TeTex è una distribuzione Tex completa.
Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:
TeTex v. 3.0 (1/2/2006, SAWATAISHI Jun) | Readme/What's new |
/* tetex-3.0 release 4 , Feb 1 2006 */
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@@@ @ @@@ @@ @@@@ @@@ @@ @@ @@@@@
@@@@@ @@@@ @ @@@@ @@@@ @ @@@ @@@@@
@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@ for OS/2
For a long time, I used old version of teTeX (1.0.7). In November 2004,
I tried to make PDF from Japanese LaTeX source. Then I realized I had to
build the latest version of web2c to compile `dvipdmfx'.
Porting web2c 3.5.3 was easy (modification of c source and shell scripts).
Next I started porting of teTeX-beta to OS/2. I think 99% of porting has
After I have uploaded OS/2 binaries and needed files for teTeX 2.99x-beta,
I kept on building newly updated beta source.
As soon as teTeX 3.0 was released Feb 2005, I built teTeX.
`mktexdir'(in `usr/share/texmf/web2c') included in the first release
was broken. I'm very sorry to trouble those who downloded release 1.
This is the 4th release of teTeX 3.0 for OS/2. Please send me
a mail if you have any troubles and opinions.
You can get newest release of teTeX 3.0 for OS/2 in hobbes:
NOTE 1: `enctex' feature is included in web2c 7.5.3/7.5.4.
NOTE 2: No format files (*.fmt, *.mem) are included in this zip archive.
So make format files by yourself using `fmtutil'.
NOTE 3: Japanized version of tex (ptex), dvips and related files
are included in this package.
NOTE for Japanese user: Read "For Japanese users" section after installation.
Version numbers for main programs of tetex-20050111-beta @@//
TeX 3.141592 (Web2C 7.5.4)
pTeX 3.141592-p3.1.9 (SJIS) (Web2C 7.5.4) [for Japanese]
Aleph 3.141592-1.15-2.1-rc4 (Web2C 7.5.4)
pdfTeX, pdfeTeX, pdfxTeX 3.141592-1.21a-2.2
Web2C 7.5.4
kpathsea version 3.5.4
xdvi-os2.exe: LESSTIF version
xdvik version 22.84.9 (#(@)GNU/LessTif Version 1.2
Release 0.88.1, runtime verson 0.0)
xdvi-xaw: Xaw3d version
xdvik version 22.84.9 (Xaw toolkit)
xdvi-jp.exe: LESSTIF version
xdvik version 22.84.8 (#(@)GNU/LessTif Version 1.2
Release 0.88.1, runtime version 0.0)
dvips(k) 5.95a
dvipdfm, version 0.13.2c: dvi to pdf converter
dvipdfmx-20050201 : dvi to pdf converter which can handle Japanese DVI
dvipng 1.5: Create png format graphics from DVI file!!
EPSTOPDF 2.7, 2001/03/05
(`dvipdfmx' is not originally included in teTeX 3.0)
//** Special utility included **//
`sh2exe': to use UNIXy shell script from command line.
sh2exe depends on `exe.exe'.
If you have a script `foo'.
> copy exe.exe foo.exe
Now you can run `foo' from cmd.exe.
If you'd like to automaticaly perform copying in `x:/foo/bin'
execute "sh2exe x:/foo/bin" or "sh2.exe ."
//** DLLs included **//
89625 2000-09-25 22:41 VFlib251.dll ; vflib 2.51 for Japanese
226618 1998-08-28 23:44 Xaw3d.dll ; Xaw3d 1.5
912020 2005-01-27 00:01 iconv.dll ; libiconv 1.9.2
39156 2005-01-24 23:02 intl014.dll ; intl lib of gettext 0.14.1
64719 2005-02-10 00:26 kpath354.dll ; kpathsea 3.5.4
136887 1999-12-20 23:31 ttf13.dll ; freetype 1.3 for VFlib251.dll
Table of contents
General Instruction @gen
History of OS/2 Port @his
Required Executables @req
How to install @ins
For Japanese users @jap
On xdvi, dvips,dvipdfm, dvipdfmx @dvi
About teTeX utilities @tetex
Important documents @doc
CTAN.site @ctan
General Instruction
A lot of Linux distributions follow the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS),
a collaborative document that defines the names and locations of many files
and directories.
