I am VOICE, hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore!
VOICE is a nonprofit, virtual user group, devoted to the education and marketing of the OS/2 operating system. VOICE was formed by a small group of OS/2 users who felt they could do something to advance knowledge of the OS/2 operating system, and is comprised of other OS/2 users who feel that something needed to be done with getting OS/2 more widely recognized.
VOICE is not affiliated with International Business Machines (IBM).
*Mission Statement*
Representing OS/2 to I.B.M. and the industry, as well as marketing OS/2 to users and professionals worldwide.
*VOICE Objectives*
- Serve as a "virtual", on-line user group for OS/2 users, without a local user group, and to any other OS/2 users interested in VOICE.
- Promote OS/2 to the SOHO [small office/home office] consumer and to general computer users.
- Provide an effective communication channel between members, user groups, ISV's [independent software vendors], and IBM.
- To help OS/2 User Groups organize and promote their activities.
*Virtual Meetings*
Weekly IRC [Internet Relay Chat] meetings are held on WEBBnet in the channel #VOICE. Meetings were originally held every Wednesday. The meeting previously held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month will now be held at 12:00 EDT, noon, on the 2nd Saturday in deference to the members that have requested an alternate time. Therefore, meetings will be held on the first, third and fourth Wednesday of each month at 20:00 EDT and the second Saturday of each month at 12:00 EDT. You can use the following servers to access WEBBnet:
- irc.suntrix.com
- irc2.suntrix.com
- warpedworld.dyndns.com
- irc.isonline.com
- seward.dyndns.com
- summitcnty.com
- snoval.com
- irc.cjbbslive.com
If you're unfamiliar with IRC, visit
IRC Clients (http://oeonline.com/~mandie1/irc_clients.html). There is a list of available IRC clients, with descriptions, and a link to a chart that compares features of each. If you need further assistance e-mail
mail [dot] oeonline [dot] com (Judy McDermott (mailto:)).
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