Graphical interface for Ghostscript. Available in several languages. Port by different authors.
Program is distributed as ZIP package: download to temporary directory and run OS2SETUP.exe. An object will be created on your Desktop: launch it to configure GSView.
See below for download link(s).
Following ones are the download links for manual installation:
GSView v. 5.0 (19/6/2013, Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd, Russell Lang, Andy Willis) | Readme/What's new |
This is a quick build of gsview2 5.0. I needed a copy of gsview2 but the link for gsview2 4.9 off of the gsview webpage
was dead so I pulled the source and built it. This has had limited testing, just enough to see a few PDF and PS files opened.
Most of the testing has been with Paul Smedley's 9.04 version of Ghostscript. This version was built with KLIBC rather
thank EMX so requires libc065.dll. I built it with -static-libgcc so it should not require gcc447.dll but was built with
GCC 4.4.7. It was built with -Zhigh-mem to use high memory so it may not run on older kernels without high-mem support. |
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GSView v. 4.9 (2/9/2010) | Readme/What's new |
GSview 4.9 - PostScript previewer.
Needs Ghostscript 7.04 or later. GSview
is a graphical interface for Ghostscript
under OS/2 and MS-Windows Win32
and X11/Unix.
Free, registrations appreciated.
The latest version can be obtained
on CD-R. See Readme.htm for details.
Russell Lang, Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd |
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GSView v. 2.7 (source code, 23/12/1998) | Readme/What's new |
README.TXT 1998-12-23
GSview 2.7 - PostScript previewer. Needs Ghostscript 5.50.
GSview is a graphical interface for Ghostscript under MS-Windows
or OS/2. Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript page
description language used by laser printers.
For documents following the Adobe PostScript Document Structuring
Conventions, GSview allows selected pages to be viewed or printed.
GSview requires Ghostscript 4.03 - 5.99.
Features include:
- View pages in arbitrary order (Next, Previous, Goto).
- Selectable display resolution, depth, alpha.
- Page size is automatically selected from DSC comments
or can be selected using the menu.
- Orientation can be automatically selected from DSC comments
or can be selected using the menu (Portrait, Landscape).
- Single button zoom.
- Print selected pages using Ghostscript.
A page offset can be applied.
- Extract selected pages to another file.
- Copy display bitmap to clipboard.
- Save clipboard bitmap as BMP file.
- Add bitmap or user preview to EPS file
(Interchange, TIFF or Windows Metafile)
- Graphically select and show bounding box for EPS file.
- Extract bitmap preview or postscript from DOS EPS file.
- Extract text or search for text.
- Display PDF files.
- Can read gzip compressed PostScript and PDF files.
- On-line help.
- OS/2, Win16 and Win32 executables.
- Can be run directly off a CD-ROM.
- German and French translations.
- Per user initialisation files for Windows.
- Installation program for GSview and Ghostscript
in English, French and German.
- Free (GSview Free Public Licence).
- Works with Aladdin Ghostscript 4.03 - 5.99 (GSview checks the
Ghostscript version number).
Changes in version 2.7:
- PDF files honour the orientation menu.
- When printing to PostScript printer, can add ^D and prolog/epilog.
- Updated to pstotext 1.8.
- Win32 interface to pstoedit DLL (this DLL is NOT included
in GSview, see
- Redisplay changed document when GSview activated.
- To open a file in an existing GSview window use "gsview32 /e filename".
- Puts wrapper around EPS files and rescales if needed so they can
be printed.
- Cursor position can be displayed with finer resolution.
- Lengths can be measured in custom coordinates (Edit | Measure)
(Windows only).
- Full screen display mode (View | Full Screen) (Windows only).
- A handful of bug fixes.
- See gvcnews.txt in the GSview sources for more detailed change
GSview was written by Russell Lang at Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd.
If you have the self extracting archive gsv27550.exe, run it.
This contains GSview 2.7 and Aladdin Ghostscript 5.50 for Win32.
Otherwise, create four 1.44M floppies containing the following files, or
put them all in the same directory on your hard disk.
Disk 1:
For Win32, unzip
README.TXT (this file)
setup.exe Installation program
setp32de.dll German language resources
setp32fr.dll French language resources
wizunz32.dll Info-ZIP unzip utility
For Win16, unzip
README.TXT (this file)
setup16.exe Installation program
setp16de.dll German language resources
setp16fr.dll French language resources
wizunz16.dll Info-ZIP unzip utility
For OS/2, unzip
README.TXT (this file)
os2setup.exe Installation program
setup2de.dll German language resources
setup2fr.dll French language resources
unzip2.dll Info-ZIP unzip utility
Disk 2: Aladdin Ghostscript library files
Disk 3: MS-Windows Win32 Aladdin Ghostscript
OR OS/2 Aladdin Ghostscript
(for Windows 3.1/Win16 use plus
(The last 16-bit version of Aladdin Ghostscript was 4.03)
Disk 4: Aladdin Ghostscript fonts.