I have decided to make zip archive for which end users can install files
in FHS like way.
File Structure of ZIP archive
Zip archive contains six files.
1) README_tetex-src-3.0.os2 -- instruction
2) OS2tree.zip -- binary and library treee
3) filelist.dat -- list of `OS2tree.zip'
- OS2tree.zip
** dvips-jp.zip -- dvips with Japanese patch
/usr/bin/ -- executables
/usr/dll/ -- DLLs
/usr/lib/ -- C library files
/usr/include/ -- C include files
/usr/share/doc/tetex-src-3.0 -- documents
00dll_list.dat -- DLL list needed by programs
/usr/share/man/ -- manpages
/usr/share/info/ -- Info manuals
/usr/src/redhat/SOUCRS -- OS/2 patch files
/usr/etc/termcap.dat -- modified by me
/usr/share/terminfo/* -- modified by me
4) BUILD_tetex-src-3.0.os2 -- instruction to build teTeX
os2config.cmd -- modify source using `os2unix'
and apply diff files
followed by running configure
os2/C_Source.diff -- patch for C source
os2/In-make.diff for Makefile.in's and scripts
os2/Other.diff for other files
+--- os2unix utility -------------------------------+
| os2/os2_convert_configure.sed |
| os2/os2_convert_Makefile_in.sed |
| os2/os2_convert_Makefile_in_in.sed |
| os2/os2_convert_Makefile_in_lib_prog.sed |
| os2/os2_convert_mk.sed |
| os2/os2_convert_Makefile_in.grep |
| os2/os2_mkinstalldirs |
| os2/os2_missing |
| os2unix.cmd |
6) os2tetex-3.0.txt
UNIXROOT environment variable
I recommend you to set UNIXROOT env. var., where OS/2 ported free software
are to be installed. You will be able to install ZIP archives easily, and
will be able to run programs with minimun efforts.
Without UNIXROOT env. var., message from a program will be always
in English.
Installation is simple: when UNIXROOT is equal to "e:"
x:\foo\tmp> unzip -o tetex-src-3.0.zip
x:\foo\tmp> unzip -o OS2tree -d e:/
x:\foo\tmp> e:
e:\> unzip -o x:/foo/tmp/OS2tree
Confirm these variables are properly set.
PATH x:\usr\bin;.....
LIBPATH x:\usr\dll;....
INFOPATH x:/usr/share/info;...
MANPATH x:/usr/share/man;....
INFOPATH %UNIXROOT%/usr/share/info;...
MANPATH %UNIXROOT%/usr/share/man;....
If UNIXROOT env. var. is not set or empty and HOME env. var. is
set, drive name part of HOME is assumed as UNIXROOT.
e.g. HOME=g:\emx
programs treat `x:/usr/share/locale' as locale directory
History of OS/2 Port @his
Fixed Sun May 29 2005
In `tetex-src-3.0/texk/kpathsea/config.h
/* case-insensitive filename comparisons? */
#if defined (DOSISH)
#ifndef __EMX__
#endif /* __EMX__ */
kpsewhich -format='TeX system documentation' README.knuth failed, now OK!
tetex-src-3.0 release 4, 1 Feb 2005
1) `dvips -Pfoo' reads `config.foo' (old one reads `foo.cfg')
2) configuration file for `dvips' accepts "L" option for
fli font file.
3) dvipdfmx updated ==> dvipdfmx-20050201
4) Sample `texmf.cnf' for "texmf-dist"
tetex-src-3.0 release 3 Sat Mar 5 2005
`ps2pk.exe' and `fmtutil' fixed, `ed.exe' added
tetex-src-3.0 release 2 Tue Feb 22 2005
`mktexdir' script fixed;
tetex-src-3.0 release 1 Fri Feb 11 2005
tetex-src- release 2 Fri Jan 21 2005
tetex-src- release 1 Sun Jan 16 2005
Required Executables @req
XFree86 for OS/2 and lesstif library for `xdvi' to work
ghohstscript for OS/2 for
If you'd like to use ghostscript in XFree86 with xdvi,
GNU utilities needed for teTeX
GNU textutils: sort.exe
GNU sh-utils:
pwd.exe, expr.exe, env.exe
GNU fileutils:
Unixy shell:
sh.exe of KSH
GNU awk: name must be `awk.exe'
GNU grep: grep.exe and egrep.exe
GNU sed: sed.exe
emx runtime version 0.9d (or later): Not included
`man' (requires GNU groff)
HOBBES/dev/help/gnuman.zip ; v1.0
LEO/gnu/doc/man11a.zip ; v1.1a
JSAWA/linux/man.htm ; v1.5g
GNU groff -- to read manpages
Groff v1.10
GNU groff v1.15 (with Japanization patch)
JSAWA/manpage/manpage-e.htm [English]
JSAWA/manpage/manpage.htm [Japanese]
GNU grep (grep.exe, egrep.exe)
HOBBES/util/file/gnugrep.zip ; v2.0
LEO/gnu/systools/gnugrep.zip ; v2.0
JSAWA/gnu/grep.htm ; v2.3h or later
Pager : I strongly recommend you to install `less'
less 332 with Japanese patch:
You can use this in virtual terminal (xterm etc) of XFree86 for OS/2.
