
Data rilascio: 
Sabato, 16 Maggio, 2009



Authors/Port authors:

QueenCy è un programma di disegno, ottimo per la manipolazione delle immagini o il disegno. Queency supporta alcune tavolette per disegno Wacom.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Eseguire install.cmd per creare gli oggetti. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

I link seguenti sono a programmi aggiuntivi, utili ma non indispensabili per il funzionamento:

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

QueenCy v. 0.2.10 (16/5/2009) Readme/What's new
V0.2.10 1.Correction of file dialog
 www.1drop.net/qc/QC0210.zip  local copy
QueenCy v. 0.2.9c (12/1/2008)
QueenCy v. 0.2.9b (25/11/2007)
QueenCy v. 0.2.9a (11/11/2007) Readme/What's new
QueenCy version 0.2.9a has been released. This is a painting program for OS/2, which supports the Wacom tablets. There are also drivers for the Wacom tablets on that page, including support for USB. The page is in Japanese, but the program supports both English and Japanese. Web site: http://www.os2.jp/modules/news/article.php?storyid=2742 A babelfish translation of the QueenCy Japanese page: This is the advanced paint software of the Masami work. Also the tablet driver seems that update related to USB is done. [ Changes ] 1. Layer addition of pass According to pass the brush drawing possibility If it is the pass which closes, the painting and the gradation inside are possible In each every point width and color of brush setting possibility Existing as for the person in without being 2. Adjusting to this, variety modifications 3. Way the new layer is drawn up on the current, modification 4. In addition bug correction
QueenCy v. 0.2.0a (17/11/2006)
QueenCy v. 0.2.0 (11/11/2006)
QueenCy v. 0.1.9c (4/6/2006) Readme/What's new
QueenCy is a paint program for OS/2 Warp 4. Operation on Warp 3 has has not been tested and is not guaranteed. Features of QueenCy include: - Layering - Pressure sensitivity when used with WacomIV and WacomV tablets (Requires drivers available at http://www.1drop.net/os2.html) - Twain scanner support Installation: Create the directory in which you want QueenCy, and expand the archive into it. Execute install.cmd from within that directory. A program object is created on your desktop. Please send any bug reports / complaints / opinions / wishes / comments to masami at 1drop.net
QueenCy v. 0.1.9b (28/4/2006)
QueenCy v. 0.1.9 (9/7/2005)
QueenCy v. 0.1.8e (26/5/2005)
QueenCy v. 0.1.8b (26/3/2005)
QueenCy v. 0.1.6a (7/7/2004)
QueenCy v. 0.1.4e (16/6/2003)
QueenCy v. 0.1.4e (16/6/2003) Readme/What's new
QueenCy is a paint program for OS/2 Warp 4. Operation on Warp 3 has has not been tested and is not guaranteed. Features of QueenCy include: - Layering - Pressure sensitivity when used with WacomIV and WacomV tablets (Requires drivers available at http://www.1drop.net/os2.html) - Twain scanner support Installation: Create the directory in which you want QueenCy, and expand the archive into it. Execute install.cmd from within that directory. A program object is created on your desktop. Please send any bug reports / complaints / opinions / wishes / comments to masami at 1drop.net
QueenCy v. 0.1.4a (8/5/2003)
Specification of QueenCy plug-in API; includes BMP sample (1/8/2002) Readme/What's new
Specification of QueenCy plug-in API. Includes BMP sample.
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 29/04/2021 - 22:13

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