): 17,51 Numbered (%): 27,75
--------------------- ---------------------
Disgrace (%): 17,92 Disgrace (%): 22,20
Inferior (%): 2,56 Inferior (%): 9,18
Superior (%): 15,36 Superior (%): 13,02
--------------------- ---------------------
Integrity: 78,63 Integrity: 73,73
--------------------- ---------------------
Category: 9 Category: 9
The chart distribution by category is as follows:
C715 T1080
1. Black (%): 12,03 13,06
2. Red (%): 17,20 22,59
3. Orange (%): 17,06 21,57
4. Yellow (%): 17,62 17,87
5. Gray (%): 22,38 17,96
6. Green (%): 9,37 4,91
7. Blue (%): 3,08 1,48
8. Indigo (%): 0,98 0,56
9. Violet (%): 0,28 0,00
--------------------- -----
Five+ (%): 36,08 24,91
For extreme sociopaths the integrity score should fall into the
Orange or a lower category and the inferiority score be at least
five times as great as the integrity score, or alternatively the
inferiority score be at least six times as great as the integrity
score. The most notorious war criminals, scam artists, sociopaths,
sadists, mass-murderers, and serial killers already easily satisfy
this condition:
Henry Kissinger (10,06 & 58,90 => 5,85*)
Adolf Eichmann (5,58 & 38,63 => 7,02)
Bernard Madoff (2,01 & 29,01 => 14,5)
Bill Gates (4,09 & 70,35 => 17,2)
Marquis de Sade (1,80 & 52,07 => 28,9)
Dominique Strauss-Kahn (1,76 & 70,66 => 41,6)
Tzipi Livni (1,86 & 87,94 => 48,9)
Timothy McVeigh (1,12 & 65,48 => 59,5)
Harold Shipman (1,18 & 82,99 => 75,4)
Ted Bundy (0,42 & 67,79 => 169)
* In this release Kissinger's chart is just short of qualifying,
but in a future ACA revision his chart might qualify depending on
the strength or weakness of the atmakaraka.
With this release only two dictators score above average for the
control and most score in the Orange or lower categories. The top
two charts belong to Mao Zedong (20,36; 5,29; 71,77) and Fidel
Castro (10,22; 31,56; 57,13). All the remaining charts score below
the average for the control. Four charts score in the Yellow
category: Francisco Franco's (6,85; 44,34; 47,53), Hu Jintao's
(6,37; 80,69; 11,19), Josef Stalin's (6,28; 9,18; 80,49) and
Vladimir Lenin's (6,27; 5,94; 86,75). Two charts score in the
Orange: Benito Mussolini's (4,36; 91,56; 2,35) and Adolf Hitler's
(4,11; 61,47; 32,10). One chart scores in the Red: Pol Pot's (1,86;
76,27; 21,42). The remaining four charts all score in the Black:
Hosni Mubarak's (0,72; 44,15; 54,83), Ho Chi Minh's (0,44; 67,32;
32,10), Omar al-Bashir's (0,41; 55,36; 44,19) and Kim Jong-il's
(0,33; 33,22; 66,38).
The control group includes a subgroup of 106 judges consisting of
all the supreme court justices of the United States at the time of
building the control. Its average integrity score is 11,07 with a
category average of 3,89. 41,51% of the charts score in the Gray or
higher categories.
The test group has the following subgroups of at least 100 charts:
235 registered sex offenders (7,13; 49,06; 41,70), 244 past and
present inmates on Alabama deathrow (7,51; 52,01; 38,26), 100 white
female murderers (8,05; 48,54; 40,86), 105 assorted serial rapists
and killers (7,21; 51,06; 39,72), and 189 people convicted of first
degree murder (7,39; 50,32; 40,29). One subgroup scores well above
average for the test group as a whole: The charts for 92 people in
prison for fraud have an average integrity score of 9,02.
This preview adds object influence aggregation as a final step in
the chart analysis. It has no effect on any overall metrics, such
as the chart integrity score, but simply gathers the influence of
all the included objects under six ultimate dispositors. Since only
the classical planets (rulers of the 12 signs of the zodiac) can
act as dispositors no other objects can receive influence anyway.
The system thus transfers any influence retained by other objects
to these ultimate dispositor objects. In this scheme the Sun and
the Moon together reveal the mentality and the brain as a physical
organ. The Sun is to the Moon as Yang is to Yin, ie. the Sun
represents both the brain as whole and more specifically the left-
side, while the Moon specifically represents the right-side. Any
influence carried by the Moon when acting as the dispositor for
Cancer or retained when representing itself is transferred to the
Sun. When the Moon represents another planet based on its aspect
to the Sun its retained influence is transferred to the planet it
represents. Upon completion of this step there is an even number of
six ultimate dispositors, each responsible for two signs (one manly
and one womanly).
Following this release three planned major improvements remain
to be implemented. Two will impact all charts: A redesign of the
Sankhya Yoga analysis and a more dynamic residence analysis. The
third will only affect a select group of charts. It targets
planetary wars in the same sign as the Sun, which are not greatly
or fully affected by combustion. In this and previous releases such
wars are practically ignored as only the Sun is recorded as the
winner. The charts affected by the necessarily much more complex
code change are quite few. A short list includes the charts for the
following people: Richard Nixon, Charles Manson, Adolf Hitler,
Thomas Watt Hamilton and Theodore Kaczynski. In the case of Nixon's
chart the change will have little effect in absolute terms as his
chart already scores in the Red, while it may have great effect on
the chart for the Una Bomber as the planetary war involves the
sankhya yoga ruler and the chart's current score puts it in the
upper Gray. If you come across any other charts which deviate from
what you expect with regard to the integrity score please let me
know. In particular I know of no charts for serial killers, war
criminals, serial rapists or mass murderers which score in the Blue
or higher categories using this preview. The category limits will
change in the next preview. The new limits will reflect the dignity
levels innate to the seven sankhya yogas plus the two new minor
residence dignity levels. With these new limits it will be possible
to attach certain astrological guarantees to the charts in each
category based on the minimum sankhya yoga required to qualify in
a particular category. The system will no longer be calibrated to
yield an average integrity score of 10,00 for the C715 control
group. The average is therefore expected to land higher, probably
somewhere between 10 and 20.
The initial purpose of the automatic chart analysis system has been
to test the effectiveness of various astrological factors. For this
reason some implementations may work well for statistical purposes,
but may be too simplistic to yield accurate results for all
individual charts. The war factor is an example of a simplified
implementation, which, by simply assuming the brightest planet in a
sign to be the winner, can seriously underestimate the effect of
multi-party wars under some circumstances. Dispositor chaining is
an example of another factor that can be implemented in different
ways with sometimes very different outcomes for individual charts.
Currently it uses a mix of weakest link, as well as the product of
all links. Finally, different settings for the relative influences
of the various objects may impact a few charts greatly.
This software-implemented chart analysis is not intended to replace
human interpretation. It has been designed to be an objective aid
and should only be a complement to a full analysis by a Priest or
similarly qualified person. Astrological charts are too complex to
ever be completely digested by any automatic system of analysis. In
the case of this particular software it is still in its most early
design stage and it will see signifcant changes - even in the very
next release! The current implementation is also limited to so
called essential indications (independent of location) and does not
consider the just as important accidental indications, such as the
Ascendant. In addition to integrity above average, a qualified
Priest/Astrologer can have at least three possible supporting or
enabling accidental indications: Aquarius rising sign (sidereal),
Saturn or Uranus in the First house (tropical zodiac, sidereal
houses), and finally also the ruler of the First house situated in
the First house itself.
* Text: Chart/Influence list: Object analysis has been replaced by
dispositor analysis, which is a listing of the objects capable of
receiving influence from other objects. Below the basic absolute
numbers for total, dignified and disgraced influence, there are six
new tables. On the first row you find "Balance", "Benevolence" and
"Disgrace". Each value listed in these three tables is relative the
ideal value for the planet, which is based on the initial influence
set for the planet plus the influence of any other planets it lords
over. On the second and last row you find "Dignity", "Idealness"
and "Harmfulness". Dignity is dignified influence relative total
influence. Idealness and harmfulness is the same as benevolence and
disgrace for each planet, but expressed relative the planet's
balance for balance values exceeding 100%. A planet's idealness and
flawedness/harmfulness can thus never exceed 100%. The bottom line
averages are weighted means. The planets' weights correspond with
the dignity of the associated sankhya yoga for the idealness
average and its opposite for the harmfulness average, thus the Sun
can never contribute idealness and Saturn never harmfulness.
Mercury and Jupiter both carry the same weight (0,5).
To the right of the percentage scores you may find signs indicating
especially noteworthy numbers. Stars indicate values that are close
to the ideal, minus signs indicate insufficent influence, plus
signs excessive influence, and exclamation marks potentially
malignant influence. There can be 1 - 4 instances of each sign,
with 1 indicating the lowest magnitude and 4 the highest. A list of
possible general interpretations follows.
