
Data rilascio: 
Lunedì, 16 Ottobre, 2006



Authors/Port authors:

Rexx/SQL offre ai programmatori Rexx una interfaccia ai database SQL consistente, semplice e potente. Si possono effettuare connessioni multiple a differenti database di  fornitori diversi con un unico programma Rexx e si possono anche aprire istanze multiple contemporaneamente per ogni connessione su ciascun database.
I database supportati da Rexx/SQL includono Oracle, DB2, MySQL e SQLite. Rexx/SQL supporta anche l' accesso a fonti di dati ODBC. Questo significa che è possibile utilizzare Rexx/SQL per accedere a database SQL Server, Access ed Excel.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Rexx/SQL for MySQL 5.0.x v. 2.5 (16/10/2006, Mark Hessling) Readme/What's new
2.5 - Added SQLDataSource(), SQLTables() and SQLColumns(). Documentation and original ODBC implementation courtesy of Lorne Sunley. Not all of these functions completed on all platforms. tester.cmd changed to test these functions. - Rexx/SQL is now thread-safe. Thread-safety of a Rexx/SQL application is dependent now on whether the database client is thread-safe. Where it is known that the database client is thread-safe, the new Rexx/SQL variable; SUPPORTSTHREADS is set to 1. - Fixed bug with SQLCA.ROWCOUNT when calling SQLFETCH; it now sets the value as documented. - Updated documentation to state that SQLCA. stem is read-only; don't change values or DROP the variables. You have been warned! - Added support for SQLite and SQLite3. Support for placemarkers in SQLite3 is now supported. - Fixed bug with following sequence of calls: SQLPREPARE SQLOPEN SQLFETCH (in loop) SQLCLOSE SQLOPEN SQLFETCH (in loop) SQLCLOSE SQLDISPOSE Previously, the second SQLOPEN/SQLFETCH/SQLCLOSE sequence would not work on all database platforms. Added test in tester.cmd "fetch" to test this case. - Added MYGETINSERTID() fo MySQL to return the value generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column as a result of the last INSERT or UPDATE statement. - Added LITE3GETINSERTID() for SQLite3 to return the last identifier from an INSERT of NULL into a column defined as INTEGER PRIMARY KEY. - Added support for Open Object Rexx. - Fixed bug with Oracle and SQLGETDATA. Now no longer crashes. - Added extra bind variable capability to Oracle bind by name. Allows LONG data to be bound from a Rexx variable or a file; similar to bind capability with standard placemarkers.  local copy
Rexx/SQL for SQLite v. 2.5 (16/10/2006, Mark Hessling) Readme/What's new
2.5 - Added SQLDataSource(), SQLTables() and SQLColumns(). Documentation and original ODBC implementation courtesy of Lorne Sunley. Not all of these functions completed on all platforms. tester.cmd changed to test these functions. - Rexx/SQL is now thread-safe. Thread-safety of a Rexx/SQL application is dependent now on whether the database client is thread-safe. Where it is known that the database client is thread-safe, the new Rexx/SQL variable; SUPPORTSTHREADS is set to 1. - Fixed bug with SQLCA.ROWCOUNT when calling SQLFETCH; it now sets the value as documented. - Updated documentation to state that SQLCA. stem is read-only; don't change values or DROP the variables. You have been warned! - Added support for SQLite and SQLite3. Support for placemarkers in SQLite3 is now supported. - Fixed bug with following sequence of calls: SQLPREPARE SQLOPEN SQLFETCH (in loop) SQLCLOSE SQLOPEN SQLFETCH (in loop) SQLCLOSE SQLDISPOSE Previously, the second SQLOPEN/SQLFETCH/SQLCLOSE sequence would not work on all database platforms. Added test in tester.cmd "fetch" to test this case. - Added MYGETINSERTID() fo MySQL to return the value generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column as a result of the last INSERT or UPDATE statement. - Added LITE3GETINSERTID() for SQLite3 to return the last identifier from an INSERT of NULL into a column defined as INTEGER PRIMARY KEY. - Added support for Open Object Rexx. - Fixed bug with Oracle and SQLGETDATA. Now no longer crashes. - Added extra bind variable capability to Oracle bind by name. Allows LONG data to be bound from a Rexx variable or a file; similar to bind capability with standard placemarkers.
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 27/05/2023 - 21:51

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