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Domination (ex jRisk)

Data rilascio: 
Domenica, 11 Gennaio, 2004



Versione java del famoso "Risk".

Normalmente eCSoft/2 non cita applicazioni Java, a meno che non siano espressamente scritte per supportare anche  OS/2abbiano attinenza con il sistema operativo (un ridotto numero di programmi): software che supporta ufficialmente anche OS/2; software inizialmente nato su OS/2 e successivamente esteso ad altre piattaforme; software convertito in linguaggio Java; software che per qualche motivo è ritenuto particolarmente utile o interessante per la piattaforma; etc.

JRisk fa eccezione perchè ci è sembrato un'eccellente esempio di programmazione in linguaggio Java: è performante, stabile, poco esigente in risorse e supporta indistintamente tutti i Runtime Java e tutte le piattaforme! In breve, realmente aderente allo slogan di Java: "Write once, run anywhere (WORA)".

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto JAR, il formato di distribuzione compresso tipico dei programmi JAVA, in questo caso si tratta di un eseguibile autoinstallante che può utilizzare indistintamente OpenJDK (Runtime o SDK), Java SDK and JRE by Innotek 1.4.2_05 o superiore, Java J2SE by Golden Code 1.4.1_07 o superiore:

- scaricare in una cartella temporanea

- creare un'oggetto programma che punti a java.exe ed abbia per parametri "-jar Risk_install_1.x.x.x.jar"

