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Disk extractor

Data rilascio: 
Mercoledì, 1 Gennaio, 2003




Authors/Port authors:

DSKXTRCT estrae i file dalle immagini DSK, evitando la creazione fisica del disco tramite l'utilità LoadDSKF.

Il programma è concepito principalmente per estrarre direttamente su disco i file dei FixPak forniti da IBM. DSKCOMPR compara i file contenuti in un immagine DSK con quelli contenuti in una directory o su floppy. Questo è utile per verificare che LOADDSKF abbia creato correttamente il dischetto dalla immagine.

Questo software è distribuito come pacchetto compresso, da scaricare e installare manualmente; se ci sono prerequisiti da soddisfare, andranno anch'essi scaricati e installati manualmente.

Installazione manuale

Il programma è distribuito come pacchetto ZIP: scaricare in una cartella temporanea e scompattare nella cartella di destinazione. Vedi sotto per il(i) link di download.

Qui di seguito trovi i link di download per l'installazione manuale del software:

Disk extractor v. 1.3 (1/1/2003, Alan B. Arnett, Lars Erdmann) Readme/What's new
DSKXTRCT and DSKCOMPR - Version 1.3 - 4/2/2003 Copyright 1997, 1998 by Alan B. Arnett Updated 2003 by Lars Erdmann Contact: Program summary The DSKXTRCT and DSKCOMPR programs work with DSK diskette image files associated with the IBM programs, SAVEDSKF and LOADDSKF. (See documentation for a brief explanation of the SAVEDSKF and LOADDSKF utilities.) DSKXTRCT extracts the original files from DSK files into a subdirectory, avoiding the need to recreate diskettes. This is useful if the desire is to copy the original files onto a hard drive without creating intermediate diskettes. One of the major purposes for DSKXTRCT is to create a hard drive subdirectory directly from IBM fixpak DSK files that can be used to apply the fixpak, bypassing the creation of diskettes. DSKCOMPR compares the files in DSK files to a target subdirectory or diskette. This is useful for verifying that LOADDSKF correctly created the diskette. The compare of a DSK file to a diskette is a case where DSKCOMPR fills a need not satisfied by LOADDSKF. DSKXTRCT was written to fulfill two needs. First, to eliminate the need to create diskettes from IBM fixpak DSK files. With DSKXTRCT, a subdirectory containing the original files can be created directly from the DSK files and the SERVICE process then can be changed to use this subdirectory. Second, to enable the storage of product diskette backups on large storage media such as ZIP or SYQUEST drives using the SAVEDSKF program and still have access to the original files when needed without having to recreate the diskettes. DSKCOMPR was written as a companion program, as a result of bbs exchanges/complaints about diskette errors that sometimes went undetected when LOADDSKF recreated fixpak diskettes.
Scheda aggiornata l'ultima volta il: 08/07/2023 - 05:40


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