* = promising ! = ominous
** = good !! = malignant
*** = very good !!! = severely malignant
**** = excellent !!!! = extremely malignant
+ = excessive - = lacking
++ = clearly excessive -- = clearly insufficient
+++ = severely excessive --- = severely insufficient
++++ = extremely excessive ---- = extremely insufficient
The specific interpretation depends on the planet. For the Sun
stars indicate authenticity, material influence/dignity, beneficial
publicity, faith, good fortune, productivity, dignified privacy, a
well-functioning brain, etc. Exclamation marks can reveal childish
and diabolic behavior, along with gullibility, selfishness, bad
temper, crankiness, power-fixation, addiction, melancholy, greed
and depression. When found under benevolence, plus signs can show
too much of a good thing, such as too much publicity, too much
power, too much fun or being too rich. Minus signs for the Sun
should reveal deficiencies of the brain, which can make for less
enjoyment in life, lack of bravery, or spell more severe issues,
including mental disability, ALS or other neuro-degenerative
diseases, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. A very short
summary of possible interpretations for all the six dispositor
planets follows. Roughly between a third and two thirds of the
keywords in an applicable category should apply to any particular
chart. Some keywords only apply to one of the two signs ruled by
the planet and if that sign lacks any emphasis in the chart those
keywords will miss the mark to some extent. A few of the keywords,
usually listed last in the category, only apply to extreme cases.
More keywords can be found in the program through Help/Meanings.
For each sign the first seven or so keywords apply to the star
category. The last keywords before the final comma apply to the
malignant category.
The Sun
* Material, authentic, domestic, brave, royal, hopeful, carefree,
power, enthusiasm, well-functioning brain, empathetic, fun,
pleasant, shy, private, efficient, calm, balanced, in control,
good publicity, admiration, faithful, kind, productive
! Clueless, childish, selfish, sordid, cranky, naive, arrogant,
opinionated, intolerant, xenophobic, malicious, greedy, busy,
lazy, pathetic, inferior, melancholic, depressed, superficial,
gushing, surreal, sickly, crazy, violent, alcoholic, diabolic
+ Too much fun and partying, too carefree, too kind, too brave,
too empathetic, too shy, too trusting, too calm, too dramatic,
too sentimental, too pleasant, too private, too public
- Material/mental retardation, mental disability, mental illness,
mental instability, weak brain, Alzheimer's, ALS, lacking calm,
bravery, enthusiasm, enjoyment, balance, authenticity, etc.
* Mental, humble, cerebral, intelligent, religious, clean, pure,
innocent, able, intrepid, famous, vigilant, good thinking,
commanding presence, elegance, tech-savvy, passion, libido,
ecstasy, loyal, friendly, versatile, ambitious, perfect
! Idiotic, incompetent, commanding, touchy, suspicious, hateful,
ugly, petty, wicked, ruthless, impatient, needy, jealous,
insecure, timid, crude, vulgar, horrific, prejudiced, deluded,
fussy, silent, autistic, insane, lethal, demonic
+ Too charitable, too humble, too passionate, too technical, too
quick, too fussy, too clean, too ecstatic, too lively, too
loyal, too ambitious
- Unintelligent, mentally retarded, unthinking, unambitious,
unclean, irreligious, lacking humility, passion, fame,
reverence, libido, ecstasy, loyalty, fidelity, etc.
* Sensual, reasonable, honest, open, verbal, eloquent, clever,
bold, idealistic, dutiful, useful, playful, youthful, good
memory, entertaining, precise, sporty, good at math or science,
excitement, concentration, chastity, expediency, wealth
! Stupid, indecisive, unreliable, narrow-minded, puritanical,
hypersexual, repetitive, stingy, sick, mocking, teasing, lying,
torture, atheism, hostile, provocative, aggressive, cruel,
mean, unscrupulous, immoral, mad, egoistic, psychopathic
+ Too sensual, too sexual, too open, too verbal, too sporty,
boring, too much for new and changing things, too playful, too
conforming, too precise, too helpful
- Asexual, sensually retarded, negligent, uncritical, slow mind,
lacking eloquence, reason, precision, concentration, sense of
detail, ideas, luck, money, ego, memory, excitement, etc.
* Intellectual, enlightened, moral, humane, teaching, rational,
emotional, insightful, conservative, broad-minded, visionary,
linguistic, pious, learning, growing, prosperous, truthful,
humorous, competitive, purposeful, blissful, high, content
! Self-applauding, extravagant, reckless, superiority complex,
silly, worried, suffering, yielding, easily led, promiscuous,
subjective, disregarding facts, unreasonable, dishonest,
deceitful, absent, psychotic, scheming, crafty, crooked
+ Too generous, too tender, too emotional, too optimistic, too
intellectual, too professional, too devout, too conservative,
too competitive, too general, too humorous
- Joyless, intellectually retarded, unemotional, amoral, lacking
a sense of truth and purpose, unable to see the humorous side
of things, indecisive, uncompetitive, stagnant, anorexic
* Understanding, smart, tactful, just, ethical, genial, patient,
listening, compassionate, attractive, confident, educated,
competent, potent, fertile, warm, loving, cordial, social,
reliable, lucid, impartial, happy, relaxed, secure
! Impure, restless, weak, disabled, fond, stubborn, worldly,
snobbish, daft, infidel, adulterous, lustful, pornographic,
temperamental, envy, addicted to love, venereal diseases, lewd,
infamous, fraudulent, domineering, brutal, oppressive
+ Too understanding and sympathetic, too patient, listening too
much to others, too parental, too impartial, too philosophical,
too loving, too lustful, too relaxed, too tactile
- Unhappy, socially retarded, timid, not sane, unjust, unhealthy,
heart disease, poor taste, not listening, lacking charm, IQ,
objectivity, education, tact, diplomacy, fertility, etc.
* Wise, aware, inventive, talented, musical, logical, practical,
universal, focused, sober, successful, sociable, gregarious,
strong, healthy, holy, saintly, old, deep, satisfaction,
welfare, endurance, influence, authority, leadership
! Vitiated, depraved, perverted, unkind, unfaithful, egocentric,
cowardly, shabby, poor, victim of crime, slow, gloomy, hard,
obstinate, odd, abrupt, spasmodic, rash, hopeless, needing
help, rigid, miserly, careless, unbalanced, narcissistic
+ Hypersocial, too tolerant, too strong, too daring, too sober,
too odd, too assured, too big, too lofty, studying too much,
too practical, too disciplined
- Unwise, unsuccessful, normal, uninterested in the welfare of
others, lacking satisfaction, depth, talent, strength, health,
longevity, endurance, sense of reality, awareness, etc.
The first two tables on each row never show any exclamation marks,
as there is never anything ominous about their values. Conversely,
the last table on each row never shows any stars, as its values are
never promising. Instead dots are used to indicate safe values. A
single dot indicates a somewhat safe value, two dots a usually safe
value, three dots a very safe value and four dots shows there is
extremely little or exactly nothing to worry about with regard to
that particular planet. A somewhat safe value is only safe if
overall idealness is not clearly insufficient and the planet's
planetary opposite has sufficient idealness. A somewhat safe
overall value is only safe if overall idealness is not lacking. In
case of extremely insufficient overall idealness only extremely
safe values can be considered safe.
You might have noticed the similarities between the first three
planets, and also between the last three. This is no coincidence,
but due to the first three planets being inferior and the last
three superior. For one thing this means that people with severe
disorders of inferiority, such as psychopaths, killers and
alcoholics should as a rule have at least one exclamation mark
next to one of the inferior planets and that people with disorders
of superiority, such as crooks, fraudsters and perverts should at
least have one exclamation mark next to one of the superior
planets. More specifically for a rapist the mark should be next to
Mercury and for a crook next to Jupiter. The condition is lessened
only if overall idealness is clearly insufficient or overall
harmfulness is ominious or worse. In this case it is enough that
the specific harmfulness value is not marked as safe.
To judge the potential presence of an ideal character trait you
look for strength of the planet associated with the trait and lack
of harmfulness associated with its opposite group of planets. For
humility and thinking you would thus look for strength of Mars,
shown by stars if it is promising or better, and for little or at
least less malignancy associated with Venus, Jupiter and Saturn,
shown by exclamation points if it is ominious or worse. For the
presence of a harmful character trait you look for exclamation
points first and stars in the opposite group next.
As an example of the above procedure have a look at your favorite
pseudo-psychiatrists (aka "doctors of deception") and you will
find that they all lack the ideal traits of humility and thinking,
and carry most or all of the harmful traits of deceit, craftiness,
disregarding facts, fraud and being unbalanced. For a chart of a
pseudo-psychiatrist to match this signature there would thus have
to be more exclamation points next to Jupiter, Venus and Saturn
than there are stars next to Mars. In practice I have found no
example of any pseudo-psychiatrist with any stars next to Mars at
all and they all have at least three exclamation points next to one
of the superior planets. Another interesting observation comes from
my dictators file where the inferiority/superiority distribution
tends to follow ideological lines with fascists such as Mussolini
having greater emphasis on inferiority and socialists such as Lenin
stressing superiority. To reiterate, inferiority complexes are
associated with the inferior planets and are thus indicated by
exclamation points next to the Sun, Mars and Mercury (the material,
young, and potentially childish, rich and greedy planets);
superiority complexes are associated with the superior planets and
are thus shown by exclamation points next to Jupiter, Venus and
Saturn (the lofty, old, and potentially vitiated, poor and envious
planets). I will round off with a basic signature for the common
inferiority disorder known as depression. For all inferiority
disorders, depression included, you first look for exclamation
marks next to the inferior planets. For any major depression there
must be severely malignant influence associated with at least one
of the inferior planets. You must also look for a weak and severely
insufficient Jupiter. Generally insufficient influence is indicated
by minus signs in the balance table. A lack of ideal influence is
shown in the idealness table. For a typical and very severe
depression where a person experiences a general lack of purpose in
life, the balance table must show severely insufficient influence
associated with Jupiter. For extreme depressions with suicidal
thoughts, Venus and Saturn must also show clearly insufficient
influence in the idealness table. For less severe depressions it is
enough that the inferior planets have some ominous influence and
that Jupiter shows severely insufficient idealness. In most cases
of diagnosed clinical depression at least one of the inferior
planets carry severely malignant influence. For bipolar disorders
there may be cases where the inferior planets show safe values. In
such cases there should be extremely insufficient idealness
associated with the Sun and Jupiter.