You should get this one if you'd like to see manpages in XFree86.
less 329 without XFree86 capability
`gzip.exe' and `bzip2.exe'
JSAWA/rpm/bzip2.htm ; v0.9.5d --- this version preserve time stamp
GNU Awk (gawk.exe, awk.exe)
[English version]
HOBBES/dev/awk/gnuawk.zip ; v3.0.3
[Japanized version]
JSAWA/gnu/awk.htm ; v3.0.4
GNU find (find.exe)
LEO/gnu/systools/gnufind.zip ; v4.1
HOBBES/util/disk/gnufind.zip ; v4.1
GNU sed
LEO/gnu/systools/gnused.zip ; v2.05
HOBBES/apps/editors/gnused.zip ; v3.0
JSAWA/gnu/sed.htm ; v3.02.80
`tr.exe' and `cat.exe' included in GNU text utilities
LEO/gnu/systools/gnututil.zip ; v1.19
HOBBES/util/file/gnututil.zip ; v1.19
JSAWA/gnu/text-util.htm ; v1.22f or later
`sh.exe' included in KSH package
`chmod.exe' included in GNU file utilities
LEO/gnu/systools/gnufutil.zip ; v3.13
HOBBES/util/file/gnufutil.zip ; v3.13
JSAWA/gnu/fileutils.htm ; v3.16
How to install @ins
1. Delete `sort.exe' installed from OS/2 installation CDROM
GNU version of `sort.exe' must be available.
2a. Confirm an environment variable `TMP' is set like `d:/temp', not
`d:\temp'. And make sure `d:/temp' exists in your system.
2b. Confirm an environment variable `TMPDIR' is set like `d:/temp', not
`d:\temp'. And make sure `d:/temp' exists in your system.
3. Confirm GNU utilities are properly installed
Copy `grep.exe' to `egrep.exe'.
Copy `gawk.exe' to `awk.exe'.
4. Get `tetex-texmf-3.0.tar.gz' and optinally `tetex-texmfsrc-3.0.tar.gz'
from CTAN. If you don't know URLs for CTAN, see section "CTAN.site"
in this document.
5. Decide where to install teTeX
I assume you will install teTeX in drive `x:'.
6. Intall tetex-*****.tar.gz and OS/2 files for them
x:> mkdir usr
x:> mkdir usr\share
x:> mkdir usr\share\texmf
x:> cd usr\shar\texmf
x:\usr\share\texmf> tar zxvf SOMEWHERE/tetex-texmf-3.0.tar.gz
x:\usr\share\texmf> tar zxvf SOMEWHERE/tetex-texmfsrc-3.0.tar.gz
x:\usr\share\texmf> cd \
x:\>unzip SOMEWHER/tetex-src-3.0.zip
x:\>unzip OS2tree.zip
(6b. If you'd like to install in "x:/usr/share/texmf-dist", you will
have to use "/usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf-dist".
I have not tried to install "x:/usr/share/texmf-dist", so I cannot
tell you anything. Sorry.
To know "standard" installation,
read "/usr/share/texmf/doc/tetex/TETEXDOC.pdf. )
7. setup env. vars in your `config.sys'
for DLLs
add "x:\usr\dll" to your LIBPATH
x:/usr>copy dll\*.dll YOUR_LIBPATH_DIR
For `texconfig'(one of tetex utilities), you may have to setup terminfo
set TERMINFO_DIRS=x:/usr/share/terminfo;................
set TERMINFO=x:/usr/share/terminfo
set TERMCAP=x:/usr/etc/termcap.dat
set TERM=os2
I strongly recommend you to set "TERM=os2".You will see
beautiful look-and-feel.