- dopo l'installazione, creare un'oggetto programma che punti a java.exe ed abbia per parametri "-jar X:\percorso_completo\Risk.jar". E' anche possibile creare uno script in linguaggio rexx che imposti le variabili di ambiente più appropriate alla macchina virtuale desiderata. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Domination (ex jRisk) v. 1.3.3 (11/1/2025, Yura Mamyrin) Readme/What's new
Domination - Yura Mamyrin ( Java 1.5 or higher must be installed to run Domination Miniumum Resolulation is 1024x768 For information look in the manual or visit ChangeLog.txt - A history of changes in this and earlier Domination version BugTrack.txt - A list of known bugs and sugestions people have made The full source to Risk is included in Domination is under the GNU General Public License, see gpl.txt for more details. send questions and comments to: Copyright (c) 2003-2024 -------------------------------------------- 1.3.3 (11.01.2025) (svn rev 2616) Linux audio fix 1.3.2 (11.01.2025) (svn rev 2614) music update for menu and winning better loading screens when loading online games and downloading maps GameGUI: in-game can use standard keyboard shortcut to save game GameGUI: main manu - can right click to get to options screen on windows fix out of memory error, Better memory management in audio system, close audio after playing. fix for handling unexpected errors in audio system to not overload and bring down the maps server RiskGame.getMissions() now returns ALL game missions, to make AI development easier SwingGUI: can replay debug game log without having to save it to file first SwingGUI: little memory graph on debug screen SwingGUI: fix - allow opening TEG xml maps in MapEditor on macOS again
Domination (ex jRisk) v. 1.3.1 (8/5/2024, Yura Mamyrin) Readme/What's new
1.3.1 (08.05.2024) (svn rev 2540) Sounds effects and music! (memory leak fixed this time) Can change game speed in Option dialog Can view continents values for maps that do not display this information MapChooser: can right click and select Map info MapChooser: no repaint macos JDK-19 bug workaround: MapChooser loading animation added SwingGUI: can change who owns a country SwingGUI: fixed: unable to start game when all options are present MapEditor: smart fill Mnemonic 'F' MapEditor: force user to save map if changed before publish
Domination (ex jRisk) v. 1.2.9 (4/8/2023, Yura Mamyrin) Readme/What's new
1.2.9 (04.08.2023) (svn rev 2470) Hi-resolution support for image assets in main game UI GameGUI: mission dialog can be resized SwingGUI Testing tab: you can edit the number of extra armies at the start of each turn SwingGUI Testing tab: auto refresh when opening the testing tab macOS app menu 'About' and 'Settings' work correctly on java 9+ macOS SwingGUI use system menu even if launched using jar or command file macOS fix: do not require Rosetta2 to run on arm64 mac macOS fix: fix for SwingGUI not painting on startup on java19/macOS/arm64 Fixed: on macOS High Sierra, java 1.8, mouseClicked does not get called most of the time Fixed: map filename is shown sometimes instead of proper name in lobby game setup
Domination (ex jRisk) v. 1.2.8 (20/6/2023, Yura Mamyrin) Readme/What's new
1.2.8 better zoom in map editor Fix for windows exe stubs not working on java 17 izpack 5 installer fixed to put windows shortcuts Fixed: Lobby Game Setup screen some map previews not loading Fixed: Map Editor stuck and slow when drawing first country
Domination (ex jRisk) v. 1.2.7 (20/12/2022, Yura Mamyrin) Readme/What's new
1.2.7 Fix for online games over 1MB not loading Much faster startup time (6 seconds faster on mac) MapEditor: Fill Shapes right click option added to allow filling holes in countries SwingGUI: fix for online lobby sometimes not repainting when tabs switched Lobby: when player resigns, the player is converted to easy AI instead of crap AI
Domination (ex jRisk) v. 1.2.6 (17/12/2022, Yura Mamyrin) Readme/What's new
1.2.6 New field in game engine for maxCardsPerPlayer Fix grasshopper error on java 1.8 on mac when appending to log from interrupted thread Show connection errors in Lobby Fix error in replay when user has made invalid commands (e.g. tried to place 10 armies when they only have 9) SwingUI on macOS use native file chooser for selecting files (fix for Documents folder not showing files) Game engine supports over 9 players if configured with "game.players.max" in game.ini SwingGUI: can select 3 defending dice in any game mode iOS 6 Can select player color Fixed - loading dialog has square around indeterminate progress bar Android 84 fix for buttons being too wide and truncated in Lobby screen with large fonts
Domination (ex jRisk) v. 1.2.5 (18/6/2022, Yura Mamyrin) Readme/What's new
1.2.5 Fix for lobby failed to launch when javax.crypto.JceSecurity not found New field in game for minimumNewArmies that can be set depending on the game options New Italian rules: no minimum armies, if you have less than 3 counties, you get 0 armies New Italian rules: during trade get 2 extra armies for each country, and can place them anywhere New Italian rules: game engine/network play version now 14 iOS 4 Theme fix for disabled/secondary list foreground load text as utf-8 in webview iOS 3 Fixed: fails to load in languages: es, gl, nl, cs, sv iOS 2 System translations are used for standard actions UI fixes for languages with long text (ViewChooser and OptionPane) Can delete saved games with long press Online multiplayer works with Apple Push notifications iOS 1 local game fully playable, fix CIContext memory leak/crash Android 83 new Italian rules
Domination (ex jRisk) v. 1.2.4 (25/10/2021, Yura Mamyrin) Readme/What's new
1.2.4 Started iOS version Troop Strength view also shows enemies troop strength in red Fix should have bumped the network version when unicode support was added MacOS openJDK 1.8 launch script update izpack installer moved from standalone (legacy version) 4.3.5 to new 5.1.3 MapEditor: right click menu items added to countries list MapEditor: can stretch imageMap when selecting new imagePic MapEditor: hold down shift to scale added in "move all" mode MapEditor: right click menu option to grow country area by 1px
Domination (ex jRisk) v. 1.2.3 (19/11/2020, Yura Mamyrin) Readme/What's new
1.2.3 PlayerList for Lobby games shows players with correct color Fix for hi-res Linux jdk-11 that sometimes uses display density instead of scale Now works for gtk dark theme Auto-Defend now happens on the server for Lobby Multiplayer Map Editor shows rectangle for country that is used on cards SwingGUI: Options and AI speed setting put into same Options Dialog max players can be changed in game.ini config file, requested by Patreon Steve Sybesma MapEditor: fixed zoom to keep the mouse position on map static SwingGUI: testing tab, show player for online games
Domination (ex jRisk) v. 1.2.2 (27/6/2020, Yura Mamyrin) Readme/What's new
Risk - Yura Mamyrin 1.2.2 Can create private games online with a password to enter Can view cards and missions even when it is not your turn Filter online game maps by Michiel Pater Do not show dice statistics for turns when the player rolled no dice French text update by Adrien Laugueux ? Can Flag a game as inappropriate with right click menu option MapEditor: checks for overlapping circles MapEditor: warning on no cards in map
Domination (ex jRisk) v. 1.2.0 (23/12/2018, Yura Mamyrin) Readme/What's new
1.2.0 better support for hi-res windows (no more blurry text) right click to get maps by same author works better fix for hi-res linux displays fix for game not working when space in host name MapEditor: more information shown when publishing new map MapEditor: action buttons affect only selected countries MapEditor: better (cross OS) filename validation for saving maps
Domination (ex jRisk) v. (5/12/2017, Yura Mamyrin) Readme/What's new Fix for 'Top Rated' being broken on PC Domination. Swedish translation update by sa-w w waara09 Fix for hi-res mouse wheel getting UI stuck Can create online games with average AI on PC version Android 63 Sending a message from inside game added show last few chat messages in chat window shows how many of each type of AI in online game description
Domination (ex jRisk) v. (21/9/2015, Yura Mamyrin)
Domination (ex jRisk) v. (7/10/2008, Yura Mamyrin)
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 11/01/2025 - 23:56


The link does not resolve for me, this one does however

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