Please note that exclamation marks only indicate potentials for
certain actions and behavior. In no way is it implied that everyone
with exclamation points next to Jupiter in their chart is a crook
or that everyone with four exclamation points next to Mercury is a
murderer or torturer. What these marks do indicate are character
traits that are troubling to the person. In the case of Mercury
there is an inferiority complex and in the case of Jupiter a
superiority complex. In general, an inferiority complex causes a
person to seek power over other people as compensation for his/her
perceived lack of talent or competence. A superiority complex
causes a person to shun power, as it is perceived as unnecessary,
and thus the person becomes an easy victim of crime and abuse. Even
with all these character traits known in advance it is not possible
to predict where they will actually lead without knowing the
person's experiences and circumstances in life. To some extent
these can be predicted or revealed by an examination of accidental
indications in the birth horoscope, starting with the Ascendant,
but not even a complete analysis of the horoscope can account for
all the exact details of person's life, his/her cultural background
or level in society. In addition, not even a serial rapist goes
around raping people all the time. Transitory influences must be
examined to know how active a particular planet is at the present
time. Only the sankhya yoga ruler and the atmakaraka are always
fully active. Finally, as long as a planet has sufficient influence
associated with it there can come some "good" out of it. A strong
Mercury always promotes monetary gains and verbal skills; a strong
Jupiter indicates language and academic skills as well as some ease
and prosperity in life.
Stars and exclamation marks can sometimes work to cancel each other
out. The malignancy of a planet (shown by exclamation marks) can be
reduced by the idealness of its planetary opposite. If the planet
is the sankhya yoga ruler a single star can cancel the malignancy
of a single exclamation mark. If the starred planet is an ordinary
planet it can cancel the malignancy when it is active, unless the
malignant planet is the sankhya yoga ruler or the atmakaraka. In
the same way the promise of a planet (indicated by stars) can often
be hindered by the harmfulness of its planetary opposite.
In the this preview most charts show an excess of plus signs, minus
signs, and exclamation marks. Although the limits used for deciding
what category a value belongs to are unlikely to change, it is
probable that future changes in the automatic chart analysis will
reduce the underlying values and thus the number of signs and
exclamation marks shown. More stars could also be expected to show
up in the next preview, as the average integrity score will be
allowed to rise above 10 for the C715 control group.
* Text: The "Meanings" of a few signs have changed slightly, notably
adding the keywords "rich" to Cancer and "poor" to Aquarius. Libra
has lost the keywords "neurotic" to Gemini and "calm" to Leo. The
latter change can be considered a textual bugfix, since Libra is
perhaps one of the least calm signs and the most restless and
New in TP50
The primary reason for this release is to provide a fix for a bug in
the automatic chart analysis. The bug was semantic, in the sense that
the code did what it was supposed to do, but still not exactly what
was originally intended. The effect was that integrity for charts with
undignified sign placements saw a boost that was proportionately
greater than for those with dignified sign placements. Some other
changes and additions have also been made, but nothing major. The
bigger and better release is still ahead.
* ACA: The automatic chart analysis module has been improved.
Fixed a semantic bug in the substitution algorithm that increased
dignified influence for less than fully dignified sign placements
beyond the essential dignity of the planet in the sign. This had
a proportionately greater effect on less dignified placements than
for more dignified, thus changing the code to never go beyond the
essential dignity limit has increased statistical significance. It
also means that the integrity score should never be able to exceed
the total chart influence minus debased influence.
The atmakaraka, the planet who has advanced the furthest in any
sign, is now presented next to the Sankhya Yoga for the current
chart. You can also choose "Atmakarakas" from the "Stats" menu to
see the atmakaraka distribution for the currently selected group of
charts. Only the 7 classical planets can become atmakarakas in this
The effect of cuspal placement has been decreased in general and
also changed for the Sun, Venus, Mars and Saturn, so that the Sun
and Mars are less cusped in so called infancy, ie placement very
early in a sign, and Venus and Saturn are less cusped in old age,
or very late in a sign. The exact implemention will change in the
next release, but the general idea will be the same as this has
shown positive statistical effect. The full range of this factor is
still 15 degrees, but the practical effect is minute until a planet
comes closer than about five degrees from a cusp.
The effect of combustion and planetary wars should now vary more
depending on the planets involved. In general the outcome can be
more benign, unless the planets are completely antagonistic. In
some cases a so called war or even combustion can improve the
dignity of a planet. This can be the case if the losing planet is
undignified in the sign it is in.
Influence chaining (introduced in the previous release) matter less
in this release, but still serves to give the charts that need it
greater inferiority scores, such as that for serial rapist and
probable serial killer Anthony Sowell. In the next release, which
will incorporate the atmakaraka as an important factor, his chart
may see an even greater inferiority score, it already exceeds 70.
A bug in the influence chaining routine has also been fixed, very
slightly improving statistical significance.
The changes in this release has improved statistical significance
for a lot of values including the integrity score, but also
debasement (lack of essential dignity), polarization (secondary
instead of primary dignity in sign), and cuspal placement in
particular. For the first time there are now charts in the control
group scoring in the highest category. The ordering of individual
charts has also changed in many places, or their distance has
increased as is the case for the charts of actress Sandra Bullock
and dictator Hu Jintao, where the chart for the more sympathetic
actress now scores 17,04 (up from 14,38) and the chart for the less
sympathetic dictator only 9,07 (down from 9,59).
C715 T1080 IH AH
Influence: 68,26 66,69 83,33 62,58
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Debased (%): 50,45 51,65 22,55 65,92
Polarized (%): 48,36 50,11 6,06 21,05
Cusped (%): 16,40 16,34 13,80 8,03
Opposed (%): 23,72 24,92 12,89 46,04
Scorched (%): 9,91 10,94 0,00 16,99
Chained (%): 77,91 79,01 13,06 82,14
Numbered (%): 73,80 76,30 14,06 79,57
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Disgrace (%): 86,06 89,32 23,02 92,40
Inferior (%): 49,15 50,86 8,18 79,59
Superior (%): 36,91 38,46 14,83 12,81
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Integrity: 10,00 7,52 64,15 4,76
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Category: 3,68 3,28 8 3
The two top scoring charts in the control group are for two quite
well-known authors, Thomas Mann and Hans Christian Andersen.
Dama Yoga ···· Saturn Dama Yoga ····· Venus
--------------------- ---------------------
Influence: 92,34 Influence: 93,14
--------------------- ---------------------
Debased (%): 19,78 Debased (%): 15,70
Polarized (%): 15,92 Polarized (%): 44,19
Cusped (%): 0,21 Cusped (%): 0,80
Opposed (%): 18,38 Opposed (%): 11,43
Scorched (%): 0,00 Scorched (%): 7,44
Chained (%): 15,01 Chained (%): 27,54
Numbered (%): 21,03 Numbered (%): 24,44
--------------------- ---------------------
Disgrace (%): 23,20 Disgrace (%): 23,30
Inferior (%): 7,35 Inferior (%): 10,97
Superior (%): 15,85 Superior (%): 12,33
--------------------- ---------------------
Integrity: 70,92 Integrity: 71,43
--------------------- ---------------------
Category: 9 Category: 9
The TP50 chart distribution by category is as follows:
C715 T1080
1. Black (%): 11,33 13,70
2. Red (%): 18,88 21,85
3. Orange (%): 14,55 22,13
4. Yellow (%): 19,86 17,04
5. Gray (%): 22,38 18,33
6. Green (%): 8,25 4,81
7. Blue (%): 3,64 1,67
8. Indigo (%): 0,84 0,46
9. Violet (%): 0,28 0,00
--------------------- -----
Five+ (%): 35,38 25,28
For extreme sociopaths the integrity score should fall into the
Orange or a lower category and the inferiority score be at least
five times as great as the integrity score, or alternatively the
inferiority score be at least six times as great as the integrity
score. The most notorious war criminals, scam artists, sociopaths,
sadists, mass-murderers, and serial killers already easily satisfy
this condition: Henry Kissinger (9,55 & 56,25 => 5,89), Adolf
Eichmann (5,23 & 47,61 => 9,10), Bernard Madoff (1,88 & 30,44 =>
16,2), Bill Gates (4,09 & 70,35 => 17,2), Tzipi Livni (2,53 & 85,85
=> 33,9), Marquis de Sade (1,39 & 52,80 => 38,0), Timothy McVeigh
(1,69 & 75,20 => 44,5), Harold Shipman (1,46 & 90,33 => 61,9), Ted
Bundy (0,87 & 72,03 => 82,8). In this release Kissinger does not
qualify, but since his atmakaraka is Mars he will have no trouble
fitting the bill in the next release.
With this release only three dictators score above average for the
control and most score in the Orange or lower. The top three charts
belong to Mao Zedong (23,75; 5,27; 67,14), Fidel Castro (18,46;
26,56; 53,08) and Francisco Franco (10,57; 47,21; 40,32). All the
remaining charts score below the average for the control. Three
charts score in the Yellow category: Hu Jintao's (9,07; 81,77;
4,68), Benito Mussolini's (7,32; 88,07; 1,82), and Josef Stalin's
(6,93; 32,47; 57,60). Two charts score in the Orange, Adolf
Hitler's (4,76; 79,59; 12,81) and Vladimir Lenin's (3,53; 9,81;
85,51), and another two in the red, Pol Pot's (1,67; 86,47; 11,43)
and Hosni Mubarak's (1,32; 53,42; 44,73). The remaining charts
score in the Black: Omar al-Bashir's (0,60; 47,93; 51,41), Ho Chi
Minh's (0,53; 78,98; 20,32) and Kim Jong-il's (0,23; 54,13; 45,47).