For TeX programs
set TEXMF=x:/usr/share/texmf
set TEXMFCNF=x:/usr/share/texmf/web2c
For `texconfig'
set EDITOR=your_editor
set PAGER=less
8. Edit `x:/usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf'
texmf.cnf: edit this file!! This file was modified to use `dvipdfmx'.
texmf.cnf-pre : tetex original + my modification (I failed to use)
I think new variable SELFAUTODIR is not suitable for OS/2.
texmf.cnf-os2 : a copy of `texmf.cnf'
line 70: TEXMFMAIN = p:/usr/share/texmf
===> TEXMFMAIN = x:/usr/share/texmf
line 71: CMAP=p:/usr/share/cmap
===> CMAP=x:/usr/share/cmap
9. Edit `x:/usr/share/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf'
If you'd like to make uncommented format files, just remove "#"
NOTES: definition which contains "-enc" enables `enctex'!!
If you need to use enctex feature for `tex'
tex tex - tex.ini --enc
for latex
latex pdfetex ...... -enc
Non-Japanese users should uncomment these lines
ptex ptex - ptex.ini
platex ptex - platex.ini
10. If XFree86 for OS/2 is not available in your machine
x:/> copy usr\bin\mf-nowin.exe usr\bin\mf.exe
`mf.exe' requires ice.dll, sm.dll, x11.dll, and xt.dll
11. Update LS-R database
x:/foo> mktexlsr
Test kpsewhich avalability
x:/foo> kpsewhich times.sty
x:/foo> kpsewhich -expand-var $TEXMFMAIN
If `kpsewhich' failes, TEXMF/TEXMFCNF env. vars. are wrong or
some of `texmf.cnf' definition is wrong.
12. Make format files
I strongly recommend `fmtutil'.
x:/foo> fmtutil --all
13. Update fontmap files
x:/foo> updmap
14. Setup executables according to `fmtutil.cnf'
For example, see a line below.
latex pdfetex language.dat -translate-file=cp227.tcx *latex.i
This means only `latex.fmt' is for `pdfetex.exe'.
So you must copy pdfetex.exe to latex.exe, or make cmd file named
`latex.cmd' with a line;
@pdfetex -fmt=latex %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
You can copy from executables to other names automatically.
x:>cd \usr\bin
x:/usr/bin> 00copy_tex_executables_for_fmtutil_cnf.cmd
Now `00copy.cmd' is created.
If you need `odvips'
x:/usr/bin> copy dvips.exe odvips.exe
That's all.
For Japanese users @jap
First of all, edit $TEXMF/web2c/updmap.cfg to enable `dvips', `dvipdfm'
process Japanese. Uncomment line 79.
Line 78: # For Japanese ASCII ptex
Line 79: #Map japanese.map
Next execute `updmap' in OS/2 command prompt.
1) `dvipdfmx', `makeinfo', `mendex'(makeindex) and `texindex'
included in this package can handle files encoded by Japanese SJIS.
ASCII `ptex' and `platex' are for Japanese users.
`dvips' include in this release is not for ASCII pTeX.
To use dvips (5.94b p1.6a1 Copyright 2004 ASCII Corp.), unzip
`dvips-jp.zip' in "x:/"
x:/> unzip dvips-jp
2) xdvi-jp.exe included in this package can handle Japanese
How to use xdvi-jp.exe :
a) Read /usr/share/texmf/xdvi/README.sjis
and edit /usr/share/texmf/xdvi/vfontcap
b) In your `config.sys'
set VFONTCAP=x:/usr/share/temf/xdvi/vfontcap
set VFONTMAP=x:/usr/share/temf/xdvi/vfontmap
3)ghostscript: You can use ghostscript 8.51 or later to read Japanes ps/pdf.
You can read instruction in Japanese in OS2Wiki:
a) Confirm that Japanese CID fonts are installed in your system.
If you can't find "c:/PSFONTS/IBJHKGW5.CID", then install
them from OS/2 installation CDROM.
b) get ghostscript and GSView from CTAN and then install them.