Disk 1 is the contents of or or
(all of which are contained in
Disks 2-4 are obtained from
If using the floppy install method, 10 Mbytes of hard disk space is
The installation will overwrite any version of GSview or
Aladdin Ghostscript in the destination directories. If you
wish to save your Fontmap file, back it up to another directory.
Make sure that the zip files are transferred in binary mode and
are all present.
The Ghostscript fonts are used by Ghostscript alone. Your system
Fonts folder will not be modified.
To install from OS/2, run 'os2setup.exe' from disk 1.
If you do not already have EMX isntalled on your system, you will
also need a Disk 4: EMX Run Time library (OS/2 only).
For Windows NT or Windows 95, run 'setup.exe' from disk 1.
If you get a "Can't open DDE connection to Program Manager"
message, your system is corrupted. Reboot Windows then try again.
For MS-Windows 3.1, it is recommended that you use the
Win32 version. You must have Win32s installed before
installing GSview. See or
GSview and Ghostscript will not work with some versions
of Win32s. If it doesn't work with your version, try
updating to a later version of Win32s. Some computers
will work with Win32s v1.15, others will not.
To install from MS-Windows, run 'setup.exe' from disk 1.
If you wish to use the slower 16-bit version, install
using 'setup16.exe' from
If you don't like automatic installation programs, it is
possible to install GSview and Ghostscript manually. See
the Setup topic below for more details.
If you wish to use install GSview without any prompts, give
a destination directory on the command line. For example:
setup c:\gstools
This will not prompt for a destination directory and will
overwrite files without asking.
Configuration of GSview will occur the first time it is run.
Other Languages
Brief instructions for non-English language readers.
Obtain the files listed in the section above titled "Installation".
Run setup.exe (MS-Windows) or os2setup.exe (OS/2).
If running a non-English version of MS-Windows, you will be prompted
to select "English", "Deutsch" or "Français".
After installing, run GSview.
You may change the language later with
"Options | Language" or "Optionen | Sprache" or "Options | Langue"
Deutsch: ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1)
Kurze Beschreibung für deutsche Leser.
Besorgen Sie sich bitte die Dateien, die in dem obigen Abschnitt
"Installation" aufgeführt sind.
Starten Sie setup.exe (MS-Windows) oder os2setup.exe (OS/2).
Wenn Sie eine Version von Windows haben, die nicht Englisch ist,
so werden Sie dazu aufgefordert zwischen "English", "Deutsch" und
"Französisch" zu wählen.
Nach der Installation starten Sie einfach GSview.
Später können Sie die Sprache ändern durch
"Options | Language" oder "Optionen | Sprache" oder "Options | Langue"
Français : ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1)
Quelques explications pour les lecteurs francophones :
Procurez-vous les fichiers indiqués dans le paragraphe
"Installation" ci-dessus.
Lancez setup.exe (MS-Windows) ou os2setup.exe (OS/2).
Cliquez plusieurs fois de suite sur le bouton "Next>" puis sur
le bouton "Finish>" et enfin sur le bouton "Exit".
Lancez GSview.
Si votre version de Windows n'est pas une version anglaise, un choix
concernant la langue de GSview vous sera proposé. Vous pourrez alors
choisir entre le français, l'anglais et l'allemand.
Si ce choix ne vous est pas proposé, configurez GSview (cliquez
sur les boutons "Next>", "Finish>" et "Exit") puis sélectionnez la
langue en utilisant la commande 'Options' | 'Language'.
To compile GSview for OS/2 you need IBM NMAKE.EXE and EMX/GCC 0.9c.
To create the GSview online help you need the IBM toolkit.
Copy gvpm.mak to Makefile and edit COMPBASE and EMXPATH as required.
Type 'nmake'
To compile GSview for Windows you need Borland C++ 4.5 or
MS Visual C++ 5.0. Copy gvwin.mak (or gvwinvc.mak) to Makefile
then edit COMPBASE as required. Type 'make'.
These are the manual setup instructions.
It is recommended that you use the installation program
as described in the Installation section above.
Create the directories gsview and gsN.NN (where N.NN is the
Ghostscript version number).
gvpm.exe, gvpgs.exe, gvpmde.dll, gvpmfr.dll,
gvpmen.hlp, gvpmde.hlp and gvpmfr.hlp (OS/2)
gsview32.exe, gvwgs32.exe, gsv16spl.exe,
gsvw32de.dll, gsvw32fr.dll,
gsviewen.hlp, gsviewde.hlp and gsviewen.hlp (MS-Windows)
to the GSview directory.