The control group includes a subgroup of 106 judges consisting of
all the supreme court justices of the United States at the time of
building the control. Its average integrity score is 10,54 with a
category average of 3,85. 35,85% of the charts score in the Gray or
higher categories.
The test group has the following subgroups of at least 100 charts:
235 registered sex offenders (7,08; 48,82; 41,07); 244 past and
present inmates on Alabama deathrow (7,58; 51,76; 37,54); 100 white
female murderers (8,53; 47,67; 39,98); 105 assorted serial rapists
and killers (6,95; 50,65; 39,39); and 189 people convicted of first
degree murder (7,57; 49,85; 39,46). One subgroup scores well above
average for the test group as a whole: The charts for 92 people in
prison for fraud have an average integrity score of 8,86.
New in TP49
* ACA: The automatic chart analysis module has been improved.
Fewer than half of the control charts show up in the first
three categories. A goal for the pre-alpha will be to have more
than half of the control charts score in Yellow or higher category,
at least a third in Gray or higher, and fewer than one tenth in the
Black. This release meets the first two goals and also manages to
push down the number of control charts in the Black category from
over 14% in TP39 to just under 11%. Fixing a bug inadvertently
reducing dignified influence more than was intended for some charts
with Pasa yoga or lower sankhya yogas has contributed to this
reduction. Also other improvements to the sankhya yoga algorithm,
as well as to most of the other factors have contributed greater
statistical significance.
The essential dignity of the Sun has increased in importance. If
the Sun enjoys zero dignity then all the planets will be reduced
to their minimum power (brightness), which will affect their
dignity, strength and susceptibility to the chaining effect. For a
fully dignified Sun this change has no effect.
The retrogradation subfactor of essential dignity and strength in
sign, which could boost these values for retrograde Jupiter and
Saturn, no longer depends on velocity (direct/retrograde motion),
but instead considers estimated brightness based on elongation. The
brighter the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune)
the greater the boost to dignity and strength. Conversely, below
average brightness can reduce the same values. Since the charts for
criminals in the test group tend to have these planets darker than
the charts for public figures in the control, this feature has good
statistical effect.
The range of the cuspal factor, or strength in sign, has been
extended to its maximum 15 degrees (up from 12 degrees), while the
overall effect has been toned down leaving less influence cusped
than in TP39.
The scorching factor, or combustion in general speak, now kicks in
later than before, but also grows more quickly on approach towards
the Sun. This change has meant a slight increase in scorched
influence and a very clear increase in statistical significance.
A new feature is called influence chaining, which is a recursive
process which passes on received (primarily undignified, but also
some dignified) influence in the same way innate influence is
transferred through the regular substitution process. Only objects
with some innate influence can retain received influence. This
feature has mixed impact on statistical significance, but serves
to give the charts that need it greater inferiority scores, such as
that for serial rapist and probable serial killer Anthony Sowell.
The outcome of the sankhya yoga algorithm is now more predictable
from the Numbered diagnostic. A value below 50 predicts a possible
increase in dignified influence. A value above 50 always results in
decreased influence if possible. With this revision the sankhya
yoga ruler has strength to retain some dignified influence. This
has boosted the integrity score for Albert Einstein's chart from
red to orange.
Compared to the unofficial bug fix release (TP48) the increase in
statistical significance is minute. Instead the major statistical
change in this release is the increase of the number of charts
scoring in the Gray and higher categories. The ordering of
individual charts has also changed in many places. One example is
the order reversal of the charts for actress Sandra Bullock and
dictator Hu Jintao, where the chart for the more sympathetic
actress now scores above average (14,38) and the chart for the less
sympathetic dictator now scores below average (9,59).
C715 T1080 IH AH
Influence: 65,50 64,32 86,04 62,77
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Debased (%): 50,50 51,36 4,51 65,92
Polarized (%): 48,12 49,93 6,06 21,05
Cusped (%): 22,63 22,41 12,87 12,19
Opposed (%): 24,66 25,76 12,50 46,66
Scorched (%): 10,08 11,10 0,00 17,03
Chained (%): 80,03 80,91 13,53 82,51
Numbered (%): 76,52 78,88 9,75 81,96
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Disgrace (%): 85,30 88,45 8,99 92,20
Inferior (%): 49,19 50,82 0,08 84,72
Superior (%): 36,11 37,63 8,91 7,47
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Integrity: 10,00 7,75 78,31 4,90
--------------------- ----- ----- -----
Category: 3,72 3,36 9 3
Compared to the last official release (TP39) this preview changes
the integrity limits for the Yellow and Indigo categories as
Integrity < 1 => 1. Black
Integrity < 3 => 2. Red
Integrity < 6 => 3. Orange
Integrity < 10 => 4. Yellow
Integrity < 20 => 5. Gray
Integrity < 33,3 => 6. Green
Integrity < 50,0 => 7. Blue
Integrity < 70,0 => 8. Indigo
Integrity < 100,1 => 9. Violet
This results in an easy to remember number series (1,2,3,4) for
the ranges covered by the first four categories now representing
integrity scores below average for the C715 public control group.
The TP49 chart distribution by category, using the integrity limits
listed above, is as follows:
C715 T1080
1. Black (%): 10,63 11,20
2. Red (%): 15,52 22,87
3. Orange (%): 19,44 21,48
4. Yellow (%): 17,06 17,59
5. Gray (%): 25,31 19,35
6. Green (%): 7,55 5,56
7. Blue (%): 3,64 1,48
8. Indigo (%): 0,84 0,46
9. Violet (%): 0,00 0,00
--------------------- -----
Five+ (%): 37,34 26,85
Obviously this categorization is very rough and there will be many
individual differences that can be discerned by looking at the
influence distribution over planets, as well as factors outside of
astrology, including, but not limited to status of parents, country
and cultural setting, etc. Astrology can predict a bad childhood,
but the exact details will of course vary with the context. There
are also additional astrological factors such as timing, which
determine if a given potential can materialize or not.
For extreme sociopaths the integrity score should fall into the
Orange or a lower category and the inferiority score be at least
five times as great as the integrity score, or alternatively the
inferiority score be at least six times as great as the integrity
score. The most notorious war criminals, scam artists, sociopaths,
sadists, mass-murderers, and serial killers already easily satisfy
this condition: Henry Kissinger (9,61 & 59,60 => 6,20), Adolf
Eichmann (3,26 & 42,81 => 13,1), Marquis de Sade (2,01 & 29,97 =>
14,9), Bernard Madoff (2,26 & 44,90 => 19,9), Tzipi Livni (3,60 &
72,02 => 20,0), Bill Gates (1,83 & 93,39 => 51,0), Harold Shipman
(1,36 & 91,16 => 67,0), Timothy McVeigh (1,11 & 91,29 => 82,2), and
Ted Bundy (0,72 & 96,37 => 134).
With this release only three dictators score above average for the
control and most score in the Red. The top three charts belong to
Fidel Castro (31,0; 21,0; 44,9), Mao Zedong (23,6; 14,3; 58,1) and
Francisco Franco (11,7; 41,8; 43,7). All the remaining charts score
integrity below the average for the control. Two charts score in
the Yellow category: Hu Jintao's (9,6; 76,2; 8,5) and Josef
Stalin's (6,9; 25,1; 64,8). Four charts score in the Orange: Adolf
Hitler's (4,9; 84,7; 7,5), Benito Mussolini's (4,8; 88,5; 4,7),
Vladimir Lenin's (4,1; 20,9; 72,2) and Pol Pot's (3,8; 77,2; 17,8).
The remaining charts score in the Red: Kim Jong-il's (1,7; 40,2;
56,6), Hosni Mubarak's (1,5; 29,7; 68,3), Ho Chi Minh's (1,1; 55,7;
60,2) and Omar al-Bashir's (1,0; 42,4; 56,4).
The control group includes a subgroup of 106 judges consisting of
all the supreme court justices of the United States at the time of
building the control. Its average integrity score is 10,64 with a
category average of 3,9. 39,62% of the charts score in the Gray or
higher categories.
The test group has the following subgroups of at least 100 charts:
235 registered sex offenders (7,3; 48,5; 40,4); 244 past and
present inmates on Alabama deathrow (7,8; 51,6; 36,9); 100 white
female murderers (8,5; 49,3; 37,6); 105 assorted serial rapists and
killers (7,3; 50,7; 38,2); and 189 people convicted of first degree
murder (7,8; 49,3; 39,2). One subgroup scores well above average
for the test group as a whole: The charts for 92 people in prison
for fraud have an average integrity score of 9,0.
New in TP48 (unofficial bugfix release)
* ACA: A great number of improvements including a bug fix in the
sankhya yoga algorithm.
