Dynamic Windows & RexxDW

Release date: 
Sunday, 25 April, 2004



Authors/Port authors:

This is a cross-platform application framework designed to make it easy creating dynamic applications with a modern interface; it was modeled after the GTK library.

The framework now supports almost all Presentation Manager's widgets, following Packing Boxes technology, typical of Toolkit GTK; it has a module for creating graphical user interfaces using XML language to manage widgets and has a programming interface 100% compatible with the following Rexx interpreters (RexxDW):

  • IBM & IBM Object Rexx Rexx (OS/2, Unix/Linux and derivatives)
  • Regina Rexx (OS/2, MS Windows, Unix/Linux and derivatives, including Mac OSX)
  • Quercus Personal Rexx Systems (MS Windows)
  • Enterprise Rexx (MS Windows)

RexxDW so is similar to other software likes MAID, Doctor Dialog, Watcom VX-Rexx, VisPro/REXX or Visual REXX , allowing also portability for C, C++ and Rexx code, with a huge potential.

Since Dynamic Windows is still an "in progress" framework (there are still some controls missing, as functionality to aid creating of signal handlers with their appropriate prototypes and casting automatically, and maybe an IDE to integrate all components), its use is not very intuitive and requires advanced knowledge; however, documentation is comprehensive and includes lots of examples.

This software is distributed as compressed package. You have to download and manually install it; if prerequisites are required, you will have to manually install them too.

Manual installation

Program is distributed as ZIP and TGZ package. See below for download links.

  • Dynamic Windows 1.0b2 includes the Interface builder
  • Rexx 2.1 (RexxDW) library is a interface library for Rexx 2.1 language (RexxDW), associated to the Regina Rexx interpreter

Installation instructions:

  • Unpack the DW development libraries and the interface builder into the destination folder relating to the compiler C/C++ in use (the only DW and RexxDW runtime and the associated executables, simply in config.sys PATH/LIBPATH statement).
  • Add libraries and related header files into your statements, according with C/C++ compiler environment used.
  • The distributed RexxDW library is linked by default against the OS/2 Regina Rexx interpreter, which is under GPL License, if you want to use the native OS/2 Rexx interpreter you need to compile the toolkit from sources using the appropriate switch (more infos into sources package).
  • To check if the RexxDW default toolkit is properly installed run "pmregina.exe rexxdw.cmd" command within the demo directory.
  • To tokenize/build your rexx code read the related instructions inside the wrapper toolkit availables.


For the single runtime:

  • kLIBC/GCC Runtime Library

To develop using C/C++ languages, a compiler:

  • Netlabs GCC
  • Open Watcom C/C++ & Fortran77

To develop using RexxDW, a Rexx interpreter:

  • IBM Rexx interpreter installed
  • Regina REXX (default interpreter)

Consider that for now signals to integrate widgets must be managed manually.

If you desire to tokenize and compile Rexx sources, you need related headers and libs Toolkit's (OS/2 or Regina), using REXX to OS/2 executable wrapper or Rexx/Wrapper.

Fundamentals of REXX language, mandatory to the use of RexxDW toolkit, can be found in the book "Procedures Language /2 REXX User's Guide", included into the operating system, to deepen, the toolkit manual itlsef and it is suggested also the book REXX Reference Summary Handbook.

You can install the prerequisites with rpm running the following string in a command line:

yum install libc
Following links are to additional programs, not mandatory but useful:

Following ones are the download links for manual installation:

Record updated last time on: 22/07/2024 - 09:29

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