Unzip Ghostscript into the gsN.NN directory and the Ghostscript
fonts into gsN.NN\fonts.
Start GSview and follow the configuration wizard instructions.
GSview (gvpm.exe) will run under OS/2 2.1 and OS/2 Warp.
It may run under OS/2 2.0.
PM GSview has been compiled with EMX/GCC 0.9c and requires
the emx 0.9c DLL's. These are available from
If GSview refuses to run at all, make sure you do not have
an old version of the emx DLL on your system.
GSview (gsview32.exe) will run under Windows NT, 95, 98 and
Windows 3.1/Win32s. It will not run under Windows 3.0.
See the on-line help for more details.
The 'Common Problems' topic is worth reading if GSview won't work.
Send bug reports to Russell Lang at Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd
When reporting bugs, please include the version number and date of
GSview (from the Help | About box), the version number of Ghostscript,
and the exact wording of any error messages.
Do not send me large files (>100k bytes) unless requested.
If you get a SYS3175 or GPF, please send the address of the GPF - I can
use this to help locate the bug.
Please distinguish between bugs in GSview and bugs in Ghostscript.
Don't expect a fast response - the work I'm paid to do has a higher
The latest version of GSview should be available from*.zip
or by mail (see next section) on a CD-ROM.
A World Wide Web home page for Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview is at
Copyright, Licensing and Donations
GSview is copyright by Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd.
GSview is distributed with the GSview Free Public Licence.
This licence is contained in the file LICENCE.
The GSview Free Public Licence does not require any payment to the author;
however the author would welcome any donations to cover costs and time
involved in developing and maintaining GSview. These may be sent to
Russell Lang
Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd
218 Gallaghers Rd
Please accompany donations with the following information:
Your name.
Your postal address.
Your email address (if you have one).
Version number of GSview.
Where you obtained or heard about GSview.
Version number of Ghostscript.
Donation amount and currency.
Do you want the next update to be mailed to you on
CD-ROM (see below)?
To obtain the latest version of GSview and Aladdin Ghostscript
on CD-ROM, send a cheque for USD$50 drawn on a USA bank or
equivalent drawn on your local bank to the address above.
The CD-ROM (actually a CD-R) will contain ready to run
and ready to install copies of GSview and Aladdin Ghostscript for
Windows and OS/2. The CD-ROM and a printed copy of the Ghostscript
User Manual by Thomas Merz will be dispatched by air-mail.
For surface delivery within Australia, send a cheque for AUD$60
drawn on an Australian bank.
This offer is valid until 31 December 1999. If this date has
passed, send mail to to find out if the offer
is still valid.
For more details see the page
Credit card orders by fax are accepted.
The ps.c module is copyright by Tim Theisen and is covered by the
licence in the file PUBLIC.
GSview uses Ghostscript to display the contents of the PostScript
files. Ghostscript is a separate program from GSview; it is
written and owned by Aladdin Enterprises, not by Ghostgum
Software Pty Ltd.
Aladdin Ghostscript comes with a licence that is more restrictive than
the GNU Licence; in particular, it restricts the distribution of
Aladdin Ghostscript in commercial contexts. Please see the file PUBLIC
that accompanies Aladdin Ghostscript for more details.
GSview uses pstotext in an external DLL. pstotext was written by
Andrew Birrell and Paul McJones. It is
Copyright (C) 1995-1996, Digital Equipment Corporation.
See the licence in pstotext.txt or for more details.
If you do not agree to the pstotext licence, delete,
pstotxt2.dll and pstotxt3.dll.
GSview uses zlib 1.0.4 in an external DLL. zlib is
Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.
The installation programs use an unzip decompression library (DLL)
by the Info-ZIP group. The original sources are freely available
from on the Internet.
Tim Theisen, who wrote Ghostview for X11 which provided the inspiration
for GSview. Also for permission to use his ps.c module from Ghostview.
L. Peter Deutsch, for writing Ghostscript and for making changes to
Ghostscript to support GSview.
Paul McJones and Andrew Birrell of DEC, for making pstotext available
and making changes to it for use with GSview.
Thomas Pfeiffer and Mrs. Stefanie Kolweyh for translating GSview into
Cyrille Chevallet for translating GSview into French/Français.
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GSView v. 2.7 (23/12/1998) | Readme/What's new |
GSview 2.7 - PostScript previewer.
Needs Ghostscript 5.50. GSview is
a graphical interface for Ghostscript
under OS/2 and MS-Windows Win32.
Free, donations appreciated.
The latest version can be obtained
on CD-R. See README.TXT for details.
Russell Lang, Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd |
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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