Charts (n): 715 Charts (n): 1080
--------------------- ---------------------
Influence: 65,82 Influence: 64,94
--------------------- ---------------------
Debased (%): 50,50 Debased (%): 51,36
Polarized (%): 48,12 Polarized (%): 49,93
Cusped (%): 23,33 Cusped (%): 23,17
Opposed (%): 24,67 Opposed (%): 25,77
Scorched (%): 10,09 Scorched (%): 11,11
Chained (%): 79,90 Chained (%): 80,80
Numbered (%): 76,69 Numbered (%): 78,97
--------------------- ---------------------
Disgrace (%): 85,34 Disgrace (%): 88,48
Inferior (%): 49,20 Inferior (%): 50,80
Superior (%): 36,15 Superior (%): 37,67
--------------------- ---------------------
Integrity: 10,00 Integrity: 7,77
--------------------- ---------------------
Category: 3,75 Category: 3,38
New limits (same as in TP49):
Charts (n): 715 Charts (n): 1080
--------------------- ---------------------
1. Black (%): 9,93 1. Black (%): 11,57
2. Red (%): 18,46 2. Red (%): 22,22
3. Orange (%): 17,06 3. Orange (%): 23,43
4. Yellow (%): 19,30 4. Yellow (%): 17,78
5. Gray (%): 21,96 5. Gray (%): 16,39
6. Green (%): 8,53 6. Green (%): 6,30
7. Blue (%): 3,50 7. Blue (%): 1,85
8. Indigo (%): 1,26 8. Indigo (%): 0,46
9. Violet (%): 0,00 9. Violet (%): 0,00
--------------------- ---------------------
Five+ (%): 35,24 Five+ (%): 25,00
Old limits (same as in TP39):
Charts (n): 715 Charts (n): 1080
--------------------- ---------------------
1. Black (%): 9,93 1. Black (%): 11,57
2. Red (%): 18,46 2. Red (%): 22,22
3. Orange (%): 17,06 3. Orange (%): 23,43
4. Yellow (%): 14,83 4. Yellow (%): 13,89
5. Gray (%): 26,43 5. Gray (%): 20,28
6. Green (%): 8,53 6. Green (%): 6,30
7. Blue (%): 3,50 7. Blue (%): 1,85
8. Indigo (%): 1,26 8. Indigo (%): 0,46
9. Violet (%): 0,00 9. Violet (%): 0,00
--------------------- ---------------------
Five+ (%): 39,72 Five+ (%): 28,89
New in TP39
* ACA: The automatic chart analysis module has been improved.
Some primary and secondary essential dignities have been switched,
see Help/Planets for a listing of all essential dignities. You can
change these using the same command-line options as in the original
Astrolog software.
The Moon's programmatic influence has been increased again. The
Moon was already in the previous release by far the most important
object, but its weight is now even greater, improving statistical
significance. Currently the Moon carries about four times the
actual influence of the average planet (its own influence plus that
of its accidental rulership based on its sign aspect with the Sun).
Only the Moon has this programmatic influence increase. All the
other objects carry the exact influences shown in the Object
settings dialogs.
The analysis module has been tested for effectiveness using the
same test and control groups as used with the previous releases.
The average integrity score for the criminal test group is now 79%
of that of the average for the control group, which is down from
about 86% in TP22.
A new diagnostic has been added to independently track the effect
of placement in primary and secondary dignity. A placement is
recorded as Polarized when having secondary essential dignity. In
theory this should indicate the womanly complement. Placement
in primary dignity should indicate manly qualities. For sexuality
Mercury should be the most important planet. For love and erotica
it is Venus that rules. Libido is indicated by Mars. You get the
picture. Initial testing using mostly untimed charts for 196
lesbians yields a Polarized average of 49,69. The corresponding
figure produced using mostly untimed charts for 244 homosexual
males is 52,38.
The expanded analysis output for the control and test groups using
program defaults (7 planets plus the lunar nodes) is as follows:
C715 T1080 IH AH
Influence: 64,25 63,59 84,21 62,67
-------------- ----- ----- ----- -----
Debased (%): 50,50 51,36 4,51 65,92
Polarized (%): 48,12 49,93 6,06 21,05
Cusped (%): 29,27 29,22 15,77 23,41
Opposed (%): 24,36 25,46 12,59 46,63
Scorched (%): 9,73 10,63 0,00 14,47
Chained (%): 79,73 80,54 14,87 82,49
Numbered (%): 74,80 77,16 7,72 77,55
-------------- ----- ----- ----- -----
Disgrace (%): 84,81 88,00 11,31 94,61
Inferior (%): 49,10 50,79 0,14 85,80
Superior (%): 35,71 37,20 11,17 8,81
-------------- ----- ----- ----- -----
Integrity: 10,00 7,90 74,69 3,38
-------------- ----- ----- ----- -----
Category: 3,66 3,30 9 3
You may notice that the Cusped diagnostic for the first time shows
a slightly higher value for the control than for the test group.
This can be explained by the Moon's greatly increased weight in
this release and the fact that most of the charts in the test group
are untimed. With the Moon disabled the corresponding figures are
29,10 for the control and 29,12 for the test group. It is my
prediction that if only accurately timed charts are used the
statistical significance will be a lot greater, especially with the
Moon enabled. In this release the cusp range extends 12 degrees
from each cusp.
The inferiority score should reveal potential for antisocial
behavior. Inferior disgrace can also show forth as childishness,
incompetence and excessive humility. An inferiority score below ten
in combination with a strong sidereal rising sign should rule out
the possibility of severe antisocial behavior, including violent
extremes such as all rape and torture, cruelty to animals, pseudo-
psychiatry, as well as any state-sanctioned unlawful killing, such
as capital punishments in some countries, killing of unborn
children, euthanasia, genocide and suicide. The strong sidereal
rising signs are Aquarius, Capricorn, Libra and Taurus. If the
inferiority score is greater than the integrity score and either
Jupiter, Venus or Saturn is very weak (registering very little
influence) there can be intellectual, social or universal/spiritual
retardation. In the case of a weak Saturn health problems and
dyslexia can also be predicted.
For extreme sociopaths the integrity score should fall into a
Yellow or lower category and the inferiority score be at least
five times as great as the integrity score. The most notorious war
criminals, scam artists, sociopaths, sadists, mass-murderers, and
serial killers already easily satisfy this condition: Tzipi Livni
(6,7 & 42,4 => 6,3), Henry Kissinger (8,3 & 62,3 => 7,5), Bernard
Madoff (4,1 & 82,7 => 20,2), Bill Gates (2,0 & 84,0 => 42,0),
Timothy McVeigh (1,2 & 54,0 => 45), Marquis de Sade (1,0 & 45,6 =>
45,6), Adolf Eichmann (0,9 & 41,4 => 46), Harold Shipman (0,9 &
86,7 => 96,3), and Ted Bundy (0,5 & 91,0 => 182).
The superiority score should reveal potential hypersocial behavior,
including infidelity and adultery (without antisocial intent), and
a lack of respect for people in general. High superiority scores
should also be indicative of repression and lack of authenticity,
humility and bravery. People with a weak Sun and an emphasis on
superiority are less likely to know themselves and are consequently
also less likely to know the people around them. Charts with a
superiority score exceeding 50% or at least twice as great as the
integrity and with a margin greater than the inferiority score
should reveal a genuine superiority complex. If the superiority
score is greater than the integrity score and either the Sun, Mars
or Mercury is very weak (registering very little influence) there
can be mental, analytical or sensual retardation. In the case of
a weak Mercury problems with concentration and memory can be
With this revision, 4 of the 13 dictators included in the Astrolog
for OS/2 Chart Collection score above average integrity for the
control: Fidel Castro (31,1; 15,9; 49,5), Mao Zedong (27,8; 31,8;
35,0), Hu Jintao (15,2; 65,1; 12,9), and Francisco Franco (12,7;
41,7; 43,0). All the remaining charts score integrity below the
average for the control, as well as below the average for the
criminal test group, including those of Josef Stalin (7,7; 17,9;
69,9) and Pol Pot (7,4; 56,7; 32,9). The following charts all score
integrity below category 4, i.e. more than half of the control
charts score higher integrity: Adolf Hitler's (3,4; 85,8; 8,8),
Vladimir Lenin's (2,7; 35,0; 60,0), Benito Mussolini's (1,8; 92,7;
4,8), Ho Chi Minh's (1,6; 37,5; 60,2), Kim Jong-il's (1,3; 36,9;
60,3), Hosni Mubarak's (0,8; 61,7; 37,2), Omar al-Bashir's (0,4;
32,2; 67,3).
The control group includes a subgroup of 106 judges (all the
supreme court justices of the United States at the time of building
the control). Its average integrity score is 10,29 with a category
average of 3,75. 42,45% of the charts score in a Gray or higher
The test group includes the following subgroups of at least 100
charts: 235 registered sex offenders (7,6; 49,7; 38,7); 244 past
and present inmates on Alabama deathrow (8,1; 51,0; 36,8); 100
white female murderers (8,4; 50,3; 36,6); 105 assorted serial
rapists and killers (7,5; 48,6; 39,6); and 189 people convicted of
first degree murder (7,7; 50,4; 37,9). One subgroup scores well
above average for the test group as a whole: 92 people in prison
for fraud (first and second degree) have an average integrity
score of 9,0.
The updated chart analysis module also produces a new category
output, which for now simply divides the integrity range in nine
different bands, with the fifth starting about halfway between the
criminal test group average and the control group average, and
ending exactly a ninth the distance towards full from the latter.
The fourth category surrounds the criminal test group average.