For example get these files and install
c) Get `gs800-j-vlib-os2.zip' from
d) Setup to use Japanese CID font included in Japanese OS/2
If you have installed ghostscript in "x:/foo/gs8.53":
> x:
> cd \foo\gs8.53
> unzip SOMEWHERE/gs800-j-vlib-os2.zip gs8.00/bin/CIDJ.cmd
> copy gs8.00\bin\CIDJ.cmd .
Edit `CIDJ.cmd':
"c:\gs\gs_res.ps" to "x:/foo/gs8.53/lib/gs_res.ps"
Move "x]y/CIDFont/" directory into "x:/foo/gs8.53/Resource"
Be sure "x:/foo/gs8.53/Resource/CIDFont" directory exists.
About teTeX utilities @tetex
To see tex documentation, you can use `texdoc' in normal OS/2
environment. `xtexdoc' in XFree86 for OS/2.
I strongly recommend you to edit these scripts to match your
: ${TEXDOCVIEW_dvi=' dvi2tty.exe %s &'}
: ${TEXDOCVIEW_html='(netscape.exe %s )&'}
: ${TEXDOCVIEW_txt="${PAGER-more} %s"}
: ${TEXDOCVIEW_doc="${PAGER-more} %s"}
: ${TEXDOCVIEW_txt="${PAGER-more} %s"}
: ${TEXDOCVIEW_dvi=' xdvi %s &'}
: ${TEXDOCVIEW_pdf='xpdf %s &'}
: ${TEXDOCVIEW_ps='gv %s &'}
: ${TEXDOCVIEW_html='rxvt -e w3m %s &'}
: ${TEXDOCVIEW_txt="rxvt -e ${PAGER-more} %s &"}
: ${TEXDOCVIEW_doc="rxvt -e ${PAGER-more} %s &"}
To test `texdoc' do like this
x:/foo> texdoc xcolor.dvi
`texdoc/xtexdoc' will fail to read files
[P:\var\dvi]texdoc amstex.bug
Don't know how to view file type bug
(matching file was e:/usr/share/texmf/doc/amstex/amstex.bug)
[P:\var\dvi]texdoc amsppt.faq
Don't know how to view file type faq
(matching file was e:/usr/share/texmf/doc/amstex/amsppt.faq)
If you'd like to read files with extension like ".faq" and ".bug",
add them to `texdoc/xtexdoc'
: ${TEXDOCVIEW_faq="${PAGER-more} %s"}
: ${TEXDOCVIEW_bug="${PAGER-more} %s"}
extlist='.dvi .dvi.gz .dvi.bz2 .pdf .pdf.gz..... .faq .bug"
updmap: after you modified fontmaps or added new fontmaps, do not
forget to run `updmap'.
I recommend you to check(change) $TEXMF/web2c/updmap.cfg
according to your preference.
texconfig: this depends on terminfo, so if you failed to setup
terminfo, texconfig won't run properly.
texconfig is very useful utility to modify configuration,
make format files, and confirm TeX environments.
Manpages for teTeX utilities:
allcm allec allneeded dvi2fax dvired e2pall epstopdf fdf2tex fontinst
kpsetool kpsewhere makempy mkocp mkofm ofm2opl opl2ofm otp2ocp outocp
ovf2ovp ovp2ovf ps2frag pslatex rubibtex rumakeindex texconfig
texdoc texdoctk texexec texfind texfont texshow texutil thumbpdf
ttf2afm updmap
NOTE: I did not test all utilitis, so if you face any troubles
please inform me.
Important documents @doc
Read documents in `/usr/share/doc/tetex-3.0'
for dviljk, dvipdfm, dvipdfmx, dvipng, makeindexk, mendex
ps2pkm, xdvik
CTAN.site @ctan
In order to reduce network load, it is recommended that you use the
Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) host which is located in the
closest network proximity to your site. Alternatively, you may wish to
obtain a copy of the CTAN via CD-ROM (see help/CTAN.cdrom for details).