This category output makes it easier to track chart distribution
and may in later releases also be augmented with constraints based
on the inferiority and superiority scores. In the pre-alpha the
user will be able to adjust these limits, but for this initial
release they are fixed as follows:
Integrity < 1 => 1. Black
Integrity < 3 => 2. Red
Integrity < 6 => 3. Orange
Integrity < 9 => 4. Yellow
Integrity < 20 => 5. Gray
Integrity < 33,3 => 6. Green
Integrity < 50,0 => 7. Blue
Integrity < 66,7 => 8. Indigo
Integrity < 100,1 => 9. Violet
Slighty fewer than half of the control charts show up in the first
three categories. A goal for the pre-alpha will be to have at least
a third of control charts score in the Gray or higher categories,
and fewer than one tenth in the Black. For a new control consisting
of the 75 232 noon (UTC) charts spanning the seven last cycles of
Saturn the share currently scoring in the Black is 15,4%. I hope to
bring this down in the pre-alpha, so that fewer than one ninth
register in the Black. The average integrity score is 9,01. The
category distribution for the C715 and T1080 groups, using the
integrity limits mentioned earlier, is as follows:
Charts (n): 715 1080
--------------------- -----
1. Black (%): 14,13 17,13
2. Red (%): 17,76 20,74
3. Orange (%): 16,64 20,28
4. Yellow (%): 12,17 11,76
5. Gray (%): 24,90 20,00
6. Green (%): 8,67 7,69
7. Blue (%): 4,90 1,76
8. Indigo (%): 0,84 0,65
9. Violet (%): 0,00 0,00
--------------------- -----
Five+ (%): 39,30 30,09
If you have any ideas for additional analysis factors to include or
tests you would like to see done please contact me. All data used
are available to the public via the Internet. I would appreciate if
you let me know of any timed charts for serial killers that score
in the Blue or higher categories, there should not be any!
Note: Starting with this release you have to enable chart analysis
on the new Analysis menu. You can also selectively disable one or
more features of the ACA module, and turn on/off diagnostics.
* Stats Function: You can have the software gather statistics for a
group of charts by selecting Enable on the new Stats menu. The
current chart will be added and all subsequently analyzed charts as
well. The stats will only be reset when you select Reset on the
Stats menu or use the First Chart or Last Chart commands on the
File menu.
* Chart Show: Akin to a picture slide show you can create a show of
astrological charts by selecting Auto Repeat on the File menu.
Start the show by pressing Ctrl+PgUp for the previous or Ctrl+PgDn
for the next chart in sequence. Another chart will be loaded
automatically at the set timer interval specified from the
Animation menu. To pause you can press Ctrl+Pause. To resume use
the same key combination again and restart.
About Astrolog
Astrolog is a classic when it comes to astrology software, not only is
it 100 percent open source software, but it is also the most complete,
and most flexible astrology calculation program ever made freely
Thanks to the original author Walter D. Pullen, Astrolog is already
available on multiple platforms, including DOS, Windows, Mac and Unix.
Permission for this independent port and the name "Astrolog for OS/2"
has been granted by the original author.
Astrolog for OS/2
This port of the original Astrolog software for 16-bit MS Windows
to 32-bit IBM OS/2 compares to the Windows version (5.30) as follows.
In the list below a minus sign precedes original functionality not
ported. A plus sign indicates functionality not found in the original
Windows version. An exclamation mark precedes functionality previously
Functional changes:
- Basic interpretations (report function to be implemented)
- Arabic parts (unlikely to get implemented)
- Biorythm (unlikely to get implemented)
- Windows bitmap save (unlikely to get implemented)
+ OS/2 bitmap save.
+ Sidereal whole sign houses (aka Synchronized Houses).
+ Configurable default rising sign.
+ Sankhya Yoga (Jyotish).
+ Extended chart information including tags and rodden ratings.
+ Extended dispositor screen
+ House peaks (makes a difference for whole sign houses).
+ Long filenames (if supported by the filesystem).
+ Divisional charts modify houses.
+ Dwadasamsa division.
+ Remembers size and position of main window.
+ Automatic saving of all settings on exit.
+ Chart info caching (automatic resume).
+ Easy switching between four chart slots.
+ Chart slot swapping (to ease synastry work).
+ Chart ring rotation (primary chart slot always in the center)
+ Localized time and date formats.
+ In addition to local time and date formats also recognizes
ISO, US and German dates as input in chart info dialog.
+ Calendar can be specified for any date (suffix a date with a
capital J for Julian or a capital G for Gregorian).
+ Time zone automatically picked up if the environment variable TZ
has been set in config.sys, to test select the "Now" push button
in the chart dialog or press ctrl+z.
+ Clear and non-conflicting UTC-based time zone designations.
No confusing daylight savings setting.
+ Also recognizes direction based time zone values such as 7W
for 7 hours west and 2E for 2 hours east.
+ Chart files can be easily associated with the executable.
+ Chart files in the current directory can be quickly opened
in sequence (Next, Previous, First, Last).
+ Copying of select text to the clipboard.
+ Adjustment of aspect lines to orb (instead of a fixed 2 degrees).
+ Aspect trimming, by sign and out of sign.
+ Sine function for power reduction following orb.
! Command line dialog (direct access to command line switches).
+ Automatic chart analysis (ACA) advanced and accurate enough to be
of practical use. The system aims to provide accurate ranking of
planets as well as signs in a chart. The first stage of analysis,
which boils down to an integrity score, is near completion. The
second stage, which looks to accidental factors, will take less
time to complete. Please provide feedback to help make ACA as
accurate as possible.
Operational improvements:
+ Faster chart drawing.
+ Repaint instead of redraw whenever possible (disabled in this
version for stability reasons).
+ Transit and other listings scrollable without recalculation.
Functionality yet to be fully implemented:
* Extended chart information: Multiple events per file.
* Chart information dialog: More useful Atlas button
(currently diabled).
* Automatic Chart Analysis: Scores for individual planets,
fortune score, plus more accurate integrity score.
* Chart wheels: Easier to read planetary positions.
* Many other features such as crude stats may be included
in the final release.
The following will probably have to wait until version 2.1:
* Report function (user editable interpretation texts)
* Major Yogas (jyotish)
* Chart search
Support OS/2 Software Development
Since this application has been ported and extended for free, your
donations are welcome! As a supporter you will receive access to early
program updates, that will be available from a week up to a month in
advance of the regular, usually longer lasting, updates. You can also
feel yourself extra entitled to personal support. Your questions or
comments regarding the software or astrology are always welcome. My
sincere thanks for your support!!
The main features in Astrolog for OS/2
Position calculation features:
Positions of Sun through Pluto and the house cusps.
Positions of Chiron and the four main asteroids.
Positions of True and Mean nodes, Vertex, and East Point.
Positions of Lilith.
Positions of the eight Uranian planets.
Positions of over 40 fixed stars.
Option to use any or all of accurate 8400 year ephemeris.
Computation features:
Fifteen house systems.
Tropical and sidereal zodiac.
Specify zodiac starting position / ayanamsa.
Heliocentric and other planet centered charts.
Applying and separating aspects.
Parallel and contraparallel aspects.
Harmonic charts.
Solar charts with objects on Ascendant or Midheaven.
Divisional charts: Drekkana, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa.
Specify your own positions for planets.
Positions relative to ecliptic or equator.
Local horizon positions in prime vertical coordinates.
Display formats:
Generic position listing.
Wheel charts.
Aspect and midpoint grids.
List aspect configurations such as Yods.
List aspects sorted by influence.
List midpoints sorted by position.
Local horizon positions.
Times of planets rising and setting.
Solar system orbit charts.
Gauquelin sector charts.
Astro-graph charts.
List latitude crossings in astro-graph charts.
Generic monthly and yearly calendars.
Ephemeris tables.
Transit and progression features:
Secondary progressions and solar arc progressions.
Specify your own progression rate.
Times of exact aspects among transiting planets.
Times of planets changing sign or direction.
Times of lunar phases and season changes.
Times of exact aspects in a progressed chart.
Times of exact transit hits.
Times of transits to house cusps.
Times of solar, lunar, and other returns.
Times of exact transits from progressed planets.
List transits to natal planets within orb in influence order.
List aspects within orb among transiting planets in influence order.
Transits to composite and other no-time charts.
Relationship chart features:
Synastry charts.
Composite charts.
Time space midpoint charts.
Weighted relationship charts.
Display elapsed time between charts.
Aspect and midpoint grids between two charts.
Aspect and midpoint lists between two charts.
Automatic progressed to natal comparison chart.
Influence assessment features:
Influence listing sorting planets and signs by influence.
Sign, Element and Mode summary for graphic wheels.
Graphics features:
Graphic wheel chart.
Graphic bi-wheel comparison / transit chart.
Graphic tri-wheels and quad-wheels.
Graphic aspect / midpoint and relationship aspect / midpoint grids.
Graphic astro-graph chart on a map of the world.
Graphic local and polar horizon, Gauquelin wheel, and orbit charts.
Graphic ephemeris tracking chart.
Graphic calendars.
Dispositor graph chart.
Plot positions among the astronomical constellations.
Smoothly animate charts through time at varying rates.
Continuously update chart to current moment now.
Animate a rotating globe.
Timed exposures for horizon and orbit charts.
Create PostScript graphic files.
Customization options:
Initialization file for default settings.
Choose what transiting and natal planets to include in charts.
Choose among 18 major and minor aspects, or define your own.
Specify aspect orbs.
Specify the maximum orb allowed to a planet.
Specify wider orbs for any planet.
Display zodiac positions to the nearest second.
ISO or American time and date formats.
Display locations in hours & minutes or 360 degree form.
Customize colors.
Define your own orbital elements for planets.
Choose among graphic glyphs for certain signs and planets.
Specify influence of planets and planets when transiting.
Specify influence of houses and aspects.
Chart access features:
Quick charts for the current moment now.
Save and load chart information to file.
Save and load chart positions to file.
Save text output directly to file.
Relocate charts.
Cast a chart a specified time ahead of any chart.
Astrolog for OS/2 system requirements
Any system running OS/2 Warp 4.5 or later (including eCS) can run this
software. It may run on earlier versions of OS/2, but this has not
been tested. Early versions of OS/2 Warp will not run this software
due to dependency on new system functions.
The source code for this version was compiled and linked using
Open Watcom C 1.9 (C99), OS/2 Warp 4.5 libraries, and the resource
compiler included in the Warp 4.5 toolkit.
Where to get Astrolog for OS/2
The latest stable port of Astrolog to OS/2 is archived at the public
OS/2 shareware and free software archive Hobbes:
In case you cannot reach Hobbes, or you want the latest info on
Astrolog for OS/2 you may visit its home page (see top).
The Astrolog Homepage (original software)
Ephemeris and general info about Astrolog as well as links to
related sites can be found at the Astrolog homepage:
Here you will also be able to find the original source code for
Astrolog as well as binaries for MS Windows (16-bit).
Ephemeris files are not required but provide more accurate positions.
The anonymous FTP site maintained by Astrodienst AG in Switzerland has
all the Placalc ephemeris files available at the following url.
The files are in groups with xx being a number indicating the time
period covered. The three files LRZ5_24, CHI_24, and CPJV_24 cover the
period 16 November 1858 through 31 August 2132. Copies of these files
are already in the end user package.
Legal notices
The graphics database and chart display routines used in this program
are copyright (c) 1991-1996 by Walter D. Pullen (
Permission is granted to freely use and distribute these routines
provided one doesn't sell, restrict, or profit from them in any way.
Modification is allowed provided these notices remain with any
altered or edited versions of the program.
The main planetary calculation routines used in this program are
copyrighted and the core of this program is basically a conversion to
C of routines created by James Neely. The copyright gives us
permission to use the routines for personal use but not to sell them
or financially profit from them in any way.
The PostScript code within the core graphics routines are programmed
and copyright (c) 1992-1993 by Brian D. Willoughby. Conditions are
identical to those above.
The extended accurate ephemeris databases and formulas are from the
calculation routines in the program "Placalc" and are programmed and
copyright (c) 1989, 1991, 1993 by Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl
The use of that source code is subject to regulations made by
Astrodienst Zurich, and the code is not in the public domain. This
copyright notice must not be changed or removed by any user of this
This customized and extended port of the original program for 16-bit
MS Windows to 32-bit IBM OS/2 is copyright (c) 1998-2012 by
Carl-Magnus Olsson.
None of these notices may be changed or removed for any reason.
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Astrolog v. 1.2alpha6 (26/6/2007, Carl-Magnus Olsson) | Readme/What's new |
F O R O S / 2
- The influence analysis system is in an interim state. It will
be reasonably stable in the beta and in a working state in the
final alpha. Eventually there will be a new influence control
settings dialog, as well as influence displays per sign and house.
- User settings as stored in the user profile will not be loaded in
full by this and other prereleases. The reason is the many changes
to the internal data structures. Updating from the beta to the
final release should load all your settings.
Revision 1.2 ALPHA 6c (2007-06-26)
- Revised Sankhya Yoga algorithm to follow the simple count as
closely as possible. Without outer planets enabled the integral
part should now be identical to the simple count. Outer planets
can sometimes raise or lower the integral part in borderline
- All 'Universal Time' time zone references now read UTC (the
proper name). In chart info dialogs you can now also select two
additional time zones from the drop-down list, UTC+12 and UTC-12,
as well as enter UTC+11:30 with the expected result.
- Synchronized Houses also adjust sidereal charts.
- Fixed: Missing ephemeris file(s) no longer cause repeated popups
and do not crash the program.
- Navamsa Symmetric is now Experimental and called just that.
- Default zodiac is yet again the tropical.
Fix 1.2 ALPHA 6b (2007-04-24)
- Default planet weights are now the ones to be expected in
Alpha 7. They will be showcased on the Sankhya Yoga page
on for those interested in verifying the
numbers listed for the famous and infamous.
- Graphics: Per user request default glyphs for Capricorn and
Lilith are now European. You can change this under "Obscure
Settings". In the process of making this change a bug was
discovered and fixed so that the correct glyph for Lilith
is actually available.
- Aspect restrictions are now implemented in a similar way
to planet restrictions. This makes all kinds of aspect
restrictions work as expected (no mysterious orb values
showing up after restricting an aspect type nor the
inability to unrestrict, and other ugliness).
- Fixed: Trying to step through chart files when no chart file
was yet associated would crash the program.
- The default Zodiac is now the Sidereal.
Fix 1.2 ALPHA 6a (2007-03-26)
- Freezing or crashing Dispositor Graphs using unusual rulerships:
Temporarily fixed by restoring classical rulerships. Signs are
assigned following maximum distance from the Earth. As a result
Mars and the Moon are now manly, Venus and the Sun womanly, and so
on. You should be able to change these rulerships in the
astrolog.cfg file if you so wish.
- Enabling sidebar and adding a lot of extra points including
uranians caused a floating point divide by zero exception for zero
weight Poseidon.
- Incomplete and incorrect default data initialization fixed.
Default weight values revised yet again.
- Sidereal zodiac offset as set with the -s switch or the
dialog setting "Ayanamsa adjustment" no longer affects
the tropical zodiac. Nor does it affect the Local Horizon
- Ascendant and MC are no longer modified by Synchronized Houses.
Their tropical values are available as for other house systems so
long as the tropical zodiac is in effect.
- Aspect listing fixed to display aspects in real order of
importance. You can modify the listing by changing the weights
assigned to planets and aspect types, as well as using the orb
controls in the Aspect Settings dialog. Setting both controls to
100% should exclude all aspects not by sign and include all
others. Graphical charts, however, only consider orb and do not
draw aspect lines for aspects of less than 1/15 strength (based
on actual orb relative maximum orb allowed for the particular
Version 1.2 ALPHA 6 (2007-01-05)
- Synchronized Houses
This new house system combines the best of tropical and
sidereal astrology. It also flips house numbering from counter-
clockwise to clockwise for womanly rising signs, providing
symmetric sign assignments with their manly counterparts.
- Sankhya Yoga
This metric is displayed in the sidebar of graphics charts.
It recognizes the seven core planets plus Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
and Lilith. With only the seven core planets enabled this is
the Jyotish value tuned according to planetary weights.
- Plenty of minor changes and additions as well as a few fixes
including: Scribble kept on repaint, easy stepping through of
charts, aspect strengths emphasize peaks using sine squared,
more sensible aspect listing.
Version 1.2 ALPHA 3 (2004-05-17)
- Peaks available in synastry charts (makes these consistent with the
other comparison charts).
- Astrological help listings completed. Listing for signs and houses
include rulers (as set by default or by the user). Listing for
planets and points include secondary exaltation and debilitation
columns. Aspect listing only lists enabled aspects.
- Astrological 'Meanings' listing added. Text has been written from
- World atlas menu command under help. It will open an URL object by
default pointing to the AstroDienst website. The accelerator is
Minor changes or improvements:
- Helpfile and other text files opened by the program use object open
honoring any associations the user may have established for the
files in question.
- Text chart changes: Text can now be selected more freely both using
the keyboard and the mouse. The default font has been changed to
Courier. In the beta any changes to the default will be saved, but
at present they are not! Most (if not all) text charts now start
off with a short heading such as the one for chart listings.
- Graphics: Retrograde and stationary points have lines slightly
brighter than those in direct motion.
Implementation change:
- Text: Since no interest in mixed color charts has been expressed
the MLE control has been reintroduced, but this time using
subclassing to have the text scroll immediately as the user moves
the slider.
- Aspect controls and heliocentric chart crashes fixed.
Fix 1.2 ALPHA 2a (2004-04-05)
- A lot of fixes and small improvements including: Toggling of house
peaks; Dual, triple and quadruple wheels; heliocentric charts;
aspect list with separating and applying; glyphs (house numbers)
displayed for peaks in comparison charts; when upgrading program
defaults are available using the "defaults" dialog buttons.
Version 1.2 ALPHA 2 (2004-02-13)
- House peaks calculated by the various house systems. Twelve 'peak'
objects have been added (one for each house). For houses a planet
at a house peak strongly influences the house it is in and also
aspects all other houses making it infinitely more influential than
another planet right on the cusp of two different houses. A planet
on a peak is of direct concern to you. A planet on a cusp is in a
state of neglect.
Since house cusps are always drawn (both in the original and this
version), they have been replaced by 'Peaks' in the restriction and
house settings dialogs. For most western house systems the peaks
coincide with the cusps, but for whole sign and jyotish houses they
fall somewhere in between the cusps following the Ascendant. The
peaks are drawn as dashed lines in the colors of the houses they
belong to.
The -YP switch replaces -YC (only conjunctions are accepted to
peaks and all aspects ignored).
- Added divisional chart menu. Navamsa is a new division in this
update. In navamsa each sign is divided into ninths. It is used in
Jyotish for assessing the strength of planets in general and for
matters of the 9th house in particular.
- Cusps available for all houses (independent of the directions,
which are also always available). In the original program either
the cusps or the four directions were available (as objects), but
not both. Both directions and cusps are simultaneously available.
As a result the -Yc switch (switching between cusps as angles or as
actual cusps) has been removed.