Known mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically, by country):
ctan.unsw.edu.au (NSW, Australia) /tex-archive
mirror.aarnet.edu.au (QLD, Australia) /pub/tex-archive
mirror.pacific.net.au (Sydney, Australia) /CTAN
ftp.univie.ac.at (Austria) /packages/tex
gd.tuwien.ac.at (Austria) /publishing/tex/CTAN
ftp.belnet.be (Belgium) /packages/ctan
ftp.das.ufsc.br (Brazil) /pub/ctan
ftp.linorg.usp.br (Brazil) /CTAN
ctan.cms.math.ca (Canada) /tex-archive
ctan.dcc.uchile.cl (Chile) /pub/lang/ctan/tex-archive
ftp.ctex.org (China) /CTAN
scratchy.emate.ucr.ac.cr (Costa Rica) /pub/ctan
ftp.cstug.cz (The Czech Republic) /pub/tex/CTAN
sunsite.dk (Denmark) /pub/tex/ctan
ftp.fu-berlin.de (Germany) /tex/CTAN
ftp.gwdg.de (Germany) /pub/dante
ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de (Germany) /pub/tex/mirror/ftp.dante.de/pub/tex
ftp.tu-chemnitz.de (Germany) /pub/tex
ftp.uni-augsburg.de (Germany) /pub/tex/ctan
ftp.uni-bielefeld.de (Germany) /pub/tex
ftp.uni-stuttgart.de (Germany) /tex-archive (/pub/tex)
ftp.linux.ee (Estonia) /pub/tex-archive
ftp.funet.fi (Finland) /pub/TeX/CTAN
ftp.inria.fr (France) /pub/TeX/CTAN
ftp.jussieu.fr (France) /pub/TeX/CTAN
ftp.loria.fr (France) /pub/ctan
ftp.oleane.net (France) /pub/mirrors/CTAN/
ftp.uvsq.fr (France) /pub/TeX/CTAN
ftp.ntua.gr (Greece) /mirror/ctan
ftp.comp.hkbu.edu.hk (Hong Kong) /pub/TeX/CTAN
ftp.sztaki.hu (Hungary) /pub/tex
mirror.csa.iisc.ernet.in (India) /tex-archive
komo.padinet.com (Indonesia) /CTAN
ftp.heanet.ie (Ireland) /pub/ctan/tex
cis.uniRoma2.it (Italy) /TeX
ftp.lab.kdd.co.jp (Japan) /CTAN
ftp.meisei-u.ac.jp (Japan) /pub/CTAN
ftp.riken.go.jp (Japan) /pub/tex-archive
ftp.u-aizu.ac.jp (Japan) /pub/tex/CTAN
sunsite.sut.ac.jp (Japan) /pub/archives/ctan
ftp.kreonet.re.kr (Korea) /pub/CTAN
ftp.ktug.or.kr (Korea) /tex-archive
ftp.fciencias.unam.mx (Mexiko) /pub/tex
ftp.easynet.nl (The Netherlands) /mirror/CTAN
ftp.ntg.nl (The Netherlands) /mirror/tex-archive
ctan.unik.no (Norway) /tex-archive
elena.aut.ac.nz (New Zealand) /pub/CTAN
sunsite.icm.edu.pl (Poland) /pub/CTAN
ftp.di.uminho.pt (Portugal) /pub/ctan
ftp.eq.uc.pt (Portugal) /pub/software/TeX
ftp.ist.utl.pt (Portugal) /pub/ctan
ftp.iasi.roedu.net (Romania) /pub/mirrors/ftp.ctan.org
ftp.chg.ru (Russia) /pub/TeX/CTAN
tex.ihep.su (Russia) (http only) /pub/TeX/CTAN
ftp.nus.edu.sg (Singapore) /pub/docs/TeX
sunsite.uakom.sk (Slovak Republic) /pub/mirrors/CTAN
ftp.sun.ac.za (South Africa) /CTAN
ftp.rediris.es (Spain) /mirror/tex-archive
ftp.sunsite.kth.se (Sweden) /pub/tex
sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch (Switzerland) /ftp/mirror/tex
ctan.cdpa.nsysu.edu.tw (Taiwan) /CTAN
ftp.ccu.edu.tw (Taiwan) /pub/tex
ftp.nctu.edu.tw (Taiwan) /pub/tex
ftp.kmitl.ac.th (Thailand) /pub/tex
sunsite.bilkent.edu.tr (Turkey) /pub/tex/ctan
sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk (UK) /package/ctan
ctan.math.utah.edu (Utah, USA) /tex-archive
ftp.cise.ufl.edu (Florida, USA) /pub/mirrors/tex-archive
ftp.duke.edu (North Carolina, USA) /pub/tex-archive
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