- The Moon's Nodes available at all times (as is Lilith). In the
original program Lilith and the South Node shared the same object
number. This is no longer the case. As a direct consequence the
South Node is now also available with the Placalc option selected.
- Setting 'orb by sign/house increase' semantically changed so that
100% means an orb increase by the whole sign/house instead of an
orb increase relative to the basic orb. In short the 100% percent
setting should always include all aspects by sign/house. In the
alpha this is limited to interplanetary contacts and peak-planet
- Influence calculations rearranged and revised. The next update will
feature even more influence settings and a lot of tuning under the
- Graphics wheels now have a defined 'object zone'. Inside the object
zone ring (dashed) only aspect lines are drawn and nothing else.
The peak of the first house is always straight out from the center
to the left.
- The Placalc ('Use ephemeris') option is on by default. The Matrix
routines otherwise used are OK only for the last century. For
historic and future dates ephemeris should be used. Even then
ancient positions for Uranus through Pluto should not be relied
- Trimming: Maximum orbs are calculated once and only once for any
given chart. Mostly for reasons of program consistency, but it will
not hurt performance either.
Minor changes or additions:
- Graphics sidebar: For sidereal geocentric charts the Ayanamsa is
shown in the heading "Sidereal". Also, all non-house objects are
listed, not just planets.
- Graphics drawing is now completely naturalized on OS/2. As a result
lines should begin and end where you expect them to. The Gauquelin
sectors are better aligned with their labels.
Version 1.2 ALPHA
- Brand new influence calculation scheme advanced enough to actually
be useful. The system is based on planets, signs, houses and
aspects. For planets retrogradation is considered (in the beta also
brightness for the sun and the moon). For signs and houses
rulership and exaltation (soon also fall and debilitation). For
houses focus (states of concern and neglect). For aspects natural,
and unnatural harmonic and dynamic. For signs influences are
redistributed following dispositor trees.
- Orb considered by sign for two planetary objects and by house for
combinations involvng a house object.
- Fixed zero orbs from crashing.
*** Version 1.01 ***
- Extended input limits for name and location to 63 characters each.
- Ctrl-Insert is now working (copies selected text or currently
viewed bitmap to the clipboard).
*** Version 1.00 ***
- Printing of both text and graphics implemented. Be sure to reverse
background when printing graphics on paper, and turn off color if
using a monochrome printer.
- Chart swapping (to make two-way synastry quicker).
- Menu items for creating, opening and editing chart #2 directly.
- Triple and quadruple wheels.
- Fixes: Sporadic crashes due to buggy chart saving, crashes
occuring while resizing window having graphical sidebar, and
crashing after restriction of all objects.
- The calendar graphics display is no longer upside-down.
Known problems reported and to be addressed:
- PostScript saving produces mirrored output in GhostView.
*** Version 0.99 ***
- Dynamic scrolling (tracking slider) in both graphics and text
- MLE control replaced by custom solution with keyboard scrolling.
This solution may be somewhat faster and will also make it possible
to display text in different colors. Please let me know if you are
interested, since that will provide the motivation I need.
- Changes allowing for planetary orbs (used in classical astrology).
Defaults have been changed for planets and aspect settings.
- DrawWheel: Fixed alignment of lines and arcs.
XChartWheel and XChartWheelRelation: Aspect lines are dotted
according to dynamic orb (instead of fixed aspect orbs).
- ChartAspectRelation: Upgraded 16-bit legacy limit to INT_MAX,
so that also the most important inter aspects are included...
- GetAspInf: Orb power weighed and smoothed by a sine function (less
than half orb means more power, more than half orb means less
power, power changes very slowly at the extremes).
*** Version 0.98 ***
- Completely revised influence calculation for objects and aspects.
All calculations are the same throughout the program. The graphics
sidebar summary, text summary and text influence chart use the
same basic calculations. Pretty much everything is controlled by
user settings.
- Aspect list fixed and improved. Now considers dynamic object
influence as part of power calculation. Geometric mean has replaced
the old arithmetic (a zero influence object will only produce zero
influence aspects).
- The element/mode/sign summaries now take aspect influence into
account as well as object placement and planet personalization. A
boosted ruler also boosts its sign or signs. These summaries are
now almost identical to the text influence chart with sign
influences enabled (see "Chart Setting Details"). The only major
difference is that Ascendant and MC sign placements are included
in the summaries if they are enabled under "Object Restrictions".
The summaries are as earlier normalized around 100, so that values
indicate percentage of average sign influence in the chart.
- When using the sidereal zodiac Jyotish houses produces results
identical to Whole houses.
- Fixed: Globe graphics (no criss-crossing lines).
- Default animation interval changed to 100 ms. The setting is
now persistent between program runs, so if you want to change
it back to 1000 ms or any other setting, no problem.
- The chart collection that was previously distributed with the
program is now available separately (See readme for more info)
*** Version 0.97 ***
- Extended customization: The aspects and calculation settings
dialogs have been extended with user controls affecting things like
what aspects are included based on orb and sign, and how different
factors are weighed in the element mode summary.
This update contains a few fixes and small enhancements.
- The new house system introduced in version 0.96 now uses the
properly calculated sidereal offset used for the sidereal zodiac.
This ancient Indian style of equal houses can now be combined with
the tropical zodiac to perhaps gain the best of the two worlds.
A fix relevant to the OS/2 version found in Astrolog 5.40 has
been incorporated:
- Fixed -YJ bug: The -YJ switch which allows changing what signs each
planet rules, wouldn't also update a reverse table which given a
sign indicates which planet rules it. This would cause -YJ to have
seemingly no effect on the sign list table, the influence chart,
and the dispositor graph.
A couple of small enhancements in Astrolog 5.40 for windows have been
- Improved glyphs: Astrolog now has higher resolution graphic glyphs
for sign symbols and house numbers. Before, some glyphs drawn at
the default 200% or medium scale and up would look slightly blocky.
Now, with a alternate "internal font" of double sized glyphs, the
medium ones are smooth to the nearest pixel like the small glyphs
are. The glyph for the Quintile aspect has also been improved.
- Dialog extension: The sidereal zodiac degree adjustment field in
the Calculation Settings dialog has been fitted with a dropdown
making it possible to quickly select among several common systems
of sidereal astrology. The values in it are 0:00 for Fagan Bradley,
0:53 (0 degrees 53') for N.C. Lahiri, 0:59 (0 degrees 59') for
Krishnamurti, and 2:20 (or 2 degrees 20') for B.V. Raman.
Additional change specific to the OS/2 version:
- The Julian day number is now displayed in the info side bar for
graphics charts.
*** Version 0.96 ***
- An additional house system called Jyotish Houses. In this system
the first house always contains the Ascendant, but the Ascendant
is not necessarily the starting point of the first house.
- Dwad positions.
- All dialogs are now fully converted to Warp 4 meaning reduced
footprints and more aesthetic looks.
- Defaults buttons in dialogs having them are now working.
*** Version 0.95 ***
- Displays, in the titlebar, the full file name associated with the
currently selected buffer.
- Saves changes to object and aspect settings automatically.
- Refined chart summary. Boosts the ruler (coruler if no primary
ruler has been assigned) of the Sun, Moon and rising signs. The
boost is calculated from the weights assigned to these three
indicators and is also dependent on the base weights assigned to
the boosted bodies.
- A few ugly bugs in the new buffer system have been fixed.
- If a house system is undefined for a chart a warning will be
displayed noting that the Equal House System will be used instead.
*** Version 0.94 ***
- Comparison charts
- Easy switching between four chart buffers (in other words four
charts can be opened simultaneously). Contents preserved between
- A few settings dialogs have been refreshed and a new one added for
- Improved menu layout (including a new "comparison" pull-down menu)
- More accelerators
- Relocation using the world map has been fixed.
*** Version 0.93 ***
- Improved birth chart summary now taking house placement into
account and normalizing values so that 100 indicates "normal"
distribution. All values are relative to the internal average.
In order to compare different birth charts the value in
parenthesis must be multiplied with the grid value of interest.
- Saves current chart info between runs. This includes current file
name (if there is any). Also loads filename when opening a
chart by double-clicking on it.
*** Version 0.92 ***
Significantly improved performance on repaint including scrolling.
New functionality include:
- Copying of select text to the clipboard.
- OS/2 bitmap save (currently uncompressed!).
- Standard OS/2 user profile (INI file) will eventually
eliminate the need for a separate config file.
- Preserving size and position of main window between runs.
- Most menu and dialog settings should get automatically saved on
exit (chart type, mode, calculation features, etc.). If you miss
something let me know!
Minor improvements and bug fixes include:
- A couple of charts are no longer upside-down.
- Caption (one-line text) in supported graphics charts.
- Local time properly calculated (LT in drop-down list box).
- Exaltation is considered in element/mode summary.
Many minor fixes as well.
Special note to Matrox users
Unfortunately this version also reveals bugs in the Matrox graphics
drivers leaving incomplete ellipses no matter how you twist and turn.
*** Version 0.91 ***
This update can be passed a chart file as a command-line argument,
enabling direct opening of chart files if associated with the Astrolog
executable. In addition original command line parsing should now work
New functionality include:
- Scribble (simple drawing using the mouse).
- Help file opened in the System Editor via F1.
- Astrolog for OS/2 can be associated with chart files.
Minor improvements and bug fixes include:
- Time zone calculation working for western zones.
- Complete command line argument parsing.
- Improved appearance of the chart dialogs (WarpSans font).
- Arrow keys can be used for scrolling.
- Chart save uses the correct Astrolog time zone format.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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